[S3E7]: Back in The Beach
Fun, pop music plays as we get shots of Beverly Beach’s glamourous shopping district. The camera follows Olivia as she walks into a high end furniture store. Inside, Lauren is looking at some of the furniture.
Olivia: “Hi diva! How are you?”
Lauren: “Hey girl!”
The two women hug.
Olivia: “Thanks so much for helping me look for new furniture, God knows Brandon is useless in this department.”
Lauren: “Oh, trust me. I had to pick out every last inside detail when Richard and I built our house.” She bites her lip.
Olivia: “Mmm..so how's all of…that…going. I mean with the separation and stuff.” She looks at Lauren, slightly concerned.
Lauren: “Honestly it’s going pretty good. Obviously it's really hard and I’m still processing everything but we were at a point where Richard was so checked out and I was just clinging onto the marriage. A lot of stress has been lifted off my shoulders…I just feel free, ya know?”
“As many nights as I cry and days I just power through, in the grand scheme of things I’m actually really happy. This separation was kind of a blessing in disguise. I would have stuck with this marriage until the day I died and not truly been happy or fulfilled. Now, I’m kind of getting a second shot at life. I can spread my wings and really just be Lauren! Not Lauren Barnes.”
Olivia: “I’m so happy for you.” She grins and reaches for Lauren’s hand and gives it a squeeze.
Olivia and Lauren begin walks around the store, looking at different furniture sets.
Lauren: “Thank you, Olivia! I actually just got done filing the paperwork for my new business. I’ve decided to open a party planning business! Since Richard and I have seperated I want to make my own money and start something for myself and my children. Plus, I already know all the contacts and have binders full of stuff from the dealership parties I’ve planned. I’m pretty happy about it.”
Olivia: “Lauren! That’s really impressive, look at you being a boss bitch.” She winks. “I’m sure I will be using your business! Maybe I’ll even be the first customer!”
“I’m really proud of Lauren. I definitely want her to plan a party for me! It’s cool to see her kind of change into this new, independent person.”
Lauren: “So, have you been seeing Ren and Aaron's pictures from the Bahamas? They look so happy together! It gives me hope, you know they’ve been through alot.”
Olivia: “Ren had the right idea. I need a vacation after that ‘vacation’ we just took.”
Lauren: “Okay girl….you know we have to talk about the Sedona trip.”
Olivia: “Oh my god I don’t even want to relive it.”
Lauren: “The trip was insanely terrible! Between Ren and Lorelei and you and Ashantai, it was an actual dumpster fire. I am so sorry that Ashantai threw a bottle at you! That is so despicable.” She has a disgusted look on her face.
Olivia rolls her eyes.
Olivia: “I can’t be around that woman. I’ve never met a woman that was as uneducated and uncouth as her. She literally exists in this group to fight with us. I’m over it.”
Lauren nods and runs her hand along a couch.
Lauren: “What really bothered me was that she was acting like what she did wasn’t a big deal.” She shakes her head. “Like, hello?! You can’t just throw things at people! This woman works at or for a school. It’s crazy.”
Olivia: “Does she really work? I wouldn’t want my kids around her. She’s a professional victim and shows no remorse for her actions. A nutcase!”
The girls keep looking at furniture before sitting in a nearby sofa.
Lauren: “Oooh this is nice.”
Olivia: “I’m actually living for the color!”
Lauren: “Back to our conversation. There were two fights on the trip. We cannot have the group be so divided like last year! That was horrible and toxic. Where do you think we all go from here? It’s a mess.”
Olivia: “I honestly don’t have any interest in being around Ashantai in any sort of capacity. Maybe this whole thing isn’t for her anymore. I’m too old to lower myself to hangout with a woman of her stature.”
All of a sudden, Olivia’s phone buzzes from a text. She looks at the screen then falls out of the sofa dramatically. Lauren starts laughing.
Lauren: “Oh my god! Who is that?”
