[S3 E11]: Sum-Oh No!

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
18 min readJun 7, 2021


(From L to R: Lorelei Sullivan, Ashantai Adore, Elyse Sewell, Olivia Blake, Ren Rose, & Lauren Barnes)

Traditional Japanese music plays as Elyse, Lauren, and Ren walk into a sumo wrestling match. Elyse’s eyes get wide when she walks in and sees two, big men in the middle of a sumo match.

Ren, Lauren, & Elyse
Elyse’s Interview

“I really don’t know who’s idea this was to see two burly men entangled in each other’s arm. I feel like I’ve gone back in time to my third sexual experience!” She giggles. “Ah…those were the days. Maybe we can have some fun today because last night was messier than Olivia’s face when she wakes up.”

Ren scrunches up her nose, checking out the scene.

Ren: “Oh my god…this is kind of gross…”

Ren’s Interview

“Last night’s dinner was insane. I got to talk to Lorelei and although we haven’t seen eye to eye, we really got to bond! After a night of tears we hit the streets of Tokyo until 4 A.M!”
We see cell phone videos of Ren and Lorelei on the streets of Tokyo partying with the locals.

Elyse: “I don’t think I’m quite dressed for the occasion.” She looks down at her outfit and laughs.

Ren: “Me neither.” She squeals when a large, sweaty sumo wrestler brushes her when he walks past. “Who’s idea was this?”

Lauren slowly raises her hand.

Lauren: “Hey! I thought it would be something fun to do! You know, experience the culture.”

Elyse: “I think I prefer the temple we went to yesterday.”

The girls go and sit in the viewing area. As the men participate in their sumo fights, Lauren and Elyse cheer them on but Ren just watches the whole thing disgusted. Lauren turns to Ren and nudges her.

Lauren: “Maybe you can pick up some new techniques for round two with Lorelei.” She laughs.

Ren: “Haha Lauren.” She rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “It was a joke, of course! It seems like you two are getting along just fine, cute picture from last night.” She smirks at Ren.

Ren: “We just went out last night to take her mind off of everything.”

Elyse: “I just cannot fathom that you, Ren Rose, went out partying with Lorelei.” She raises her eyebrow.

Ren: “Yes. She just needed to escape reality and the clubs of Tokyo did just the trick.” She yawns. “She feels really bad for lying to all of us.”

Elyse: “For lying to all of us or for calling me a fucking liar?”

Lauren nods in agreement.

Lauren: “Honestly, I would believe her if she wouldn’t have made that big, unnecessary scene at dinner last night. It was ridiculous! She basically tricked Olivia into inviting her on this trip and then exposed herself.”

Ren sighs.

Ren: “This is true, she did cause a huge scene only to admit to the truth after the fact…but hurt people hurt people.”

Elyse: “If she was so hurt, she could’ve confided in her friends.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Who would’ve judged her for that? If you’re being abused we would’ve rallied around you with support. Come on. Lorelei can’t be that dumb. We aren’t talking about the Walmart queen here.”

Elyse’s Interview

“I don’t agree with what’s going on with Lorelei…but I just can’t feel bad because the bitch called me a liar. Call me stuck up, a messy bitch, a princess, a slut…” She shrugs. “I can handle that. But call me a liar? Oh no. I won’t have it!”

Ren: “I do agree with you, Elyse. I would have definitely been way nicer to her if she had just told us what was going on. I still can’t understand what would lead her to sleeping around with her husband’s son though. He was a creeper.”

Ren: “It’s just one big mess.”

Lauren: “Yeah, there are plenty of other men to have an affair with. Why your step son? I wonder how Morgan is reacting to all of this.”

Elyse: “Clearly not positively if what she’s saying is true. Which, by the way, I think she’s just using this whole abuse thing as an excuse to justify her behavior with her stepson.”

Lauren: “Last night was just really heavy. I needed to get away from all of that.”

Elyse: “Speaking of last night…” She turns to Ren. “You ran right after her, Ren. Then you went out with her! You were being Captain Save-A-Victim! What was up with that?”

In the background, a sumo wrestler makes a large grunt which causes Lauren to jump and grab her chest. The girls laugh then Ren turns her attention back to Elyse.

