[S3E2]: Confessions of a Middle Aged Drama Queen
The sun shines down on a pool on top of a luxurious penthouse. Elyse lays down on lounge chair and sprays rose mist onto her face.
“I am Elyse Sewell.” She furrows her brow. “Actually, I need to change that last name because it’s a little unbecoming. I’m a designer, a real rich bitch, honey. Everything I touch is a success, and if it doesn’t turn a success then it was never mine in the first place.”
She turns around as someone calls her name.
Elyse: “Jonah! How are you baby? Oh my god! Look at you!”
Elyse’s brother, Jonah, walks in. In the middle of his transition, he still maintains some feminine features. The siblings hugs and Jonah spins around a little to show off his physique.
Jonah: “It’s me! You said you weren’t doing anything this morning so I decided to stop by.”
He takes a seat on the chair next to Elyse, they turn to face each other and Elyse pours him a glass of wine.
Elyse’s Interview:
“I’m an avid supporter of LGBTQIA+ rights! Trans lives matter! My brother Jonah is trans and he is my entire world.”
Jonah: “So you know I won’t be here for that long. I have my appointment to get these removed this afternoon.” He looks down and points towards his chest. “Can’t wait to get these off.”
Elyse reaches over and squeezes Jonah’s hand.
Elyse: “I’ve made all of the arrangements for today. Everything is paid for, so if they give you any hell before just let me know. I’ll be there as soon as you wake up. I love you baby and I’m so happy you’ve come into your own.”
Jonah: “Yes, thank you so much. Love you too sis.” Jonah drinks from his wine class and kicks his shoes off. “So, what’s going on with you? How’s being the new girl in Beverly Beach and why the hell did you move here?”
Elyse: “Oh Jonah, It’s not that bad. I came because of the beautiful scenery and my line needs to be featured here. Stop being so judgy.” She giggles but shoots him a look.
“I am a creative force in the fashion world. Anna Wintour was my mentor.” She leans backs in her seat and adjusts her collar. “I’m sure you’ve heard of me and if you haven’t, you’re probably deaf or uncultured.” She laughs.
Jonah: “You’re so full of yourself.” He rolls his eyes. “You said you’ve been making a few friends here, what do you think about them? I know how the women here can be…”
Elyse nonchalantly puts on her sunglasses and lays down to tan.
Elyse: “Eh, I’m not sure really. Lorelei and Ren of course are my bitches. I’ve told you about them. There’s this old model, Olivia Blake I think her name is? She needs to go somewhere. Hot. She’s trying her best to ruffle my feathers but I don’t know her well enough to even care! And then there’s another girl named Ashantai. If you see her, she is absolutely gorg but when she said she shopped at Walmart I nearly died.”
Jonah: “Please be nice. Some people weren’t blessed with the good life. Please don’t fuck with her.”
Elyse: “Me? Never! I’m nice.” She turns her head to the side and flashes a smile at Jonah. “I’ve been nice to you haven’t I? Did you get your allowance I sent?”
Jonah bites his lip and looks down, but quickly looks up now with a smile.
Jonah: “I did. Thanks.”
Elyse’s Interview:
“When Jonah came out my parents disowned him so I’ve been taking care of him. He’s a beauty like we all are and I’d be damned if my little brother is left out in the cold.”
Elyse: “Look, I’ve already got a suite for us to stay in for a few nights when you’re done with your top surgery so have no fear. Also, if you can get your doctor’s number for me that would be great. She’s a hottie!”
Jonah: “Slut!”
Elyse and Jonah laugh and the scene fades as the camera zooms out from the pool.
Light music plays as Lauren is seated on the roof of a restaurant that is overlooking Beverly Beach’s shopping district. She orders two glasses of wine.
The camera focuses on Ashantai Adore as she struts in. She squeals when she sees Lauren and greets her.
Ashantai: “Hey Miss Lauren! Ahh!”
The pair sit.
Lauren: “Thank you for meeting me for lunch! It was such a breath of fresh air to meet someone down to earth the other night at Lorelei’s.”