Olivia: “Look!” She hands her phone to Lauren. “Ashantai just sent me a text. I cannot.”
Lauren: “Wow. So she wants to meet up?”
Olivia gets back up and fixes herself on the sofa.
Olivia: “What is there to explain? She needs to own her bad behavior and apologize.”
Lauren: “Maybe you should go…and bring a nice sized water bottle.” She laughs.
Olivia: “Uhhh… maybe I should. I’m telling you, this is my last straw with her. If she doesn’t just apologize then I refuse to interact with her. I also need you to come with me! I’m not being in a room with the crazy woman alone.”
Lauren: “Alright, alright. I’ll come to mediate.” She smiles. She then perks up like she remembered something. “O-M-G! I forgot to tell you with all this mess. Elyse told me on our hike in Sedona that she knows something ‘deeply incriminating’ about Lorelei.” She raises an eyebrow.
Olivia: “And what is it that she knows?” She bites her lip.
Lauren: “Elyse didn’t say, she just said that she knows it.” She shrugs. “I’m curious.”
Olivia laughs a bit.
Olivia: “Girl! A whole damn mess…Elyse needs to stop it with these ominous rumors. I told Lorelei and Ashantai before Ashantai went cuckoo bananas, but Elyse’s clothing brand is currently on sale at Walmart. All the picking she was doing on Ashantai and her line is on the shelves there. Ashantai probably was wearing her damn line!”
Lauren: “Well now that gives you an excuse to make nice with her…We need to sneak into her closet to see is she owns any of Elyse’s line.”
The girls laugh and high five each other as the scene fades out.
Elyse is seen walking into an empty venue with her assistant, Sophia.
“So!! I’m here!! It’s that time of the year for my LGBTQIA fundraiser. I have a FABULOUS theme planned for this year. Instead of a stuffy ball gown gala, I’m turning this event space into the hottest rave that Beverly Beach has ever seen. The ‘Come One, Come All’ rave will be the event of the year. Come one come all baby! And when I say come…” She laughs. “everyone will!” She winks.
Elyse and Sophia look around the venue, admiring it. Sophia holds a thick portfolio and starts reading plans out to Elyse.
Sophia: “…And I imagine we will have the pride flags on this side.” She points to a wall. “Over here will be the flag Jonah designed for trans rights. We’ll make it the centerpiece and have all the booths in front of it.”
Elyse: “Okay! I see your vision and I’m loving it so far. This is such an important night for me, well the trans movement. I’m inviting all the ladies…I think…so I hope we can all behave. What about this area?” She points to the middle of the room. “We can put the water feature there.”
Sophia: “Sounds like a plan!”
Elyse: “I’m glad we settled on this space. I like it so much more than the other two we looked at. It’s bigger…and just incase we need to kick someone out, I see that there is a hidden, spare room.” She laughs.
Sophia: “Has Jonah seen it?”
Elyse: “No! Let me FaceTime him now to show!”
The scene fades as Elyse whips out her phone.
Ashantai stands infront of the site of her GED school. Nothing has been built yet, but workers in big machines are clearing and leveling the land. The camera pans to a tricked out G-Wagon pulling up to the site. It parks and Lorelei gets out.
Lorelei: “Ooh shit, hold on now.” She looks at the big, cleared dirt field and laughs. “This is all dirt girl!” She walks over to Ashantai and gives her a hug. “Hey girl hey!”
Ashantai: “Hey boo! Girl…I know! But at least progress is being made. We’re starting the construction of the actual building next week!”
“I haven’t seen Ashantai since before the trashy trip to Arizona, she arrived after I left.” She shrugs. “I wanna know what happened after I left so I know exactly who to cut out of my life.”
Lorelei: “So, what’s up? How have you been girl?”
Ashantai: “The question is what happened to YOU? Why wasn’t you in Sedona? I heard things got physical!”
Lorelei looks at her and sighs as she puts on her sunglasses.
