[S4E1]: Old Feuds Die Hard
A catchy pop beat plays as different camera angles show off Ren & Aaron’s brand new multimillion dollar home in the uppity neighborhood of Beverly Bluffs. In the kitchen, Ren pours two glasses of wine. She turns around and arranges crostinis on an extravagant charcuterie board.
Ren: “Perfect.” She whispers to herself and smiles as she looks down at her work.
All of a sudden, a baby’s fuss can be heard. The camera zooms in on Ren’s maid, Consuela, who is sitting at the kitchen table rocking a baby. Ren walks over.
Ren: “Gracie, what's the matter? Do you need your pacifier?”
She leans down to take the baby but Gracie begins screaming louder and clings to Consuela.
Ren: “Ugh, fine.” She bites her lip and walks back over to her charcuterie board.
Ren’s husband, Aaron, walks into the kitchen.
Aaron: “It might be time for her to get some sleep. It’s way past her bedtime anyways. Connie, can you take her up the the nursery and I’ll warm up a bottle.” He flashes his dashing smile.
Consuela: “Yes, Mr. Aaron.” She gets up with Gracie and heads upstairs.
Aaron walks right past Ren to the refrigerator and begins the process of heating up a bottle.
“Life for the Rose’s has been a lot different. A few months back Aaron’s girlfriend passed while giving birth, it's something that took our unit totally off guard. Since, we have relocated to a more family friendly house, I never thought in a million years that I would be playing the role of a mother at this point in my life, especially to a child that is not biologically mine but Gracie has been an amazing blessing in my life and Aaron has been an amazing father. I’m really seeing a different side to him and it’s beautiful. Unfortunately, I've been having a difficult time bonding with her.”
Aaron turns to Ren.
Aaron: “I’m just going to bring this up to Consuela.” He holds up the bottle and shakes it. “Then we can chat?”
Ren: “Yeah…Sure. I’ll bring all this to the living room.”
As Aaron heads upstairs, Ren relocates to the living room. She sits on the couch and begins sipping on her glass of wine. Aaron bounds down the stairs and joins Ren on the couch.
Aaron: “Hey.”
Ren: “Hey. It’s nice that we get to have a moment, I feel like we haven’t had a wine night in so long.” She smiles.
Aaron: “Yeah well…” He shakes his head. “You’ve been pretty busy traveling and working. When you’re not doing that it seems like you’re out late partying.”
Ren: “Babe, I’m not partying. It’s called networking. With you on leave from the NFL, I just want to make sure me, you, and the baby are all good.” She looks concerned as she puts her hand on Aaron’s thigh.
“I can tell that Aaron has been resenting me for taking the role as a working mom but it’s 2021, he needs to get over it.”
Aaron gives Ren a look of uncertainty.
Aaron: “Yeah okay?” He sips his wine. “We are more than good on money, I would like my wife to be a mother as well and take care of OUR daughter.”
Ren: “Aaron…look, I’m trying my best. Gracie hasn't been taking to me since we brought her home. I’ve tried everything! When I’m out working and building my brand at least acknowledge I’m supporting in that sense.”
Aaron lets out a huff of air and rolls his eyes.
Aaron: “Ren, c’mon don't act like you’re really trying.” He chuckles and Ren looks down. “Gracie can't bond with you because you have Consuela breaking her back taking care of this big house that you wanted and the kid. I’m tired of this shit man…”
The camera zooms in on Ren who looks genuinely stunned.
Ren: “Aaron I’m not doing this with you tonight! This is suppose to be our date night and you’re bringing this up? What the fuck?!”
Aaron: “Listen, when I found out it would be us raising Gracie together, I gave up on other women. I did that to focus on that little girl up there and you. I want a family. Get it together Ren or we are gonna have some problems.”
Ren: “Aaron — “
Aaron gets up.
Aaron: “I gotta train tomorrow, I’m going to bed…” He walks upstairs.
The scene ends with Ren sitting alone on the couch with her head in her hands. Her wedding ring is zoomed in on.
A rap beat with heavy bass plays as Lorelei zooms into a driveway in her shiny silver 2022 Range Rover. She gets out of the car then goes to the backseat to get her daughter, Banks. She walks up to the front door but hesitates before knocking. She takes a shaky breath before finally deciding to knock on the door.