Ashantai: “Yes!” She laughs. “You are one to get to know. I gotta say, I didn’t really like some…well one… of the chicks. If you end up acting like Elyse it’s definitely going to be a problem.” She bursts out laughing again. “On another note, I loved Lorelei’s home. It was absolutely stunning.”
Lauren: “Lorelei’s home was great. It was interesting to me that her husband wasn’t present, but her same age stepson was.” She raises her eyebrows and the waiter brings the ladies their glasses of wine. “Elyse did not rub me the right way either, but that’s how creative minds work sometimes, right?” She laughs.
“Good to know someone else thinks Elyse was a bitch.”
Ashantai: “Girl, I know that stepson. He was winking alllll at that girl Ren.”
Lauren: “Oh, Ren loves the attention, even if she pretends not to.”
The waiter comes over and takes the ‘wives orders.
Ashantai: “I’ll have the loaded baked potato, thanks babe.”
Lauren: “I’ll just do the grilled shrimp salad. Thanks!”
As the waiter wanders off, Lauren and Ashantai continue their conversation.
Lauren: “So, have you been living in Beverly Beach for a while? I haven’t seen you around town until the other night.”
Ashantai: “Yes. I’ve actually lived in Beverly Beach for about three years now, my family and I moved when I got a promotion. I honestly barely ever go out, I kind of stay out of the way.” She sips her wine. “I have a lot going on. I just found a site that’s going to be perfect for my GED school that I’m building.”
Lauren: “Wow! That’s exciting. Do you already have the school going or are you going to open another one in this location?”
Ashantai: “This is going to be the first one I’m opening. I also have a hair company, I just don’t like to parade my accomplishments around alot. I’m very very protective of my businesses.”
Lauren: “I totally understand, and take it from me, keep it that way. My husband and I own a luxury car dealership and we got some negative, untrue, press last year and that was really hard to overcome. We are doing great and have not lost anything but it is still difficult navigating once you get to this platform.”
Ashantai: “Okay comeback! Thanks for the advice Lauren, I think I’ll be needing some more with this group.”
Ashantai and Lauren laugh and continue chatting as their food is brought out and the scene ends with a shot of the setting sun.
The camera follows Lorelei as she walks into the Beverly Beach Chanel store. Inside, a worker greets her with a glass of champagne and guides her to a private fitting room in the back. She goes and sits on one of the sofas.
Lorelei: “My friends will be here soon! Please just guide them back here.” She smiles and the worker walks off.
“I’ve invited some of the women I met at my party to a private Chanel fitting because I really want to see what they’re all about! My party didn’t go the best, I felt like maybe some of the ladies didn’t gel well. I, personally, felt some tension between me and Ren which is weird because she seems like my type of girl! But we will see…” She laughs.
Ren and Olivia are escorted into the fitting room, champagne in hand. Lorelei gets up and gives each girl a polite hug.
Lorelei: “Hey girls! You both look fabulous.”
Olivia: “Hello diva, you too. I’m Olivia! Nice to meet you.”
Lorelei: “Lorelei Sullivan. Pleasure to meet you as well.”
Ren: “Hi, good to see you Lorelei.”
The camera focuses on Ren who looks noticeably reserved when she greets Lorelei.
“The first time I met Lorelei at her party, I wasn’t impressed. I’m excited that she invited me to this private fitting, I’m hoping on this next go around I’ll get another, better, impression.”
Lorelei: “Olivia, tell me about you! I didn’t get to meet you at my party, what do you do?”
Olivia: “I’m a fashion designer and former model. I also just wrapped my first season as a judge on America’s Next Top Model.” She looks at Lorelei. “And you?”
Lorelei: “Oh really? Wow…America’s Next Top Model. I didn’t even know that was still on but I love it! Me? I have a shapewear line called NUDITY. Also, my husband is very successful.” She clears her throat.
Olivia: “Nice…”
After an awkward silence, Lorelei goes and stands in front of the girls.
Lorelei: “So, I’ve invited you guys here to try on some of Chanel’s most exclusive items. None of this is even out on the market yet!” She clicks open her phone to check on the time. “Elyse should be joining us soon.”
Olivia: “Oh how fun!”