Ren: “Last night I saw the pain in her face and if her husband was hitting her, I didn’t want to add to it by jumping down her throat like everyone else. She needed a friend and I’ve been in that position before. She told me her husband asked for a divorce and that she mad a miscarriage because of the beatings.” She frowns.

Lauren: “Wow — That’s terrible.”

Lauren’s Interview

“So is there proof of this supposed new story of the pregnancy? This is all too crazy. It doesn’t add up.”

Elyse: “You’re a great friend, so I can see…but I really think she’s lying about it all so she has an excuse. If she wanted to sleep with her stepson; She should’ve gotten a divorce before the fact, left her husband, and then opened her legs. Case closed!”

Lauren: “That’s what I’m saying!”

Ren: “I’m taking my time getting to know Lorelei because clearly she has a history of not telling the truth. I just want to support her now and in this moment.”

Elyse: “I guess…”

Ren bursts out laughing.

Ren: “You can be such a bitch sometimes you know.”

Elyse: “Well…I mean…” She laughs with Ren.

Lauren: “Hold up — I’m still a little confused. Ren, are you guys good good now? Like, are you friends?”

Elyse nods her head towards Lauren and let’s out a chuckle.

Elyse: “Right. Because two seconds ago you wanted to beat her surgically enhanced derrière.”

Ren: “I’m not going to say friends…like I said, I’m getting to know her. Not going to lie, when we were out last night she was kind of fun.”

Elyse rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “I’m glad you two are getting along. I will try to give her a new, fresh start. I’m still weary of the step son drama though.” She picks at her nail.

Ren: “Yes! Great! That’s all I’m saying. Let’s give her a chance, baby steps…I do think she owes everyone a proper apology in order to move forwards.” She looks around. “Now can we get out of here and get sake?! This is too much.”

The sumo wrestlers comes over to the side of the wrestling area and start showing off for the ladies. Lauren starts laughing and gets up and starts mimicking them.

Elyse: “Yes!! Call me, bubba! My number is [REDACTED]…”

Ren: “Elyse! You can’t just give your number to strangers!”

The girls laugh and the scene fades out.

Lorelei walks into a fancy cat cafè, a trendy place to get coffee in Japan. She sits on a bench and pets a cat as it rubs up against her legs.

Lorelei’s Interview

“I stayed back from the group activity today because I wanted to meet with Olivia. I truly do consider her a really good friend of mine. She was one of the first ones to welcome me to Beverly Beach and be my friend. I know I lied to her and that’s shitty because she’s had my back. I just wanna see how we can move forward.”

Olivia walks into the cat cafè. She goes to the bench Lorelei is at and sits down beside her. Lorelei smiles.

Lorelei: “Hey, Liv. You look pretty.”

Olivia: “Thank you.” She takes off her sunglasses. “I’m going to be honest, I am very disappointed in you.”

Lorelei: “Just cutting right to the chase, huh? You don’t want a drink or anything?” She raises an eyebrow.

Lorelei’s Interview

“I’m really genuinely trying to be nice to Liv. She just sits down ready to rip my face off!” She laughs. “Girl, calm down! We can have a discussion.”

Olivia: “No, I’m good. I want to get right into it. I’m disappointed. I’m hurt. I feel lied to and used.”

Lorelei: “I understand that. I apologize for lying to you.”

Olivia shakes her head.

Olivia: “I had your back against those three women and I ended up defending someone who was lying. That ruins my own credibility.”

Lorelei sighs and rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “You’re worried about your credibility? Girl.”

Olivia: “Absolutely! You made me look stupid.”

Lorelei sets her drink down and looks Olivia in the eyes.

Lorelei: “I admitted to sleeping with my step son because my husband was abusing me…and you think you actually didn’t do anything wrong? You didn’t console me, you literally couldn’t care less.”

Olivia: “I’m a processor. I sat there processing the fact that I had someone’s back who ended up lying to me on multiple occasions.”

Lorelei: “I get that. I do. I really do. I’m sorry I lied to you, I had my reasons behind it and I don’t expect you to understand them.”

Olivia: “You’re right Lorelei! I don’t understand ANY of your reasoning.”

Lorelei: “I’m here because I consider you a friend and I’d like to move forward. What really hurt my feelings is that you were so angry at me last night that instead of ‘processing’ it, coming to terms with it, and then checking on me…you didn’t. Ren did. Someone who has physically assaulted me. Someone I NEVER thought would’ve had my back in my darkest moment.”