Lorelei: “BITCH Let me tell you something…”
“It’s. About. To. Get. Hectic!”
Lorelei: “So…like we got to the damn house, right? I’m trying to be nice and cordial and ignore Ren because we’ve had some issues. She immediately comes for me and starts throwing shade…long story short, that evening she alleges that I’m ‘screwing’ my step son. So I threw my drink on her and she hit me.”
Ashantai: “Okay. So we got one thing in common.” She laughs.
Lorelei looks at her.
Lorelei: “Spill the tea, girl.”
Ashantai: “Tell me why Olivia’s anti-social, boring, tired ass said I switched up on her and didn’t appreciate our friendship!” She makes a funny face. “We went back and forth at the zip lining thing we did and she got bucked so I told her she looks like a dead plant that needs water and threw my bottle of water at her.”
Lorelei makes a “yikes” face.
Lorelei: “Oh no.”
Ashantai: “So these girls in the social group wouldn’t even understand what I’m going through. I got served divorce papers before the trip while still trying to figure out why I see dirt and no building.” She motions to the site in front of them. “I think I got angry and took it out on Olivia. I do think I owe her at least an apology so I texted her saying we should meet up.”
Lorelei frowns and nods her head, she gets closer to Ashantai and rubs her arm to console her.
Lorelei: “Not a divorce…I completely understand. Like I really understand exactly where you’re coming from. These women are so fucking evil here. They’ve all got sticks up their asses and have to gang up on people together. They want everyone to lick their bootyholes and if we don’t, they ice us out. What is this? This isn’t Survivor. There is nobody getting voted out.”
“I feel really bad for Ashantai. The other women just have completely thrown her away and I’m not like that. She’s not all bad. All of them don’t ever give anyone a chance to show themselves.” She shakes her head. “I’ll always have Ashanti’s back. Nobody is getting bullied when I’m around.”
Ashantai: “Being around the girls just add onto the pain of my divorce… Me and Charles was so happy and I don’t know what went wrong. I mean we have a one year old daughter we now going to have to co-parent.” She starts tearing up.
Lorelei gives Ashantai a hug.
Lorelei: “I’m sorry you’re going through this. I really am.”
“Going through a divorce without knowing why…My GED school isn’t making as much progress as it needs to…and a having a group of ‘friends’ who ice me out. I never saw myself being in this sort of situation.”
Ashantai: “It’s just so hard for me to go through this alone.”
Lorelei: “I’m sure it is. I know where you’re coming from, you don’t wanna tell these bitches anything because they don’t deserve you opening up to them. They’ll use it was ammo to throw in your face later when they get mad. So…I feel you on that.”
Ashantai: “Exactly. Now let me find out why these contractors not out here.” She sniffles and wipes her eyes.
Lorelei: “Right? Let’s get this show on the road! Getting dust all in my eyes..”
Ashantai: “Oh! Shut up!”
The scene ends as Ashantai and Lorelei laugh together.
Inside Elyse’s penthouse, she sits on the couch with her brother Jonah. She has her eyes close as Jonah gently sprays rose mist onto her face.
Jonah: “Don’t you have an assistant for this, Ely? I mean, you’re too much.”
Elyse: “They took the day off because I knew my baby brother was going to spoil me.” She winks.
Jonah: “Oh god.” He pinches Elyse’s arm and she lets out a shrill squeal. She playfully hits Jonah and the siblings end up laughing
There is a knock on the door and Elyse jumps up to get it. She opens to door to Lauren.
Lauren: “Hey Elyse! Thank you for inviting me over.”
Elyse: “Of course, of course! Come in! Meet my beautiful brother Jonah!”
“I’ve invited Lauren over because I want the ladies to see me. I’m not all glitz and glamour all the time.” She smiles. “Or am I? I’m an advocate! I have causes that I work for. I do have a brain hidden somewhere up here.” She taps her head. “I want her to see me in my element, and that’s with my brother Jonah.”