The background music stops as footsteps from inside approach the door. An unknown woman’s voice can be heard comforting herself inside.
Woman: “I can do it, everything will be fine. You are the only person that controls your emotions.”
Seconds later, Imani Grimaldi, opens to the door. She is unable to control her facial expressions and nerves as she looks at Lorelei and Banks.
Imani: “H-hey!” She extends a shaky hand towards Lorelei.
Lorelei looks Imani up and down and awkwardly forces a smile.
Lorelei: “Hey, sister. You look good. What’s this? We’re not on hugging terms? Come here.” She laughs nervously and pulls Imani into a hug.
“I haven’t seen my sister in a long, long, time.”
Producer: “How long?”
Lorelei lets out a sigh and looks up, trying to think.
“God, I don’t know…I haven’t physically been in her presence for maybe 6 or 7 years now? We used to be incredibly close when we were kids, I mean inseparable. Things changed as we got older, our chemistry just disappeared and then when all of the things with Morgan & Xavier came out last year…she made it very clear she wasn’t really supportive of me.”
Imani: “Thank you, you look amazing as well. And this must be Banks…” She grins and leans down to see the baby. “Adorable…uh. Sorry, I feel very awkward right now, mind if we go to the kitchen?”
Lorelei looks at her and nods.
Lorelei: “Yeah, that’s fine. This is your house…” She forces another fake smile.
The girls enter Imani’s house that is littered with unpacked moving boxes.
“My name is Imani Fox-Grimaldi. You may know me from the scandalous headlines I’ve been involved in the past few years because of my divorce with Marco Grimaldi. My life is a whirlwind. I escaped home at a young age and I cut everyone off.” She nods while she looks into the camera. “Growing up, my family was not the greatest. But now my life is pretty damn good. I just moved to Beverly Beach for a job opportunity and Lorelei heard and reached out to me.” She shrugs. “We haven’t seen eachother in forever. The only time I’ve talked to her this year is when called her and told her I moved to Beverly Beach then invited her over. So yes, I am very nervous.” She chuckles.
In the kitchen, Imani opens up her refrigerator and pulls a beautiful fruit salad out. She sets it on the kitchen’s island. The background music disappears.
Imani: “Listen — I haven’t seen you in years and I’ve just been thinking…about your intentions.” She shovels fruit onto two beautiful pieces of china.
Lorelei places Banks in her carrier on the counter. She gives her a pacifier then looks over at Imani with her eyebrow raised.
Lorelei: “What do you mean?”
Imani: “You haven’t been very nice to me or interested in a relationship with me for the past I dunno, 20 years. I want to know now that you have a stained reputation, are you just trying to use me as your mop? Because, I’m settled for life. I have what I need, but if your intentions are to treat me like you have been — I need to know now.”
“In some ways, yes, I do resent Lorelei. As soon as we stopped being close, she turned into a bully towards me. When we were teens, everything was about her. She was the popular, ‘could-never-do-wrong’ girl amongst family and friends. I was always the fat sister, everyone looked down on me. Lorelei knew this was the perception and that I was insecure about it yet she’d still use it to poke and prawd me. It was like a power trip to her. It made me have trust issues and develop concern about the people I surround myself with.”
Lorelei sighs and leans against the counter, continuing to stay silent.
Imani: “Seriously Lorelei — I’m not here to be your punching bag this time around. I’m not here to feed your ego.”
Lorelei leans forward, unfazed, and plops a blueberry from the salad into her mouth.
Lorelei: “Are you done?”
Imani nods her head, frazzled and trying to collect herself.
Imani: “Yes. You can go.”
“This is typical Imani. She will go on a tirade and rant on and on about a bunch of nothing and never lets anyone get a word in. You have to just let her flap her jaw until she gets tired and runs out of things to pull from her ass.”
Lorelei: “Okay…Now that I can actually speak. First of all, I don’t appreciate you coming at me like this. I came here as a grown woman, Imani. I came as YOUR SISTER. I’ve offered to help you unpack and I truly want to get to a resolution on why our relationship is so strained. But we’re not going to get anywhere if you can’t control yourself. Speak to me like a grown woman. Get it together and stop it.