Olivia: “Loyalty is important to me and I thought our friendship was a lot stronger than it actually is. I accept your apology and we are fine.” She shrugs.

Olivia’s Interview

“Lorelei is not someone I trust nearly as much anymore. I am cool with her and enjoy her presence…on occasions. At the end of the day, she has shown she lies and that’s a red flag. I need to take a step back from this friendship.”

Lorelei: “That’s fine. I don’t think we’ll ever be as close as we once were.”

Flashback clips of Lorelei & Olivia’s growing friendship this season play: Lorelei and Olivia going out for lunch after Lorelei’s party. Lorelei, Olivia, Morgan, and Brandon at the football game. Olivia defending Lorelei.

Lorelei: “After last night, I’m over trying to beg and plead for friendships in this group. We’re good.”

Lorelei suddenly stands up, blows her a kiss, and exits the cafe. Olivia watches her walk out and chuckles.

Olivia: “What a mess of a human. I truly have terrible judgment.”

She laughs to herself once more and the scene ends.

Electronic music plays as we see the glitz, glam, and outfits of a Tokyo Fashion Week Runway show. Guests mingle and clink glasses inside the insane venue before the show starts. Olivia is being touched up by a makeup artist at a table at the end of the runway. She sits next to three other well known members of the fashion industry, the America’s Next Top Model cameras face them. Lauren, Ren, Lorelei, & Elyse all walk in together. A man leads them to their seats in the second row of the fashion show. They look around and admire the place.

Ren, Olivia, Lauren, Lorelei, & Elyse

Ren: “Wooow. Olivia has the coolest job.” She turns to the other girls. “By the way, everyone looks great.”

Lorelei: “Thanks, girl. So do you.”

Lauren: “Can you see Olivia?”

Elyse and Ren both point to the judges table where she is sitting.

Elyse: “Right there!”

The lights dim, everyone goes silent, and the show begins. Long, lankey models stride down the catwalk. The last four to close the show are the Final 4 on ANTM. Everyone claps after the designer presents himself and the show ends. The scene transitions into a fancy night club, The America’s Next Top Model Wrap Party.

Lauren: “I’m going to go grab a drink, you guys want anything?”

Lorelei: “I’ll take a water please!”

Lauren nods and walks off. Ren is seen taking pictures and mingling with guests at the party. Lauren eventually comes back with drinks and five tequila shots, Lorelei and Ren gather around her.

Lauren: “Okay, I have your drinks and a shot for all of us!” She laughs.

Ren: “Thank you, baby.” She gives Lauren’s arm a squeeze.

Lauren: “Now where are Elyse and Olivia?”

Elyse waddles over to the table, pushing her boobs back into her dress.

Elyse: “I’m here! I’m here! So sorry, I had a slight wardrobe malfunction I needed to attend to in the bathroom.”

Lauren hands Elyse her shot.

Lauren: “Now we just need Olivia…”

Olivia walks over, grinning. She gives a two handed wave as arrives.

Olivia: “Hello, hello ladies!”

Lauren hands both Elyse and Olivia their shots.

Lauren: “Here! We’ve been waiting for you. But first, the show was amazing!”

Lorelei nods.

Lorelei: “It was very nice.”

Ren: “The models were serving, hunni.”

Elyse: “It was a wonderful production. I must say, I quite enjoyed myself.”

Olivia: “I’m glad you did Elyse! Maybe one day your fashions will be on the stage.” She giggles.

Elyse: “My fashions? On the ANTM stage? Oh heavens no! They’re already on the runways in the TRUE fashion capitals.”

Olivia: “Oh, I didn’t realize Tokyo wasn’t a ‘true’ fashion capital?”

Elyse: “It is. But the show…well…” She cringes. “You know what, I want to have a good night so I’ll just keep my thoughts to myself.” She winks.

Olivia’s Interview

“I caught Elyse’s shade. Saying that no one watches the show I’m on is like saying Lorelei doesn’t screw her step son… both are easily proven FALSE.”

Olivia: “That sounds like a good idea! Speaking of good ideas…I wanted to invite most of you ladies to my upcoming engagement party.

Lauren: “Oh my! I am so excited for you and Brandon. The party will be fabulous.” She smiles.

Ren: “O-M-G. I’m so excited for you, Liv. I just know the wedding is going to be exquisite.”