Jonah walks over to Lauren and Elyse as the girls enter the apartment.
Jonah: “Hey. How are you? Elyse has told me so much about you. Girl crush I might say?” He laughs.
Elyse: “Shut up, Jonah!” She turns to Lauren and rolls her eyes. “Don’t listen to this idiot. He lives to embarrass me.”
Lauren extends her hand to Jonah and flashes a smile.
Lauren: “Hey Jonah, nice to meet you! And well isn’t that flattering.” She giggles.
Elyse: “Let’s have a seat over here.” She leads Lauren and Jonah over to the island in her kitchen. “Any specific liquid you’d like to drink? We do have water but…”
Jonah: “We won’t be throwing any water bottles at ya!”
Lauren lets out a laugh.
Lauren: “Oh please don’t! I don’t think I can take another drink being thrown ever again. That trip was enough for a lifetime. But I would love a wine if I could, thank you.”
Elyse turns to Jonah.
Elyse: “Could you get us three glasses of wine, babes?”
Jonah: “Am I the butler now?!”
Elyse: “Yes!”
Lauren looks around the penthouse, admiring it.
Lauren: “So, tell me what it was like for you growing up in Texas when you guys both so clearly belong here in Beverly Beach?”
Elyse: “Texas? Well…” She gives Jonah a look. “It was an experience.”
Jonah: “Daddy was a rich man. Oil and all. He was powerful, but a real dick. You know the type.”
Elyse: “He just doesn’t understand Jonah and his transition. He’s from the older generation where they think ‘men are men.’ The wife stays home to take care of the family. There’s no inbetween.”
Jonah: “Yeah. Sure. He loves you Ely but I don’t exist anymore. Excuse me, I need to make a quick call.”
As Jonah gets up and walks off, Elyse looks at Lauren sadly.
Elyse: “It’s a sensitive subject for Jonah. I’m sorry.”
Lauren grimaces.
Lauren: “ I am sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up bad feelings. You know what? Their old school ways can stay in Texas. You and Jonah will have plenty of love and friends here until he comes around.” She smiles.
Elyse: “That’s what I say! I have hope my parents will come around but until then, I’m giving Jonah all the love he needs.” She sips her wine.
Jonah walks back into the kitchen from the hallway.
Elyse: “You okay Jonah?” She rubs his arm.
Jonah: “Yeah, I’m fine sis. I just had to call my date for tonight. You know how it is.”
Elyse: “Oh really? Is that so?” She looks at Lauren. “This one here is a self appointed ladies man.” She laughs. “Whatever….Oh! Lauren! There’s actually something I wanted to ask.”
Lauren: “Sure, what is it?”
Elyse: “I wanted to invite you to this fundraiser I’m hosting to show support and raise some money for the LGBTQIA community. I’m an ambassador for an organization that helps support transgender youth who have come out and have been disowned and have no resources. Me and Jonah work very closely with the organization so here in Beverly Beach, I’m throwing a ‘Come One, Come All’ rave! I checked out the venue the other day and it’s going to be fabulous.”
“I’m hoping all the girls can show support to this cause. It means so much to me. If all these ladies have a heart, I’m sure they’d make the effort to come.”
Lauren: “Of course! I would love to come.” She turns to Jonah. “A rave? Your sister truly is taking Beverly Beach by storm, you know some of the people here will be clutching their pearls.”
Jonah: “Oh I know. Beverly Beach can be stuffy. I’m glad Elyse is doing this, she’s also going to be displaying the new trans rights flag I designed!”
Elyse: “Aw, Jonah. I love you. I would do anything to make you happy, that’s what life is about! Your flag is fab.”
Lauren: “So, are you inviting all the women?” She raises an eyebrow.
Elyse: “I really want to invite all the girls. I want them to see who I really am beyond the surgically enhanced bitch face!”
Jonah laughs.
Jonah: “Yeah. Have you seen Elyse before all of this?” He draws and imaginary circle around her face, he the pulls out his phone.