Imani rolls her eyes and takes a swig from her water glass
Imani: “I want you to feel welcome here in my home. I want a relationship with you. I know you’re going through a really tough time but I want you to come to me because you want my support and you feel safe with me, not because I’m your only option left. You are my sister and I really have love for you but you need to understand me, all the trauma I have been through…It’s not easy. I apologize for the bombardment.”
Lorelei bites her lip and scoots forward, she reaches over and pulls Imani into a sincere hug.
Lorelei: “Look, Imani. I’m serious, I want to move on too. I think we both have a lot of resentment towards one another and we definitely need to hash it out. I just think for right now, lets enjoy each other’s company and get you unpacked. We can sit down woman to woman without my child being here and we can really discuss whatever it is you’re feeling.”
“I do genuinely love my sister. She does make it really hard sometimes. She loves to say ‘woe is me’ alot. I know I didn’t do anything wrong. Our relationship is the way it is because of her and I’m standing firm on that.” She nods and sips her drink. “Maybe she shouldn’t be so much of a bitch…”
Imani sniffles as she pulls away from the hug.
Imani: “It’s been really hard without you. You know I don’t talk to the rest of the family, really.”
Lorelei: “I know. I will be here for you.”
Imani: “I really want to know how you’re doing. Are you okay? I don’t know if you wanna talk about it, but this entire situation you found yourself in is…madness.”
Lorelei opens a box in the kitchen and starts unloading utensils.
Lorelei: “I don’t really want to talk about Morgan or Xavier right now. I’m here to help you unpack so let’s just focus on that.”
Imani: “Alright then. I just want you to know that I’m here for you. You really can’t hide a big infested scar with a bandaid.”
Lorelei purses her lips.
Lorelei: “Yeah…Yeah, I know.”
The scene ends as the girls begin unpacking.
Lauren walks into a dimly lit lounge. Upbeat background music plays as she walks over to a woman and gives her a big hug.
Lauren: “Katrina! How are you, girl?”
“I’ve known Katrina for a loooong time. She is a long time member of the country club where Richard and I are — were — members, so we go back about 12 years. She has been a professional match maker since before I knew her. I was obviously married so I didn’t need her services but I tried going on a some dates since Richard and I seperated. After more than a few awkward dinners, I realized I might need some help.” She laughs.
The women sit.
Lauren: “First off — thanks so much for taking me on as your newest client.”
Katrina: “Oh, honey! You know I love a good set up. I already have so many men in mind for you. I want to take this time to pick your brain to see what you’re really looking for in a man.” She pulls out a clipboard and a pen. “You deserve a good man, Lauren. I will find one for you. Before we get into it, you have to tell me how you’re doin’. I can’t imagine how hard this past year has been for you.”
Lauren nods along.
Lauren: “Yeah, it was not the easiest decision to finally leave Richard. You know, I was just too comfortable with our life. I’m proud of myself because now I’m getting back out there again. I feel so free, I haven’t felt this way in years. The kids are doing better than expected which I can thank our family therapist for. I am also getting all settled into my new office downtown for my party planning business. It’s a lot but in the best possible way. I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Just hearing myself say how busy I am out loud is making me start to re-think dating. Do I even have time for this?” She raises her eyebrow. “I am tired of waiting around on men. I want to start putting myself out there, even if it’s nothing serious.” She winks at the camera.
Katrina: “Wow! Look at you. You are keeping busy. Your daughter is so proud that she helps you with some of your party planning, by the way. Whenever she is over at the house with our little Samantha, she is always talking about how she loves that you let her pick out things for parties — It’s adorable.”
Lauren: “Aw” She smiles. “Brooke is a good girl, I love that we found something we both love that we can spend time doing together. It’s really been bonding us.”
Katrina: “Oh! And Richard’s girlfriend, Rachel? She is such a doll when she comes with Richard to pick up Brooke. You got so lucky with that one. You can imagine the stories I hear…just terrible stories about trying to co-parent with an ex’s new significant other who’s a total bitch.”
Lauren forces a smile and nods.
Lauren: “Yeah…Sure am lucky.