Olivia: “Thank you so much ladies!”

The camera shows Lorelei who watches with a blank face.

Lorelei: “You said most?”

Intense music starts playing as Olivia turns to Lorelei.

Olivia: “Lorelei, let’s be honest. I’m on the fence with you.”

Lorelei raises an eyebrow and lets out a chuckle.

Lorelei: “Oh, is that so?”

Lorelei’s Interview

“I thought Olivia was my friend but she’s been acting really shady ever since I told the truth. Now she’s not sure if she wants me at her Engagement Party…? Honestly, I thought she was kidding at first. Uh… I just thought true friends could work past things but she wouldn’t know what a true friend is, I’m assuming.”

Olivia just nods in response to Lorelei.

Lorelei: “I really don’t care if you don’t want me there, honestly. You are fake as fuck.” She smiles; shrugging. “You’re not a real friends. I wouldn’t be at that party or that sham of a wedding regardless.”

Lauren gasps.

Lauren’s Interview

“Lorelei really sat down and decided to end her entire social life this week, didn’t she?”

Olivia starts laughing.

Olivia: “Oh really? The ladies here can all attest to the fact that I’ve had your back this entire year. I’m not sure why you’re the one mad at me.”

Lorelei: “You’ve had my back, I agree. But when it TRULY mattered…you were nowhere to be found.”

Elyse, Lauren, and Ren watch the two girls go back and forth intently.

Ren: “Listen Olivia — I know you’re upset that Lorelei lied to you, but the poor girl has been through enough. Let’s not chastise her at your celebration party.” She motions to the packed room.

Olivia: “Ren, don’t get involved?” She rolls her eyes and sticks her hand up in Ren’s direction. She then focuses her attention back on Lorelei. “You said my wedding is going to be a sham? The true sham is you entering a marriage with you lover’s daddy.”

Lorelei looks at Olivia and frowns.

Lorelei: “Really? Really, Olivia? Now you’re jumping on the bandwagon? Save the step son jokes, I’ve heard all of them thanks to you ladies.” She shoots a look at Ren, Elyse, and Lauren. “But coming from you, Olivia?”

Lauren: “How is that somehow off limits when you just disrespected her and her fiancè?”

Lorelei: “Lauren, girl, why do you keep talking to me when it doesn’t concern you. You’re through.” She shoo’s Lauren away with her hand.

Olivia: “Don’t talk to her like that!”

Lorelei: “I just did.”

Lauren: “I think you’re the one that's through, girl. I heard you’re going to walk away with NOTHING from this divorce since you cheated.” She cocks her head.

Lorelei: “If I didn’t know better I’d assume you were my lawyer, Lauren. But alas — you’re just a humble party planner.”

Lauren shrugs.

Lauren: “Maybe you should know what’s in your prenup before you sign it. I can plan your divorce party.”

Elyse is looking around nervously, people in the club are starting to notice there is a disagreement going on.

Elyse: “Guys! Guys! Not again, not in public. Here, let’s step outside.”

The girls are seen walking through the packed night club and eventually exiting through a door that leads them out into a back alley. The neon lights of late night Tokyo light up their faces.

Lorelei: “This is just all low based bullshit. Olivia I thought you were my friend, clearly not. I apologized for lying. I will not do it again.”

Ren: “Honestly, guys! Give her a break. None of you know what it’s like to have a man beat you. Lorelei has been through alot. You guys ought to be ashamed of yourself!”

Elyse grabs Ren’s arm and leans in to whisper.

Elyse: “Just let them handle it…”

Ren: “No. it’s not fair, Olivia and Lauren are both coming at her.”

Olivia points to Lorelei.

Olivia: “You are so foul — You lack morals, decency, and class. I can't believe I was friends with you.”

Lorelei: “What’s foul is your fiancè being secretly gay and you signing up to be his beard.”

Ren whips her head in Lorelei’s direction.

Ren: “Lorelei!”

Elyse shakes her head.

Elyse: “So trashy…”

Lorelei looks around at the other women.

Lorelei: “What? The streets talk! We’ve all heard it.”

Olivia starts laughing hysterically.

Olivia: “Oh please girl!”

Lauren goes to stand next to Olivia and rubs her arm. She glares at Lorelei.

Lauren: “This girl will do and say absolutely anything to get the heat off her.”

