[S3E6]: BB Takes AZ
The camera captures Olivia, Ren, Lauren, and Elyse walking back into Elyse’s house after the Vineyard fiasco. Olivia’s wine stained shirt is zoomed in on.
Olivia: “Ren…what the hell was that.”
Ren walks into the kitchen with the other ladies, she shakes her head and puts her hair into a messy bun.
Ren: “Did you see her throw wine in my eyes? I had every right to defend myself.”
“After the fight, Production had to calm me down. We were notified that Lorelei had left and we were put on a bus to go back to Elyse’s for the night. The bus ride was silent. I just am not really ready to address this all tonight.” She shrugs. “I don’t regret defending myself against Lorelei, she got in my personal space and threw an alcoholic beverage at my face. It could have blinded me. I am still getting over the glass getting thrown at me last year.”
*A flashback of Eleanor throwing wine on Ren last year in Key West plays*
Olivia leans against the counter and lets out a huff of air.
Olivia: “The wine throw was clearly uncalled for, I mean you see it all over my damn shirt.” She motions to her shirt. “But to put your hands on someone…”
Lauren: “Ren, she obviously shouldn’t have thrown wine at you…or me or Olivia.” She says under her breath. “That was a little much to punch her and rip her hair out, don’t you think?
Ren: “I had to defend myself.”
Elyse rolls her eyes at Lauren and Olivia and goes over to hug Ren.
Elyse: “Are you okay now?”
Ren: “I’m okay.”
Consuela rushes into the kitchen, a flute of champagne in hand and gives it to Ren.
Olivia: “Jesus…well I can’t do her right now.” She points to Elyse who stands beside Ren, rubbing her arm. “I’m going to take a shower and calm my damn nerves.”
Olivia walks out of the kitchen, the camera turns to focus on the other three ladies and Consuela.
Elyse: “Lorelei has never been like that. Something must have triggered her.”
Lauren nods in agreement.
“Was she triggered by the fact that Ren called her out on some truth?”
Ren: “She had no right to invade my space. I’m willing to put my beef with her aside but she just needs to be honest in this group about what’s going on between her and her stepson. I clearly hit a nerve.”
Elyse: “What did you hear about Lorelei and her stepson?” She reaches into the cabinet and pulls out a wine glass, she pours herself a drink.
Lauren: “It’s not what we have heard. It’s the odd behavior we have witnessed the two times we have been to her home.”
Ren: “Yeah, it’s just my observation that something weird is going on in her house between her, her husband, and her stepson. As someone whose marriage has been attacked many times, I wouldn’t just make up unfounded rumors. I think something strange is there.” She turns to Elyse. “Elyse, please tell us what we need to know so we don’t trigger her violence again.”
Ren’s Interview:
“I know Elyse knows something and I’m going to get it out of her.”
Elyse: “I hear you.” She sips her wine. “But whatever, if anything, is going on…maybe she’s not ready to share it with us yet. Give her time. I mean, it’s not my story to tell. You’ve got to let her come to you on her own. I didn’t see anything to back up any of this. I didn’t see anything.” She shrugs.
Lauren: “Ren, even if any of this is true, why are you so hard on her?”
Ren: “Lauren, we can’t trust her.”
The scene fades as Lauren looks at Ren, frustrated.
Lorelei walks into the living room of her house in Beverly Beach. She plops down on the couch next to her husband, Morgan, and snuggles up on him. Seconds later, Lorelei’s stepson Xavier enters the room and sits on a chair across from the couple.
“I got home late last night after leaving Sedona early. I haven’t told Morgan and Xavier what happened out there. I just called Morgan and said I needed to get home because it was an emergency so he flew me out a jet. I’m just extremely upset and my feelings are truly hurt.”
Morgan: “So…what happened? Why’d you come back so early, babe?”
Lorelei: “I don’t even know where to begin.” She shakes her head and sits up. “So I told you both about Ren, right?” The men nod. “She and I have always steered clear of one another and I felt like she was always trying to snuff me and just not trying to get to know me, right?”
Morgan: “Yeah.” He listens, clearly concerned.