Lauren spits her wine back into the glass laughing.
Lauren: “No! I think you are beautiful, but if you’re offering a before picture, I mean…” Jonah walks over to Lauren and holds his phone out.
“Oh my gosh! She was gorgeous before, now she just looks like every girl here. But if it makes her happy, who am I to say anything?” She shrugs.
Elyse: “Okay, Jonah. Aren’t you going to be late for that date? It’s time for you to go! Get the hell outta here!” She giggles.
Jonah gives both Elyse and Lauren a hug and makes his way out of the apartment.
Lauren: “I am so excited for this rave. We should all get dinner and drinks before or something.”
Elyse: “I think we should too.” She nods and leans against the kitchen counter. “Now, I’m on the fence about inviting Ashantai. What do you think?”
Lauren: “Ashantai acting like what she did in Sedona was not a big deal just makes me more weary of her. If she thinks that is acceptable, who knows what else she will do.” She shrugs.
Elyse: “Honestly, I don’t want Ashantai to come. She will not be a embarrassment at the event. I can’t have that. I will not be extending an invitation to her.”
Lauren: “I think that’s a good call. We should all behave that day without her there.”
Lauren and Elyse clink their glasses together and the scene ends.
The camera pans over Beverly Beach as the sun goes down. Olivia and Brandon pull up to the beach, they get out and walk to the sand, holding hands.
Olivia: “I will never not be amazed by the sunsets we have here on the beach.”
Brandon: “Beverly Beach is so pretty.”
“I’ve been back from Sedona for three days now and I am completely over the drama in this group. I have more important things to deal with like my sons moving to Los Angeles and my business opportunities that keep flowing in. Thankfully, Brandon has been so amazing and has planned a date night for him and I to just relax as a couple and get away from everything.”
The couple arrives at the romantic dinner Brandon set up.
Olivia: “Oh my gosh Brandon, this is beautiful.”
Brandon: “I wanted to do something special for you. I know that you’ve been overwhelmed with Raul & Luis, your friends, your businesses…but I want you to enjoy tonight.” He pulls Olivia’s chair out for her.
A chef walks from the parking lot, carrying two dishes. He sets the nice meals in front of Olivia and Brandon.
Brandon: “Thank you, man.” He pats the chefs arm and slips him a bill.
Olivia: “This is incredible.” She looks at him. “I can’t believe you did all of this.”
Afterglow by Ed Sheeran starts playing over the scene as Olivia and Brandon eat, laugh, and talk.
Olivia’s Interview:
“Brandon planning this romantic dinner is just…” She starts tearing up. “It’s why I’ve fallen in love with him. He’s so thoughtful and truly loves me in a way I haven’t seen love before. People can say what they want about me being older than him, but trust me, this is the real deal.”
The couple finishes up dinner.
Brandon: “Can I have this dance?”
Olivia: “Of course.” She giggles a little.
Brandon takes Olivia’s hand and walks out towards the ocean with her. The couple slow dances, Olivia rests her head on his chest. The music starts quieting down. Brandon stops and holds both of Olivia’s hands, facing her.
Brandon: “There is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with, Olivia.”
Olivia: “Aw babe, I love you. Don’t cry.” She reaches up and wipes a tear off of his face, even though tears are streaming down her own face.
Brandon: “Olivia…”
All of the sudden the beach lights up.
Olivia: “Yes! Yes!”
Olivia starts crying but she wraps her arms around Brandon’s neck and gives him a kiss. Olivia’s sons, Raul & Luis, walk out clapping. They both give Olivia and Brandon a hug.
Raul: “Congrats, Brandon.”
Luis: “Thanks for making our mom so happy.”
Brandon puts his arms around the boys.
“This was an incredible night. Brandon is an incredible man and one that I know I will spend the rest of my life with. I am such a lucky woman.” She wipes a tear.
The scene fades as the family embraces on the beach.