“I’m a fashion designer — Chanel doesn’t impress me.” She shrugs.
Ren: “Oh wow.” She smiles. “Awesome! Are you picking up the check for these items if we want anything?”
Ren’s Interview:
“Let’s see if she really has it.” She smirks.
Lorelei looks at Ren and flashes a grin, maintaining her polite composure.
Lorelei: “Of course!”
“I really want to get to know all of these women. I’m trying! I feel like some of them may have preconceived notions about me, but there's more than meets the eyes.” She winks.
Workers at the Chanel store start wheeling in racks of clothes. The ladies look through them. Elyse now enters the room.
Elyse: “My beauties! Hello! What’s going on ladies? Sorry I’m late…traffics a bitch.”
Ren: “Ohhhh in all Chanel? Love it!” She gives Elyse a big hug.
Lorelei: “Elyse! Hey diva. I’m loving the outfit.” She hugs Elyse as well.
The camera pans to Olivia who watches the women greet each other, unimpressed.
Olivia’s Interview:
“This outfit on the blonde woman…” She shakes her head, looking amused and takes a sip from her drink. “Not all Chanel is good, babe.”
Elyse sets her sights on Olivia, she walks over.
Elyse: “You must be Olivia?”
Olivia: “Yes indeed.” She nods. “You’re Elyse? I think our paths have crossed behind the scenes at New York Fashion Week a time or two. Good to see another designer kicking ass.”
Elyse: “You’re on that show that the fashion industry considers a joke, right? Nice to meet you. And no, we’ve never crossed paths. I’d know if we did.” She smiles sweetly despite her harsh words.
Ren and Lorelei look at each other, each with their eyes wide.
Olivia: “Oh — I guess that wasn’t you backstage at New York Fashion Week.” She shrugs. “One day you’ll get there, hun.” She walks off to file through the clothes.
“I honestly have no idea where this woman’s hostility towards me is coming from. I tried to give Elyse some credit but I should have known she wasn’t at the level to have her fashions on the runway of NYFW — I mean…look at her.”
Lorelei: “Ladies! Enough chit chatting for now. Let’s shop! Go on and look through the collection! I’m sure there's something for all of us.”
All the ladies are now perusing through the racks. Lorelei and Elyse go off on their own to try on some of the outfits they found. Ren approaches Olivia who is still looking through clothes.
Ren: “That was kind of intense? Do I sense a fashion rivalry?”
Olivia: “She needs to cool it. I have never met this girl before, I give her a compliment and those are her first words towards me?”
Ren: “Girl. I do not agree with what Elyse just said but know she actually is a really good girl. You two are alot alike and I think will really enjoy each other’s company once you get to know each other.”
Olivia: “Not if she’s acting like that.”
Elyse and Lorelei come out of the private fitting quarters to show off what they have on, Ren and Olivia go over to look.
Ren: “You both look hot!”
Elyse: “Thanks babe!”
Lorelei exams herself in the mirror wearing a sexy skin tight dress, without breaking her gaze on herself, she speaks to the women.
Lorelei: “So, what did you guys think about the girls at my party the other day?”
Ren: “I really liked everyone.”
Elyse: “Yeah, everyone was fab except…who was that girl? I forgot her name. She was wearing the Walmart attire. Isn’t that what she said? The girl wearing jeans and a t-shirt.”
Lorelei: “Ohhh, is that shade Elyse?” She laughs. “Are you talking about Ashantai?”
Elyse: “Shantay? Oh yes, that’s her.”
Lorelei: “Girlllll. No you didn’t” She lets out a cackle.
Olivia looks at the girls.
Olivia: “Walmart? That’s rude.”
Elyse: “That’s what she said, babe. So…” She looks at Olivia.
Olivia: “She told y’all she was wearing Walmart? Well if that’s all she can afford then get it.”
Ren: “I really like Ashantai! She seems down to earth and very smart. I skipped college to be a sport’s wife so it’s good to see a beautiful woman using her brain in other ways. Getting a PhD is impressive.”
Elyse: “She is so beautiful, I agree Ren. A sweetheart but we need to work with her. She needs some fashion help.” She laughs.