Xavier: “You just gotta let it go, why do you need her as a friend then?”
Lorelei: “Well listen. We got into a slight argument here at our couples dinner we hosted this past weekend. She basically called me fake and inauthentic and just a bunch of names and we went at it. The tension was still high when we left for the trip AND…” She sighs, holding back tears. “She- she um…was saying that Elyse told her some things on the ride over and she just said that…”
Morgan and Xavier look at each other, confused.
Lorelei: “She said that Xaver and I had an affair.”
Xavier: “WHAT?” He bursts out laughing.
Morgan starts laughing as well.
Morgan: “Are you serious? She said that?”
Lorelei: “Yeah, she did.” She shakes her head.
Xavier: “Well obviously that’s a load of shit. You’re my step mother…even though I’m a few years older.” He laughs. “The point is you’re my father’s woman.”
Morgan: “Right?” He shakes his head. “What did the other girls say?”
Lorelei: “NOTHING. They just watched as she spewed her venom and lies at me. I felt alone. I felt ambushed. I felt like it was a set up. I didn’t know what else to do and so I- I- …I threw my glass of wine on her.”
Morgan: “Lorelei, are you serious?” He now looks disappointed, he sighs and shakes his head.
Lorelei: “I did and then she attacked me. She pulled my hair and started punching me.”
Xavier: “What did you do?!” His eyes widen. “You just let her hit you?”
Lorelei: “Yes, I got what I wanted. I wanted her to show the others that she was mentally unstable and she proved it last night. What grown woman attacks another one? I threw a drink because she was saying slanderous shit about my family.” She begins crying. “I’m just… I’m tired. These women aren’t my friends and I don’t trust any of them. Ever since we moved here, they’ve been so rude and mean to me and none of them have tried to get to know me. They’re bitches. All of them.”
Morgan stands up and pulls Lorelei up into a hug. Xavier walks over and hugs her and well. The camera zooms in on Xavier’s hand which is placed on Lorelei’s lower back.
The next day, Ren is shown laying in bed with a robe and her glasses on. There is knock on her room’s door. She gets up and opens the door to a grinning Elyse.
Elyse: “Hey Ren…oh! Are you not coming with us to do the desert activities today?”
Ren: “No, no, I am. I just need to regather and talk to Aaron and I’ll just meet you guys at the activity!”
Elyse: “Okay, babe. Take your time. How do you feel today?”
Ren: “Better, just processing everything.”
Elyse: “Just text if you need anything! Mi casa is su casa, help yourself to anything here.” She smiles.
Ren: “Thanks girl.”
She gives Elyse a hug and then closes her bedroom door. She picks up her phone and goes back to sitting in bed. She FaceTimes her husband Aaron; he picks up on the second ring.
Aaron: “Baby, what happened last night? I got your voicemails and texts. Sorry, I just woke up!”
Ren: “Aaron…this girl Lorelei, oh my god… I was calling her out for her strange behavior and she gets all up in my face then tosses a drink at me.” She sniffles, wiping away a tear. “You know what I went through last year when Eleanor threw a drink in my face. I’m just so tired of being bullied by these women for no reason!”
Aaron: “Ren, did you hit that lady?” He looks concerned.
Ren: “She’s not a lady, she’s a tramp! I just saw red and next thing I know I was yanking her to the floor and I may have smacked her in the head. With all the extensions, I’m sure she didn't even feel it.” She sniffles again.
Aaron: “Ren…Ren…baby…you know you can’t be putting your hands on people, don’t get me wrong though, throwing a drink in your face was definitely fucked up. She can’t be upset if she triggered you.
Ren: “She did! She got in my space first.”
“I know Aaron is disappointed that I defended myself against Lorelei the way I did but I had to do what I had to do to protect myself.”
Aaron: “Well what did Lauren and the other girls say about the situation?”
Ren: “I’m kind of flabbergasted that these cunts didn't have my back. I’m actually mad. Olivia and Lauren, who are suppose to be my friends, are turning their noses up like I wasn’t the one who got attacked. I’m so over it. Luckily, Whoralei is gone and so I’m hoping the rest of the trip goes well.”