“Rachel and Richard are still together.” She sighs. “It seems like their relationship is turning quite…serious. He recently has been introducing her to our shared friends. Everyone for whatever reason seems to love her. I honestly don’t get it.” She shrugs and rolls her eyes. “As long as Richard is happy and the kids are safe, I’m happy I guess.”
Lauren: “So let’s get into finding me a NEW man. I can’t wait to see your picks for me.”
Katrina smiles at Lauren.
Katrina: “You must love having nights to yourself again…You know, I almost envy you.” She chuckles then begins writing on her clipboard. “Alright now, let’s start with the basics. What’s the age range you want to stay in and how far away can he live from you?”
Lauren: “Well, I would say I want to stay between 40 and 55? Maybe give or take a few years if he’s the right fit. I don’t want anything too young though. I am not here for that.” She laughs. “He can live anywhere as long as he can fly into Beverly Beach and take me to dinner once a week. Oh! I am also really just looking for a MONOGAMOUS relationship this time. Monogamy is a must in my next relationship.”
Katrina scribbles down notes.
Katrina: “Uh-huh, I hear you. You know, men don’t just sign up for a matchmaker if they want to be philandering pigs. These men want a real connection too.” She looks up at Lauren and claps her hands together. “Ahhh! I know I will find you Mr. Perfect, just wait.” She looks down at her phone. “Oh geez, where did the time go?! I gotta run but I will call you as soon as I find someone that I think will be a good fit!”
The scene ends as Katrina gets up and kisses Lauren on the cheek then scurries out.
An office building is shown as phones can be heard ringing and people talking in the background. Inside, Grace Faroe walks through the halls of her office talking to her assistant.
Grace: “Yes, we need to pull this fabric, oh, this one too! Don’t forget to send out the illustrations I drew up earlier this week along with the flats and swatches for each design as well. We really need to get these fabrics in by the end of the month.”
She points to her assistant’s iPad screen, he nods and scurries off. The camera now focuses on a big pink neon sign in the front of her office that says ‘House of Faroe’.
“My name is Grace Faroe and I am a fashion designer. Wait…” She holds up her hand. “I don’t just make fashion, I LOVE and LIVE fashion.” She chuckles.
An elevator dings and Grace whips around. Elyse steps out of the elevator and squeals.
Elyse: “Oh my god! Grace! Is that you baby? Come here! I haven’t seen you in forever.”
Grace does a giddy clap and rushes over to Elyse and wraps her arms around her.
Grace: “So good to see you, babe! Tell me — How was Europe?!”
Elyse: “Oh baby, it was wonderful! A much needed breather.”
“I just got back to Beverly Beach a few days ago. I’ve spent the past month and a half travelling across Europe, I really just needed to clear my head. Being around these ladies last year cut me to the core, I was made out to be some pot stirring trouble maker, a liar, and a drug addict when I was just simply trying to tell the truth. I needed to take a step back and focus on myself.”
Grace: “I’m really glad to hear and I’m really glad you’re back here in Beverly Beach! I’m so excited we get to work on this project together!”
Grace’s Confessional:
“I’ve known Elyse since college. Crazy, right? I mean, it wasn’t that long ago for us.” She laughs. “She’s always been someone I’ve looked up to, so carefree. Through my self discovery and realizing I’m a lesbian, I was able to form a genuine connection with her. The LGBTQIA+ community in Beverly Beach is not that big. We gravitate towards eachother because of our ties in the fashion world, as well as our shared experiences. She’s definitely a great girl to be around.” She smiles.
Elyse: “Tell me, how are the children? I know Megan and Gemini miss their auntie Elyse.”
Grace: “Oh, they are good! Gemini can’t wait for you to take him out on another shopping trip. Since he came out, he’s definitely come into his own. I couldn’t be more proud of him and grateful to you for enabling him to feel comfortable in his own skin.”
“From an early age, I had issues with my identity and who I really was. I was married to a man for almost 20 years, after our divorce I came out.” She shrugs. “I do not regret our marriage because I got two beautiful children out of it. My son recently came out as gay so it’s really cool I can bond with him on that level.”