Olivia: “Let’s not judge her for living within her means. A lot of women in this city live beyond their means.”
Ren: “So true, Olivia.”
Elyse looks in Olivia’s direction and discreetly rolls her eyes.
“This one here. The retired model? Yeah, well, she must be a little low on funds if she’s relating to ‘living within her means’. Guess we all can’t be born into riches.” She shrugs nonchalantly.
The girls continue trying on clothes. Elyse goes to Ren’s private dressing quarters.
Elyse: “Show us that body! Come out, babe!”
Ren opens her door and twirls around in a fabulous Chanel evening wear gown.
Lorelei: “You look gorgeous!”
Olivia: “Yasssss girl!”
Elyse: “Now that’s what I call a relevant model! Looking good babes.”
Olivia rolls her eyes while Ren turns around to look at the group.
Ren: “So ladies, I’m having Cocktails & Confessions party this weekend. You all are invited. We’ll be having some fun, drinking a little, but come with a juicy confession to play the game with.”
Lorelei: “I’d love to go, Ren.” She smiles. “So if we’re all done here, I’ll take care of the tab.”
The girls all giggle, carrying their piles of clothes to the register. Olivia only carries a pair of socks.
“I’m sure alot of these women could benefit from getting free designer. When I was younger and broke, I definitely did. I guess this is how they do it here in Beverly Beach…buying friendships.” She grins devishily.
The scene fades out as Lorelei hands her black AmEx card to the lady behind the counter.
Ashantai’s beautiful house is shown. Inside she is applying makeup while bouncing her one year old daughter, Armani, on her knee.
Ashantai: “How is mommy’s baby girl this morning?” She kisses Armani’s cheek. “Let’s go wake up daddy.”
“My daughter Armani is one. She’s a handful.” She laughs. “She is what gets me through the day…besides a drink. She is my everything.”
Ashantai walks into her master bedroom, holding Armani. She sits on the side of the bed and taps her husband’s arm.
Ashantai: “Wake up Charles, I cooked some breakfast earlier.”
Charles grumbles and starts to wake up.
Charles: “Alright bae, I’ll be down in a minute.”
Ashantai and Armani head down to the kitchen. Ashantai puts Armani into her highchair as she starts getting a breakfast spread out of the oven. She puts eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits and gravy out on the table. Charles makes his ways down the stairs, when he gets into the kitchen he places his hands on Ashantai’s waist and gives her a kiss.
Charles: “It smells good…”
Ashantai: “Thanks, bae.” She lets out a giddy laugh.
Ashantai’s Interview:
“Oh, him? That’s all mine.” She winks. “Charles and I have been married for 4 years and it’s definitely had its challenges. There was a point of time in the beginning of our marriage that he acted so ‘single’ I asked him if he even wanted to be married! But as of today, our marriage is stronger than ever.” She flips her hair. “And I wouldn’t ask for it to be any other way.”
Ashantai finishes putting the rest of the food on the table and sits down with her husband and child.
Ashantai: “So Charles. I have a Zoom meeting with the office today. You mind dropping Mani off at daycare?”
Charles: “No problem.” He begins scarfing down his breakfast.
Ashantai: “Lemme just tell you about the ladies I met the other night…You know how I went to that nice little party up in Beverly Bluffs.”
Charles: “Mhm. So what happened, babe.”
Ashantai: “Of course they were getting to know me but there’s a fine line between getting to know me and being shady.” She rolls her eyes. “This girl Elyse, I think that’s her name, she was questioning my jobs and what I have going on.” She laughs.
Charles: “Well don’t you think she was actually trying to get to know what you were doing for a living?”
Ashantai sets down her fork and gives Charles a blank stare.
Ashantai: “No, Charles. I know when somebody is being shady. I’m clearly educated and she was being shady boots. I should throw these grits on you! She picks up her bowl and pretends to throw it on Charles, the couple breaks out into laughter. “Anyways…I was invited to some dirty confessions party tomorrow night. I’ll be seeing all the girls.”
Charles: “Just be nice, don’t get too defensive. Give the girl the benefit of the doubt. Also, don’t be telling any of our business now.”
Ashantai: “I would never.