Aaron: “Just stay out of trouble. If things get out of hand again, call me. I love you.”
Ren: “I love you too. Bye.”
The scene fades out.
Downstairs in the kitchen, Lauren sits at the counter and braids her hair. Olivia is eating a granola bar and pouring two cups of coffee. She walks over and sets one infront of Lauren.
Lauren: “Thanks babe. The wine was a bit much last night. I need an Advil before this off roading ruins me.”
Elyse struts into the kitchen.
Elyse: “Ladies!!! Are we ready? Oh wow, you both look cute.”
Lauren: “Thank you!” She gives Elyse a hug. “How did you sleep? Wait — is Ren not coming?”
Elyse: “She is! She’s just talking to the hubby, I’ve arranged for a driver to take her to us in about an hour.”
At that moment, the doorbell rings. Elyse rushes to go get it. When Elyse walks back in the kitchen, Ashantai follows behind her.
Elyse: “Look who made it!”
Ashantai: “Hello ladies.”
Lauren smiles and greets Ashantai, Olivia just looks at her with a stank face.
Olivia: “Oh you’ve finally decided to show up…”
Ashantai rolls her eyes.
“Don’t come for my attendance! You are lucky to share the same air as a bitch like me.”
Elyse: “Ashantai, babe. Our bus taking us to the desert is going to be here in like 10 minutes. Why don’t you go ahead and change really fast in this bathroom and I can show you your room and stuff when we get back.”
Upbeat music plays as we get a montage of Ashantai going to change, the sprinter bus arriving, and all the ladies getting on it. Lauren and Elyse sit together, Ashantai sits next to them, and Olivia sits at the very front away from everyone. She puts in Airpods and calls one of her sons on FaceTime.
Elyse turns to Ashantai, chewing on a granola bar.
Elyse: “How have you been?”
Ashantai: “I can say that I’ve been…okay.”
Elyse: “That’s good to hear. You know, I honestly do want to apologize to you.” Ashantai raises an eyebrow. “Sometimes I’m a bit hard to read and come off like a mega bitch. That’s just my defenses. I shouldn’t have taken that out on you.”
Ashantai: “I appreciate that. I haven’t been myself lately. The outbursts, the aggression…Imma just tell you. My marriage has definitely run its course.” She shifts uncomfortable in her seat and lets out a nervous laugh.
Lauren: “Aw, I’m sorry to hear that. Trust me, I know what it’s like.”
“The reason I’m late to the trip is because I have been served with divorce papers and I’m trying to figure out still WHAT went wrong.”
Elyse: “You wanna take your mind off of it? I’m sure Olivia wants to tell you about the girl fight we had.”
The camera pans to Olivia who is still far away from the group, not paying attention and still on FaceTime.
Producer: Why were you so anti-social on the bus?”
Olivia: “Between the wine all over my outfit last night, Elyse annoying me, and then the short bus rider popping in…I felt like a mental patient stuck in my own worst nightmare.”
Ashantai: “Not a girl fight.” She laughs.
Lauren: “You have no idea. It was crazy.”
Elyse: “Basically, Ren & Lorelei came to blows. Simple as that.”
Ashantai: “What? Why? What happened? I texted Lorelei today saying I was getting on my flight but she done told me she was already back in Beverly Beach because of an emergency…”
Lauren: “Well, Ren got drenched with wine and Lorelei got her extensions ripped from her head. Olivia and I were unfortunately in the splash zone.”
Ashantai: “Aw that is unfortunate.”
Lauren: “Oh, and I think Ren punched her in the face too.”
Elyse: “I couldn’t believe it! Ren went wild.”
Lauren: “I was super drunk because we were wine tasting, or I probably would have freaked more than I did.”
Ashantai: “Whew!”
Ashantai’s Interview:
“These prim and proper Beverly Beach girls having knock down, drag out fights? Talk about HOOD!” She flips her hair. “We suppose to be grown.”
The sprinter bus pulls up to an off roading Jeep center in the desert. The girls climb off the bus.