Elyse: “Well, he’s my favorite you know.” She giggles gleefully. “So, shall we talk business? This boutique wants us to come up with some Pride Month pieces. They picked some winners baby because you and I are the fashion divas!” She gives Grace a high five. “Although, the boutique does seem a bit low budget…”
Grace laughs and shakes her head.
Grace: “Elyse!”
Producer: “Did you do any research on the boutique?”
“Well, some. It must be Lorelei’s, I mean did you see what they carry? My god.”
The girls walk into Grace’s spacious office and sit.
Grace: “I think this is a opportunity to showcase new talent and I’m always down for that.” She smiles.
Elyse subtly rolls her eyes and huffs out air.
Elyse: “Honestly. I say we call up Balenciaga and do something with them.” She whips out her phone and begins texting. “So…what have you been working on? I saw in the papers your line was down for a while. Dimitri getting involved?” She finally looks up from her phone.
Graces smiles turns into a frown.
Grace: “Yeah. Since the divorce came through, nothing’s been easy. He’s definitely a different person, but we both are I suppose.” She sigh. “ But what he’s doing…it’s slander. And it’s offensive. Worst of all, it’s affecting my relationship with our children.” She bites her lip, trying not to tear up.
“My ex husband, Dimitri, was less than thrilled when our marriage ended. Mostly because I fell in love with another woman and he realized who I really was. He…just can’t cope with who I am, the person I’m now brave enough to be. It’s disappointing to say the least.”
Elyse: “Oh stop it, Grace! I can’t cry with you because I just got my weekly dose of Botox.” She pats her cheeks. “I’ve been around a lot of bitches that bring drama in the UK and I don’t want to start that again.” She laughs and smiles at Grace. “So forget him!”
Grace: “You’re right, you’re right. I shouldn’t let it affect me this much.”
Elyse: “Exactly!” She grins at Grace. “So what were you thinking we should do for this collection concept wise? Maybe a t-shirt line for the kiddies?”
“I’ve really missed Grace. We live in the same city but don’t see eachother as much as we should. I’m confident in working on this line with her. We’ve worked together before and boy are we great in the sack.” She giggles. “I mean we are great as a team.”
Grace: “That could work.” She puts on her glasses and opens a notebook, she begins scribbling down notes. “These t-shirts need to be stylish and be able to send a message, but in a subtle way. We could do alot with this. I’m thinking of some really cool concepts right now.” She looks up at Elyse. “Whenever I’m designing a line, I always think of my own children and what they’d think of the outfit and if they’d wear the outfit.”
Elyse: “Remember when we were in college and you designed that swimwear line. Oh — and that show we put on? I can’t believe when I walked down the runway my bottoms fell apart. Thank god I had waxed that day, baby.” Her eyes widen. “Could you imagine?” She giggles and grabs Grace’s arm. “The frat boys sure were loving it. I went home with one that night…”
Grace bursts out laughing.
Grace: “Oh, I remember that! You had a crush on him all of sophomore year! Wouldn’t shut up about him.” She rolls her eyes playfully. “What was his name again?” She taps her pen on her notepad, trying to remember. “CRAIG! He was Craig! I think I saw him the other week. He’s was my barista at Starbucks.”
Elyse: “He was a doll. Smallest dick I’ve ever seen but he was useful for other things.” She shrugs. “Starbucks? Poor thing.” She pouts. “Anyways back to the project. The T-shirts sound good. I’ve got some good fabric we can use. I think the portion of the sales should go to the Trevor Project.”
Grace: “Perfect idea. I’m very excited to do this with you.” She smiles.
Elyse: “Well lets stop with the business talk. It’s making my head hurt! Let’s go grab a bite to eat.”
The scene fades as Elyse and Grace head towards the elevator.
The scene starts off in silence except for white noise. A faint cough is heard, someone shifting in their seat can also be heard. The camera pans to former housewife from Seasons 1–3, Olivia Blake, facing her fiancè, Brandon, in front of a crowd of people on their wedding day. An officiant stands to their side.
Officiant: “By the power vested in me by the state of California, it is with great joy I now pronounce you husband and wife. Let no man separate this sacred bond. Now for the first time ever, Brandon you may kiss your bride.”