Lorelei’s Interview

“I feel extremely attacked right now. It’s like everyone is coming for me but you know what? I’m done. I’m not playing nice anymore. These girls wanna throw insults at me…I’ll throw everything I’ve got back at you.

Lorelei: “When Olivia’s marriage ends in 2 seconds, I’ll be sure to send a gift basket.”

Olivia lets out a huff of air.

Olivia: “Ren, you really got to stop defending this whore.”

Lauren: “Seriously, Ren! You and I were the ones that knew she was shady from the beginning.”

Ren: “You guys I get it, she is a liar but she's been through a lot of abuse. I do feel like we are all guilty of not being sensitive to her situation. When people are going through shit like this, sometimes you have to give them a pass, that’s not to say Lorelei shouldn’t be held accountable for her actions but maybe just don’t end a friendship over this since she was in such a bad place? Olivia, you need to get off your high horse and be a friend right now.”

Lorelei looks at Ren and smiles slightly.

Lorelei’s Interview

“It’s honestly really nice to see Ren on my side. Like… they’re sincerely complete bitches to me. Who would actually LIE about being abused? Literally, who?”

Lauren just rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “She is clearly just acting out.” She motions towards Lorelei. “It is extremely exhausting to deal with her insane behavior constantly.”

Lauren’s Interview

“With Lorelei it’s like a vicious cycle. When she feels attacked, she attacks everyone else in the room. It’s tiring because the girl will pull anything out of her ass that has a shock value to divert attention off of her.”

Elyse: “You know, I hate to say this considering she’s my friend and all but Lorelei is a liar.”

Lorelei: “You’re not my friend, Elyse.”

Elyse: “Is that so? Oh please. You were never my friend.”

Elyse: To put me in a position like this and then call me a liar? Projecting much?”

Lorelei: “Elyse, I was your friend. I was. You allowed me to get beat up and you never once checked on me. That was strike one and two. Then you just revealed my secret while the cameras were rolling and in front of everyone without giving me at least a private heads up. That’s strike three. You were a horrible friend to me.”

Elyse: “Oh shut up, Lorelei. You’re ridiculous. I never knew you were getting beat up…Allegedly…Stop with the lies.”

Lorelei: “Elyse, fuck you.”

As Elyse and Lorelei keep going at it, Olivia takes Ren’s arm and pulls her to the side.

Olivia: “I’m only doing this because we’ve been friends for years and our friendship doesn’t need to get entangled with all of this. But…really Ren? That little speech you just gave? I had Lorelei’s back until she was outed for feeding me lies! I don’t care that she fucked someone who ran around calling her mommy, I care she’s a fucking liar. I just don’t get why now all of a sudden your defending her.”

Ren: “Olivia, you of all people should understand her, considering what you went through with you ex husband. I don’t want to talk about what you don’t want out.” She bites her lip.

Olivia: “You better stop it right there Ren! Oh my god — I’m DONE with this conversation.”

Olivia walks back to the group and taps Lauren.

Olivia: “Let’s go back to the hotel. I physically cannot be here anymore with these disgusting people.” She gives the nastiest look to Ren.

Ren: “Okay Olivia, run away like you always do when you get called out. Toodles!” She downs her cocktail.

Elyse: “Go home to your step son, he’s calling for his mommy.”

Elyse adjusts her purse around her shoulder and walks to catch up with Lauren and Olivia who are starting to walk out of the alley. Olivia turns around.

Olivia: “Oh Ren, I know you're taking up for the whore now because you’ve been exposed on this show for sleeping with men who aren't Aaron. Kiss my ass Ren! You want to choose the bitch who fucks her step son over me? Done! Don’t come to my Engagement Party. Neither of you are invited.”

Olivia’s Interview

“Those two…” She interlocks her pointer and middle finger. “Two peas in a cheating pod.”

As Olivia, Lauren, and Elyse walk out of sight, Lorelei sticks her middle finger up in their direction.

Lorelei: “That is one pack of evil bitches…”

Ren: “Olivia thinks she’s so fucking perfect but can’t find a man in her age group…Have your prenup ready, hun.”

Lorelei: “Thank you so much for having my back tonight. I seriously would have collapsed if I had to take everyone on by myself.”

Ren: “No problem, Lorelei.”

The episode ends as we get a view of the bustling streets of Tokyo at night.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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