Elyse: “Okay, we’re going to be splitting up into two groups to do different activities that the jeeps will bring you to. Me and Lauren will be going hiking on a beautiful trail. Olivia and Ashantai, you will go to ziplining where you will be joined by Ren.”
Olivia: “Are you serious?” She gives Elyse a death glare.
Elyse: “Yes. Come on, just play along. You won’t be gone long and it may give an opportunity for you guys to talk and work out your differences!” She motions to Olivia and Ashantai.
Olivia just turns around and walks off to enter the building. Ashantai stands there, smiling a bit.
Ashantai: “I don’t bite.”
An off roading jeep pulls up to a ziplining set up situated over a smaller canyon. The jeep stops and Ashantai and Olivia get out, walking over to the instructor.
“I’m so mad. I was left to spend the day with Ashantai. At least I can zip line away from her when she starts being stupid — which is inevitable.”
Ashantai looks around.
Ashantai: “Woooow. This is pretty.”
“I know damn well these bitches didn’t leave me with Ms. Auntie over here.” She rolls her eyes. “Let’s see how this day goes.”
Another jeep pulls up; Ren gets out and walks over to the ladies who are getting into their harnesses.
Ren: “Hi girls! I thought ziplining sounded more fun than a hike.”
Olivia: “Ren! Thank god.”
The instructor helps Ren get into her gear. He tells the ladies how to operate the zipline and then he starts setting them up at the beginning of the line.
Ashantai: “Olivia, have you done this before?”
Olivia: “Yes — Ziplining is so peaceful, I love doing it ALONE!” She takes off down the zipline.
We see the girls laughing and having fun as they zipline across the canyon.
Ashantai: “My wig bet not come off!”
We get a solo shot of Olivia ziplining.
Ashantai’s Interview:
“Would I be wrong if I wish that she fell?”
Olivia, Ashantai, and Ren all get to the bottom and the instructor starts taking off their gear.
Ashantai: “Damn happy to be on this ground. Whew!” She grabs a bottle of water and walks over to Olivia. “So…you wanna be grown and have a conversation?”
Olivia: “Don’t be condescending to me — You wanted an issue with me so I gave you one.”
Ren: “Just talk, you guys. No need to come at each other right off the bat.”
Ashantai: “Look, I didn’t come over here for a hollering match, that’s for sure.”
Olivia: “You turned your back on the friendship I was trying to build with you…”
Ashantai: “How so?” She raises an eyebrow and takes a drink from her water bottle.
Olivia: “We were cool but once we got around the group, you turned on me.”
“Ashantai is a professional victim. I had her back when the girls were making fun of her fashions yet she still turned on me. I couldn’t believe she would snap at me at that couple’s dinner. The sad part is… she’s so dumb that she doesn’t realize the women in this group do not like her and she ruined her shot of having me as a friend.”
Ashantai: “Now I see how you feel but I honestly don’t care. If you feel like I changed then okay I changed. Whatever.” She throws her hands up and rolls her eyes. “What else? Cause you could’ve came to me earlier and addressed that.”
“If we were ‘friends’, you would’ve reached out right then and there or the day after. You wouldn’t have made smart ass comments when I arrived late to this trip, girl.”
Ren looks back and forth between the ladies.
“Walmart and Olivia arguing is the least of my worried at the moment. I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the show.” She smiles.
Olivia: “I came to you and told you how these women felt about you and I told you that I’d have your back — You switched it up for whatever reason and showed what the other women were saying about you was true — You aren’t meant for this group.”
Ashantai: “Really? I wasn’t meant for this group? I have other shit going on in my life and you’re really gonna say that?”
Olivia: “We all have things going on. I’m not going to sit here and kiss your ass.”
Ashantai: “I’m not asking you, sis! You can go on!”
Olivia: “When you watch this show back, I really hope you see how stupid you looked by taking my friendship for granted. I will never forgive you for proving the girls right about what they’ve been saying.”
Ashantai: “Sis, don’t ever think we could rekindle this friendship either.”
Olivia shrugs and drinks from her water bottle.
Olivia: “Feeling is mutual, hun.”