She stands up and begins clearing the dishes.
“I love a good wig, a good meal, and a good man. When he acting right.” She points towards the camera and winks. “You know, I’m actually starting to believe what my mother said.” She laughs. “I love Charles, he has his flaws but that’s what comes with marriage.”
Charles and Armani remain at the table and Ashantai begins walking up the stairs. She pauses and yells down the stairs.
Armani squeals as Charles laughs to himself and shakes his head. The scene fades out.
Inside Ren’s home, she finishes setting out plates of hors d’oeuvres on her living room side tables.
Ren: “Okay…perfect…” She mumbles to herself as she analyzes the room.
“I’ve invited everyone over for a fun little Cocktails & Confessions night. We’re going to get the drinks flowing and hear some confessions from everyone. I’ve organized a fun game for us to play. I think this is a good way to get to know each other as a group!”
Lauren and Olivia walk into Ren’s house with bottles of champagne in hand.
Lauren: “HELLO??? Oh! There you are. Hey girlie, excited for girl’s night.” They come into the living room. “Hope you didn’t mind we let ourselves in.”
Olivia: “I’m ready to hear some confessions!”
Ren: “Of course not, girls. You guys can walk in whenever.” She takes the bottles of champagne. “You look fab as always.”
The doorbell rings and Ren goes to answer it. She opens the door to see Lorelei, Ren’s eyes are wide. Lorelei grins and gives Ren a hug.
Lorelei: “Hey girl!”
Ren: “Oh! Hey Lorelei, this is quite an outfit. Wow. Uh, come on in?” She smiles and leads her to the living room.
Another doorbell ring is heard.
Ren: “COME IN!”
The camera only shows the green suede boots the woman walking in is wearing. The camera pans up to show season 2 ‘friend of’; Tasha Allen.
Ren: “Tasha is that you? You look fabulous, I’m so glad you could come!”
“Last year, Tasha was one of my only allies.” Flashback clips of Tasha and Ren defending each other to Eleanor & Valentina from last season play. “I wanted her here because she is my friend and I also want to give her an opportunity to clear some things up with Lauren and Olivia because frankly, they aren’t her biggest fans. I just want my friends to get along!”
Tasha: “Thanks for the invite, boo!”
Olivia: “Tasha — Hello hun.”
Lauren looks at Tasha and bites her lip. The two do not greet eachother.
“What the fuck is Tasha doing here?”
The doorbell rings once more, this time a few seconds later Consuela is leading Ashantai into the living room.
Ashantai: “Heyyyy girls!”
Lorelei: “Hey Ashantai! You look so pretty.” She gives her a hug.
Ashantai: “Girl, compared to you I’m underdressed.” She gives Lorelei’s outfit a top to bottom look. “Okayyyyy!”
Lauren: “Right! You two are looking so good tonight.” She motions towards Ashantai and Lorelei. “Trust me, I’M the underdressed one.”
Lorelei: “Girl, I know.” She laughs. “It’s a bad habit. I’m from L.A. and we dress glam and over the top 24/7. I’m not used to the Beverly Beach vibe yet.”
Olivia walks over and smiles at Ashantai.
Olivia: “Hi Ashantai! I’m Olivia. I’ve been dying to meet you.”
Ashantai: “Olivia, you are ca-ute! Great to meet you!”
Tasha introduces herself to Lorelei and Ashantai, all the ‘wives chat. A few moments later, Elyse walks in carrying a bottle of Don Perignon.
Elyse: “Ladies! The party can now start!”
The ladies greet Elyse, except Olivia who keeps her distance.
“Everyone is looking great and the vibe is strong tonight — Then here comes the ‘Chanel Queen’ Elysia.” She rolls her eyes. “Air sucked out of the room IMMEDIATELY.”
Consuela, Ren’s maid, comes back into the room carrying a beautiful large wooden box with a slithole on top.
Consuela: “Ladies gather around! Miss Ren prepared a game for us.”
“Now the maid done entered announcing some little game.” She chuckles and shakes her head. “Oh lawd, I don’t hang out with chicks like this.”
The girls all migrate to sit on the couches, on their way over Tasha taps Lauren and Olivia’s arms.