Brandon, face lit up with joy, goes in for a kiss. The guests in attendance begin cheering and clapping as the new bride and groom have their first kiss as a married couple. In line with the other bridesmaids, Ren and Lauren clap. We now see Elyse and Lorelei in the audience clapping as well. Cheery music plays as we get a montage of Olivia and Brandon walking back down the aisle. The scene now transitions to the beautiful ballroom reception. Guests start filing in. Elyse and Lorelei sit next to eachother at their assigned table, an awkward silence stands between them as they both actively avoid interacting with one another.
“What a way to start the year.” She laughs. “I’ve been sitting next to Lorelei all day. Yes, I’ll say it again. Next to Lorelei.” She rolls her eyes. “‘I’m putting up with her because we’re here in L.A. for Olivia’s wedding, which was beautiful by the way. I’m really happy for her. After what this group has been through last year, we all deserve a happy ending. Well, some of us do at least.”
After taking a drink from her champagne flute, Lorelei clears her throat and turns to Elyse.
Lorelei: “This was a beautiful wedding.”
Elyse nods and looks at Lorelei, unamused.
Elyse: “Sure was. Olivia deserves it.”
Lorelei: “She does.” She plasters a fake smile on her face and looks around. “I wonder when the wedding party will come in. Ren and Lauren looked so pretty.”
“I’m really over the drama, I’m over the constant bickering. I’m glad Olivia and I were able to move forward and she invited me to her wedding. Sitting next to Elyse is awkward to say the least, but I wouldn’t miss Olivia’s wedding just because I have to be around someone that I don’t like. We’re grown women here.”
The camera follows Lauren and Ren as they finish up taking wedding party pictures and walk into the reception.
Ren: “I’m glad Olivia didn’t make the party do one of those tacky entrances…”
Lauren: “Hey! I think those are kind of fun.”
Ren rolls her eyes and laughs.
Ren: “You would think that.”
Lauren: “Shut up!”
Lauren playfully hits Ren and the duo giggle. They make their way over to Elyse and Lorelei’s table. Elyse looks up and smiles.
Lorelei: “Hey girls, you both look beautiful.”
Lauren: “Hey Lorelei, Hey Elyse. You both do too.” She smiles.
Elyse: “Finally someone I can talk to.” The camera shows Lorelei who shakes her head. “You two were are so pretty up there. And the wedding….oh my god!”
Ren: “Olivia is just so happy.”
Elyse: “We were just saying how she deserves this.”
Lauren: “Did you guys see my crying? I was a wreck during the vows.”
Lorelei: “We saw AND heard.”
The girls all laugh.
Ren: “Here, let’s sit for a second. These heels are killing me.”
Olivia and Brandon are announced and then make their entrance into the reception. Lorelei looks Olivia up and down, impressed.
Lorelei: “Oh my gosh, she looks absolutely stunning.”
Lauren: ‘The second dress is almost better than the first! Oh my gosh.”
Elyse: “She may be the most beautiful bride! Until I get married, of course.” She laughs.
After greeting a few people, Olivia breaks away from Brandon and makes her way over to the table of girls.
Olivia: “You girls, thank you all for being here today.”
One by one, all the girls get up and hug Olivia.
Lorelei: “It’s my pleasure. Congratulations again, Liv. I’m happy for you, truly.”
“Olivia really does make a beautiful bride. I’m so happy for her despite any bumps we had this past year, she was a true friend to me. She deserves all the happiness.”
Ren: “I’m so glad we got to share this wonderful day together.” She kisses Olivia on the cheek.
Olivia: “It’s so nice to see you all and have the gang back together.” She laughs.
Lauren: “I agree. It’s nice to see you, Lorelei. It’s been a while.” She turns to Lorelei.
“I have seen Ren and Olivia a lot since last year. Unfortunately I haven’t really seen any of the other girls since the Reunion. I know there was some ugliness that occured but I’m hoping maybe we can all get a fresh start on the right path tonight.”
Olivia sits at the table with the ladies.
Olivia: “Yes, good! Let’s catch up real fast before I make all my rounds.”
Lorelei looks over at Lauren and smiles.