Ren: “Ashantai, I have to be honest…no shade…but you’re kind of irrelevant in Beverly Beach.” She pouts her lip out. “Know your place and play your role.”
Olivia laughs.
Olivia: “Say it again to get it through that thick ass wig.”
Ashantai: “That’s completely fine. Trust me, I’m not mad I’m irrelevant in your world of Beverly Beach.” She shakes her head. “Corny.”
Ren: “You should be worshipping the ground we walk on, sweetie. Not acting like you’re hot shit.”
Ashantai: “I could easily be doing what you’re doing.”
Olivia: “You could never be as successful as us. Ashantai, you’re delusional. You sound like a retired NFL player with CTE issues.”
Ashantai: “Fuck you.”
Ren gasps.
Ren: “Don’t be so defensive! We’re just being honest.” She smirks.
Ashantai: “No, no! Cause y’all got me fucked up!”
Olivia: “Let’s calm down honey — lower that voice.”
Ashantai: “If I don’t, what?” She steps a little closer to Olivia.
Olivia: “Are you going to hit me?” She does a fake, dramatic gasp and covers her mouth.
Ashantai: “Girl, lose everything I have over a bitch like you? Please.”
Olivia: “The curse words are so tacky.”
As Ashantai gets closer to Olivia, Ren quickly gets in between the two of them and puts her arms out to the side. Olivia and Ashantai’s eyes are still locked even with Ren in the middle.
Ren: “Hold up.”
Olivia: “The way I get under your skin and have you so bothered while not moving or raising my voice…” She smirks. “It must hurt. I can see it in your eyes.”
Ashantai: “You’re nothing but a dead plant that needs water.” She reaches over Ren and hurls her water bottle at Olivia. It comes within an inch of hitting her torso. “You aint shit. You a fake ass wanna be hoe!”
Now, breaking the fourth wall Olivia turns to the camera.
Olivia: “Are we really getting physical again? I’m not doing this.” She starts walking towards the jeep that takes the ladies back, she begins taking her mic pack off on the way over.
“I’m not going to yell and scream and throw things or try and get physical with someone who is intellectually and morally less than I am.”
Ashantai: “You’re tired! You’re old! YOU DIRTY DOG!”
The scene ends with Ashantai still yelling after the girls as Ren jogs to catch up. Olivia hurls her microphone onto the ground and gets in the jeep.
As the sun sets the outside of Blazin’ M Ranch is shown, a replica old western town that hosts a entertaining dinner theater. The sprinter bus pulls up outside; Ren, Lauren, Elyse, and Ashantai get out and head inside the main building.
“Thank god I have my glam team with me wherever I go! You can never be too glam for the desert.” She flashes a smile. “I had a wonderful hike today with Lauren, the other ladies who went ziplining got back to the house a little after us. Olivia went straight to her room. I asked her if she was coming tonight and she said no!” She gasps. “She said she wasn’t going because of Ashantai so at dinner tonight, I’m going to get to the bottom of this.”
The girls all sit at a large table in what looks like an old western bar.
Elyse: “I’m loving this look, Lauren. We certainly cleaned up.”
Lauren: “Right! Who were those sweaty girls on the hike?” She laughs.
The waitress comes, dressed in authentic western clothing, and takes everyones drink orders. Elyse turns towards Ren and rests her chin in her hands.
Elyse: “Ren, babes. How was zip lining? Did you all have fun?”
Lauren: “Yes! Ren & Ashantai, tell us how it was. We’ll show you some pictures from our hike after. It was magnificent.”
Ashantai: “I actually had an awesome time zip lining! I really enjoyed the wind blowing through my bundles.” She smiles pleasantly.
Elyse: “I love that for you.”
Ren rolls her eyes and lets out a grunt.
Ren: “Zipline was interesting to say the least. Olivia isn’t here for a reason.” She glares at Ashantai.
Elyse: “Whys that?”
Ren: “You tell them, Ash.”
“Ashantai is pathetic. She doesn’t belong here. She got so aggressive with Olivia now she’s sitting her acting like everything is good? I want her to expose herself to everyone.”