Tasha: “Can I pull you two aside for a second.”
Lauren and Olivia look at eachother then nod.
Lauren: “Sure.”
Tasha: “Listen, I wanna apologize to you ladies about last year. I acted crazy.”
Olivia: “Thank you for apologizing, Tasha. I respect that.” She nods.
Lauren: “Thank you, Tasha. It was a long time ago. We can all agree to move forward from here. Like Olivia, I appreciate the apology. “
“Now it’s time to get a fresh, new start with Tasha. It shouldn’t be too hard considering she looks like a completely different person. I can just pretend shes a different Tasha!” She laughs
Tasha: “Good! Cheers to a new start.” She cheers the girls. “Let’s join the others.”
Tasha, Lauren, and Olivia join the others on the sofas in the living room right as Ren begins explaining the confessions game. She holds the wooden box as she stands up in front of everyone.
Ren: “Okay girls! In order to get to know each other a bit better we will each be writing a confession that not alot of people know about you. None of that ‘I don’t like chocolate’ bullshit. We will be putting all of our confessions in this box. I’ll mix them around and then open the box and read each one, one at a time. We will then vote on who we think the confession belongs to. If we vote the right person, they have to speak up and reveal it’s them. If it’s the wrong person, the person with the most votes will deny it and we won’t know who it actually belongs to!”
The girls all chatter and laugh as Ren hands out pieces of paper and pens. They all go off and write down their confessions then slide them into the box. Once all the girls are done, Ren stands back in front of the girls.
Ren: “Alright, first one. Let’s do it!”
Ashantai: “OOOP!” She sips her drink.
Lorelei: “Now we all know that’s Ashantai.” She laughs.
Olivia: “Clearly Elyse — She thinks she’s the HBIC.” She shoots Elyse a look.
Olivia’s Interview:
“Key word: THINKS”
Tasha: “I think Elyse.”
Ren: “Hmmm. That sounds like Elyse to me! A boss bitch!”
Lorelei: “This is going to be a messy game.” She giggles.
Elyse: “Wasn’t me!”
The girls groan, the camera zooms in on Ashantai who looks around casually.
Ashantai’s Interview:
“DELUSION in this group! I am and will always be the HBIC, okay?” She snaps.
Ren pulls out the next one.
Lorelei and Tasha burst out laughing.
Olivia: “Definitely not Elyse!”
Ashantai: “I say Lorelei.”
Lorelei looks at Ashantai.
Lorelei: “You tried it!” She laughs.
Lauren: “Okay, I vote Ren. You are definitely a little freak, girl.” She playfully tilts her glass towards Ren.
Lorelei: “I think Ren too.”
Tasha: “Ren, girl, it’s you!”
Ren: “I do enjoy it, but not me hunni.” She laughs.
Elyse: “I say the anal sex bit is the Olivia.”
Olivia holds up her hands laughing.
Olivia: “Fine, it was me.” She giggles.
“Who doesn’t love anal? I’ll own it. That was totally mine.”
“I don’t know these girls like that. How I know she like anal already?!” Her eyes widen.
Ren begins reading the next one.
Ashantai: “ELYSE”
Lauren: “Elyse? Is that you?”
Olivia: “Definitely Elyse. She’s the only woman who's given me self absorbed bitchy vibes.”
Tasha: “Elyse.”
Lorelei looks at Elyse.
Lorelei: “Oop! Girlllllll.”
Ashantai’s Interview:
“Oh, that has Elyse’s name all over it. But I’m with her, she right.” She sips her drink.
Elyse: “Sorry ladies!”
Ren opens the box and pulls the next one out.
Olivia: ‘Tasha?”
Elyse: “Well this could actually be me but, I’m out and proud about it. Curious on who it is.”
Lauren glances at Lorelei.
“Could this confession be the reason why Lorelei’s husband wasn’t at her party?” She raises an eyebrow.
Ashantai: “Now that’s just nasty.” She laughs. “Ren I guess.”
The rest of the ladies get silent and look at Ashantai.
Lorelei: “Hold up, what’s nasty?”
