[S3 E10]: Tokyo Takedown

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
22 min readJun 2, 2021


(From L to R: Lorelei Sullivan, Ashantai Adore, Elyse Sewell, Olivia Blake, Ren Rose, & Lauren Barnes)

The episode opens with a plane touching down at the airport, its wheels screech. We hear fun background music with an Asian twist as we get shots and B-roll of the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan. The camera eventually lands on a sleek, modern hotel. Olivia stands in its outdoor courtyard as Elyse, Lauren, Ren, & Consuela walk in.

Olivia: “Ladies! How was the flight?”

Ren: “Hey Liv! Oh, it was loooong, but I’m ready to see the city!”

Ren’s Interview

“Yes bitch! We’re in Tokyo! This is my first time in Japan and I’m super thrilled to be here with my GOOD friends. After all the craziness that’s been happening in Beverly Beach I’m so glad that Olivia invited us here while she’s filming the America’s Next Top Model finale.”

Elyse: “Olivia! Look at you! Ashantai says hi.” She laughs.

Olivia: “Who?”

Elyse, Lauren, and Ren all greet Olivia and give her a hug.

Lauren: “I’m glad we finally made it. I need a nap after travelling across the world!”

Ren: “I’m so ready for my suite.”

Four hotel staff come out to the ladies, each carrying a tray with one champagne flute on it. They give their champagne to Ren, Lauren, Elyse, and Olivia. Consuela is zoomed in on as she stands and watches, holding Ren’s heavy bags. The four workers stand in front of the ladies and bow.

Staff:Konnichiwa! Hajimemashite! [Good Afternoon! Nice to meet you!] They say in unison.

Lauren: “Wow! Thank you guys.” She bows back.

Elyse: “I love this, great job with the hotel, Olivia.” She takes a sip of champagne.

Olivia: “Cheers to a fun girls trip! Even though I have to work a little…”

The girls all hold up their glasses and clink them together.

Olivia’s Interview

“The girls and I have not seen eye to eye lately but, I’m happy they are here. Hopefully they won’t be too disturbed by my surprise.” She smirks.

Elyse: “So where are our rooms, Liv? If we’re doing anything today I need to get on it. I’ve got my glam squad here to do a little man handling on lil ole me!” She laughs.

Lauren raises her eyebrow.

Lauren’s Interview

“Is it ridiculous that Elyse brought her glam squad to Tokyo? Yes. Am I secretly hoping she lets me use them for the ANTM fashion show? Also yes.”

Olivia: “One second…We’re just waiting on…Oh! Here she is!”

Dramatic music plays as Lorelei walks into the courtyard of the hotel. Olivia grins and walks over to hug her.

Olivia: “Lorelei! Hey love, I’m so glad you made it safely.”

Elyse, Lauren, and Ren all look at each other in shock. Ren’s eyes are wide, Lauren’s mouth hangs open a little, and Elyse just shakes her head and chuckles.

Elyse’s Interview

“And BOOM! Mic drop! Surprise, look who’s here.” She rolls her eyes. “She who wears the scarlet letter.”

Ren’s Interview

“Who invited this bitch? I thought it was pretty much a given we were kind of done with Lorelei. She’s been blatantly lying to us and all she does is stir up drama. Of course Olivia just had to invite her new bestie. It’s a bad look for any of us to be hanging out with Lorelie Sullivan.”

Lorelei: “Hiiii guys!” She smiles and gives Olivia a kiss on the cheek, she then turns to the other ladies.

Lorelei’s Interview

“I’m really excited to be in Japan. I’ve been here many times before and It’s definitely a city known for its FASHION! Which…none of these women really have.” She shrugs. “By the looks on their faces, I don’t think Olivia told the others I was coming. It’s okay though, I came because I don’t run. My life is not great right now but I’m confronting my issues with these women head on. I also need to support my girl Olivia.”

Lauren blinks.

Lauren: “Hey Lorelei. Glad you could make it.” She gives a small smile.

Lorelei nods in Lauren’s direction and smiles.

Lorelei: “Hey girl! Thank you.”

Lauren’s Interview

“Well, at least everyone else on the trip was truly amazed to. You know what, I’m going to be keeping an open mind. Maybe Lorelei will grow on me this trip. Hopefully she left the step son back at home. ”

Elyse steps forward.

Elyse: “Lorelei! No hard feelings, right? So glad you're here.” She goes in for a hug.

Lorelei frowns but still gives her a hug.

Lorelei: “I’m still a bit upset, but…” She shrugs.

Elyse: “Well…okay.”

Elyse’s Interview:
“This anger from Lorelei is confusing. She’s still upset? Well I hope it’s with her husband for not being able to satisfy her. I mean, she had to get the goods from her stepson. Obviously someone wasn’t doing a good job.”

Olivia: “Awww! The ladies are all getting along. We love to see it!”

Ren scrunches up her face at Lorelei.

Consuela: “Hello miss Lorelei!”

Ren whips her head in Consuela’s direction and gives her a death stare, she harshley scolds her under her breath.

Ren: “Excuse me. Don’t speak to her.”

Consuela: “Sorry miss Ren.”