The waitress brings the drinks out, Elyse claps as she gets her martini. Lauren takes a swig of her beer and turns her attention back to Ashantai.
Lauren: “Okay, now tell! We want to know!”
Ashantai lets out a deep breath.
Ashantai: “So after we got done ziplining, I walk up to Olivia and proceed to talk to her and ask her whats up. She was like saying how I switched up on her and we went back and forth and I threw a water bottle at her.” She shrugs.
Lauren lets out a gasp.
Elyse: “Okay, you what? You threw a water bottle at her?”
Ashantai: “I absolutely did. She looked like a dead plant that needed water sooo…”
Elyse: “I’m confused, baby. Like how did she provoke you? What exactly did she do?”
Lauren: “Does it matter? You should never just throw a bottle at her. That is so disrespectful!”
Ren nods in agreement.
Ren: “It should have never have happened.”
Ashantai: “So how about when Ren hit Lorelei? What did she do to provoke her? Because I assume it’s okay right, considering she’s sitting here with us.” She motions to Ren.
Ren: “Please, leave me out of this.” She holds a hand up. “No class whatsoever.”
Lauren: “Lorelei threw a drink at Ren’s face before she reacted. I agree that her reaction was overboard, but I have known Olivia for a long time and I am certain she wouldn’t start anything physical.” She looks at Ashantai.
Elyse: “This isn’t even about the two of them. We all need to learn how to get along. Like, how would you like it is I just threw this margarita at you?”
Ashantai: “Girl…” She stares at Elyse. “Try it.”
Elyse downs the rest of the martini and playfully points the glass at Ashantai.
Elyse: “I’d try and I’d finish it, baby. So watch it.” She winks.
Ashantai just raises an eyebrow at Elyse.
“This bitch aint stupid and it’s clear she ain’t my friend either. What they say? We just shooting the shit.” She laughs.
Elyse: “Anyway, look, Ashantai…Can’t we all just get along?”
Ren: “I think that’s impossible with her.”
Ashantai: “I been trying to get along with everyone! How come it’s about getting along and all being friends except when it comes to you attacking my fashions? You….” She points at Elyse. “came at me first. So it’s funny that you, out of all people, are talking about getting along and being nice.”
Elyse: “Because I’m a grown ass woman. I can deal with these bitches without getting violent towards them. Hellooooo.”
Ashantai: “Maybe you should have a talk with Ren then, because I didn’t hit anyone. Water bottle didn’t even touch her.”
The camera shows Lauren drinking her beer and rolling her eyes. Ren gets up.
Ren: “I’m going to the restroom, this clearly isn’t going anywhere.”
Ashantai: “What could a water bottle do to her? Drown her?”
Elyse beckons the waitress over.
Elyse: “Please, God. Can I get another one?” She points to her empty martini glass.
Ashantai: “Plastic ass bottle. Damn, y’all acting like I threw a liquor bottle at the girl.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Whatever, what else is going on?”
Elyse: “It’s the principle, Ashantai! It doesn’t matter if she threw shade, you threw an actual object.”
“I’m not hearing a gahdamn thing about what they saying.” She puts her hand over her ears. “There is such a double standard in this group when it comes to me, these girls would never take my side or see what I’m trying to say.”
Lauren: “That is just wrong. Didn’t you say you worked for a school board? Do you condone throwing bottles at your schools?”
Ashantai: “Keep my job out of it, sweetie.”
Lauren: “Your job is watching this.” She points all around them. “Good luck with that.”
“Ashantai is crazy to think she is in the right. I am just going to be cordial with her for now because I don’t want the wrath of her crazy.”
Elyse: “Look, it happened. Let’s just try and move on from this. Elyse came to have some fun with some fabulous bitches.”
Ashantai gets up from the table and starts walking to the restroom. On the way there, she passes Ren. Ren goes back to the table.
Ren: “What’s up with her?”
Lauren: “Typical, Ashantai. Being crazy.”
Elyse: “Let’s just have a good last night of this trip! The show is starting soon.”
We see the closed bathroom door, we hear audio from Ashantai’s mic.
The episode ends.