Ashantai: “Being attracted to women, Lorelei.” She looks at Lorelei dead in the eyes.
Ren raises her eyebrow at Ashantai.
Ren: “Woah, homophobic?”
Ashantai: “Of course not. What ima do with a female that got the same parts as me? Anything else, Ren?”
Ashantai’s Interview:
“Damn, she must wanna bump coochies or something.”
Ren’s mouth drops and Lorelei gasps.
“Ashantai, just zip it.”
Ren: “Okay, let’s shut this down. No clear majority so let’s move onto the next one.”
Lauren giggles and sips her drink.
Lauren: “Well this game is definitely an ice breaker.”
Lorelei gasps in shock.
Lorelei: “Oh wow. Wooooow.”
Lauren’s mouth drops and she looks around the room.
Ren: “Okay hold on, is that wife in the room?”
Olivia: “It said former housewife so I don’t think it’s one of our exes.”
Ren: “I need someone to come clean.”
Elyse: “Was it the Walmart queen?” She glances at Ashantai.
Lorelei: “Oooooh girl.”
“Walmart queen? Oh hell naw, I know she’s not talking about me.”
Ashantai pivots on the couch to face Elyse who is sipping on her drink gleefully.
Ashantai: “Elyse, lemme tell you something. You don’t know me at all. You are an absolute stranger to me at this point. You have no relevance in my life so keep your comments to yourself.”
Elyse shrugs and countinues sipping on her drink.
Ashantai: “I think I’ll just go.” She stands up and gathers her belongings; she mumbles under her breath. “Stupid ass girl…” She walks out the door as the other ‘wives watch her in shock.
Ashantai’s Interview:
“I’m so over this girl and this party.”
Olivia: “Wow.”
Elyse: “Sorry.” She flips her hair.
Olivia: “All of that…was a bit too much.”
Lorelei: “Should I go out and see if she’s okay?”
Elyse: “No. She clearly doesn’t want to be here. Let her throw her fit and leave. We don’t need this evening ruined.”
Ren: “I’m really not sure what just happened but let’s just get back to the game. Nobody owned this!” She holds up the confession paper.
Lorelei: “Yeah, who is it?”
Tasha: “It was me.”
Lorelei: “Ooooh.” She looks at Tasha.
Ren: “Oh my god.” Her eyes get big.
Olivia: “Who did you sleep with, Tasha?”
Tasha: “Valentina’s ex fiancè that she was engaged to years ago.”
Olivia: “Oh wow.” She sips her champagne.
Ren chokes on her wine then gathers herself, pulling out the next card.
Lorelei: “I say Ren.”
Olivia: “Ren.”
Lauren stays silent and looks around.
Ren smirks while ripping the card in half and letting it fall to the floor.
Ren: “Not me bitches, final one.”
“Well, she may not have wrote it down for this game but she did.” She laughs and sips a drink.
Flashbacks of Ren flirting with Drake at Coachella and the paddleboard instructor in Mexico from season 1 play.
Ren: “Lauren.”
Lorelei: “Lauren?”
Olivia: “Lauren!”
Lauren raises a wine glass and cheers to the group.
Lauren: “Yep! Goodbye Jason!” She laughs.
Ren: “Knew it, bitch!”
All of the ladies start to stand up and clean, getting ready to leave.
Elyse: “So this was fun. Who thought of this game? Was it you Ren?”
Ren: “Yes, it was one of the games I played with my college girlfriends before I dropped out.”
Tasha turns to Elyse and Lorelei as she is putting on her coat.
Tasha: “Let me get your guys’ numbers. I want to put together a lunch sometime this week. I’d love to get to know you guys better.”
Lorelei: “Okay!” She smiles at Tasha. “I’d love that.”
The ladies all make it to the door. They say their goodbyes and start to walk out.
Lauren: “Bye Ren! This was fun. Again, thanks so much for having us.”
“Hmmm…I think the most shocking revelation that came out of tonight is that Valentina has now had two men that have wanted to marry her. She’s out here collecting engagement rings like she’s J-Lo.” She starts laughing to herself.
The episode ends with a shot of Ren’s house from the outside and multiple cars driving off into the night.