Lorelei: “Likewise, Lauren. I’ve just been in my own peace bubble, dealing with being a new mom and all.” She looks to the other ladies. “Since this is my first time seeing you all in person, I just wanted to apologize for last year. I’m sorry for lying to you all about my relationship with Xavier and I truly am in a much better head space. I want to move forward with all of you and start fresh.” She bites her lip.
Ren smiles at Lorelei.
Ren: “Of course.”
Lauren: “Aw girl, of course we can move forward! I am so happy for you and your new family. You don’t need any negativity when you have a new baby. I know that. Nothing but support from me when it comes to your family.” She reaches over and rubs Lorelei’s back.
Olivia: “Fresh is right! I know you ladies can get it together.”
“Last year was a shitstorm. I don’t want to go back and relive it. I’d rather just apologize to everyone and move forward. I’m a new mother and I’d rather have positive energy surrounding me.”
With a stank face, Elyse raises her eyebrow.
Elyse: “What are you apologising to me for, Lorelei? I didn’t catch that.”
“Soooo what exactly is she apologising for? I need specifics. She called me a liar, she tried to make me out to be a villain for telling the truth…oh! And let’s not forget she’s accused me of being a drug addict.”
Lorelei looks to Elyse smirking and clearly biting her tongue.
Lorelei: “I’m saying sorry, Elyse. I said I was sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for calling you a liar.” She nods.
Elyse stares Lorelei dead in the eyes.
Elyse: “And? What else?”
“I love Elyse but I’m really not sure why she’s not just accepting Lorelei’s apology and moving on. Last year got really ugly between them but there comes a point where you just need to let bygones be bygones for the sake of the group as a whole. It’s uncomfortable with all this hostility they have towards one another.”
Olivia rolls her eyes.
Olivia: “Oh, for heaven’s sake, Elyse. She is sorry, let’s not drag this out.” She takes a sip from her champagne flute.
Ren: “Elyse, Isn’t her two apologises enough?”
Elyse: “Yeah. If you say so, Liv. Today is all about you so I can ignore whatever she’s trying to do.”
“Moving on? I don’t think so. Lorelei can dig herself a ditch and go lay in it. Hopefully she can still afford designer dresses, she’s still trash though.”
Lorelei shakes her head and rolls her eyes, ignoring Elyse. She downs her glass of wine.
Olivia: “Well I want to see you ladies on the dance floor!”
Lorelei: “You don’t have to ask me twice! One sec, I’ll meet you guys out there. I need to use the restroom first.”
As Lorelei gets up and walks off, the rest of the ladies all turn to Elyse.
Lauren: “What gives?! I thought you got over the Lorelei situation on your European vacation?”
Elyse: “Who said I got over it?” She scoffs and looks irritated. “She wasn’t in my space so I didn’t think about her. But seeing her bloated head now? It’s bringing everything back.”
Olivia: “You should really try to move forward with her, babe. She’s trying!”
Elyse: “Olivia — Did you see her on social media last year? Her tweets? She was so rude! I didn't deserve that. She can move on with you all but not me. Her apology is not genuine. She said she hates me! I don’t believe in this change of heart.” She looks agitated.
Olivia nods.
Olivia: “Things said on social media are in reaction to the episode that just aired and other things — If she’s showing you she wants to move forward to your face, believe it. Or at least try with her.”
Elyse rolls her eyes and gets up, she reaches out for Lauren’s hand.
Elyse: “Let’s go dance.”
Lauren grins and gets up with Elyse.
Lauren: “Elyse, please please please just consider it.”
Elyse: “Can we just dance? Please!”
She pouts and Lauren nods.
Lauren: “Fine.”
“I am not going to keep pressing this. Lorelei can deal with Elyse on her own because she did this to herself, really. At least I gave it a nudge.”
The camera follows Olivia as she walks over to Brandon and her sons; Raul & Luis. Brandon wraps his arms around her waist and plants a kiss on her forehead.
Brandon: “How’s my WIFE?”
Olivia giggles.
Olivia: “Good, good. Just catching up with the Beverly Beach girls.”
Raul: “How are they?”
Olivia: “Dramatic. As always.”
They all laugh and the scene cuts to Lauren, Ren, Lorelei, & Elyse dancing. The episode fades out.