Lorelei waves at Consuela and looks at the ladies.

Lorelei: “So, have we decided rooms?”

Lauren: “No! Room picking time?” She turns to Ren and Elyse and takes their hands. “Us three together?”

Elyse: “Charlie’s Angels!!!” She giggles.

Elyse and Lauren make finger guns and pose. Ren looks at them and laughs, Olivia shakes her head.

Olivia: “No ma’am! I have assigned rooms and that…” She motions towards the trio. “Is not what I assigned.”

Lauren looks disappointed. Ren folds her arms and looks at Olivia, confused.

Olivia: “Elyse, you and I will be rooming together with Lauren. Ren and Lorelei, you two will share a suite. We will be working through issues on this trip, okay!”

Lauren’s mouth drops, she looks at Olivia and then to Ren.

Ren: “You’ve got to be kidding.” She looks pissed off.

Lorelei lets out a loud cackle and playfully pushes Olivia.

Lorelei: “You are so funny!”

Ren: “This has to be a joke.”

Olivia just hands Ren and Lorelei their keys. Lorelei shrugs and takes hers.

Lorelei: “I can play nice.”

Elyse: “Well personally, I’m fine with this arrangement! We’ll have fun.”

Elyse’s Interview

“Should I be scared? I don’t know if Lauren can save me from Olivia if she tries to murder me in my sleep. She is a very small girl.” She grips her neck and falls out of her Interview chair, acting like she’s dying. “Somebody help me!”

Lauren does a little dance.

Lauren: “This’ll be interesting! Yes, I get to room with the top model.” She laughs and squeezes Olivia’s arm. She shoots Ren a subtle, empathetic look.

Olivia: “Alright ladies, everyone to their rooms! Our bus for the temple tour leaves in two hours so we need to start getting ready now.”

Ren rolls her eyes and whispers under her breath.

Ren: “Kill me now…”

The scene fades as the girls head to their rooms.

The beautiful Buddhist temple of Sengakuji is shown on the screen. It is situated in the middle of Tokyo. Ren, Lauren, Olivia, Elyse, and Lorelei walk through the temple courtyard.

Olivia: “Ladies, this is awesome!” She points to a large bronze statue.

Lorelei looks in awe, taking everything around her in.

Lorelei: “This is really nice…”

Lorelei’s Interview

“So far so good on this trip! No ones really gotten crazy and we’re just trying to enjoy the scenery. I’m surprised Ren didn’t choke me out in our room.” She laughs. “You know she can’t keep her hands to herself.”

Olivia: “Is everyone having a good time?”

Lorelei nods.

Lorelei: “I am so far! Tokyo is always so nice, Liv.”

Lauren: “Yes! I love it here!”

Lauren’s Interview

“It is so peaceful here in Sengakuji. This is exactly what I need right now with all the chaos in my life…honestly I think it’s what EVERYONE needs. I am just glad there’s been no fighting amongst the girls. We are all getting along in this serene place.” She grins. “Pure bliss.”

Ren stops taking selfies in front of the temple and catches up with the girls.

Ren: “This trip is surprisingly really relaxing.”

Elyse: “This truly is a beautiful place. I’ve actually been here with a lover of mine before. You see that spot over there?” She points to an area with two oversized bushes.

The girls squint and look over.

Olivia: “Oh yeah…I see it.”

Elyse: “Some hot lovemaking was had there.” She laughs and playfully bumps Olivia.

Olivia: “Oh my — “

Olivia’s Interview

“Of course she’s out here having sex outside. Just plain nasty.” She turns her nose up.

Ren’s eyes widen.

Ren: “Elyse! I can’t with you.” She laughs.

Elyse: “I still have a scar on my back. But it was good! I wonder what he’s up to now…” She trails off and a big grin covers her face.

Lorelei looks at Elyse and shakes her head.

Lorelei: “Oh wow.”

Elyse: “Be quiet, Lorelei.” She rolls her eyes.

Lorelei: “I’m just listening to what you’re saying…”

Olivia: “Girls! Please. Not here.”

Lauren: “Elyse, you should give him a call and tell him you’re here!” She giggles.

Elyse: “Don’t tempt me, girl.” She winks.

Lauren: “And see if he has a single brother…”

Olivia: “Okay. I have to get a photo over there next to the statues!” She points to the otherside of the temple’s courtyard. “Anyone want to come with me?”

Lorelei: “I’ll go, Liv!”

Lauren: “We’ll stay over here. See you when you get back.”

Lauren blows a kiss as Lorelei and Olivia walk off. Elyse, Ren, and Lauren go and sit on a nearby bench.

Elyse: “I am not sure why Lorelei is shocked at my public display of affection while she’s slopping it up with her stepson. Also — Can we just talk…did you girls know she was coming? Olivia never told me.”

Lauren rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “How can she act so prim, proper, and modest when that article isn’t even two weeks old? Pa-lease.” She shakes her head. “And no, I had no idea she was coming. Olivia failed to mention it to me as well.”

Ren: “She probably thought we wouldn’t come if Lorelei came. And honestly, I probably wouldn’t have.”

Elyse: “Typical Olivia. She says I’m messy but she’s messier.”

The scene now switches to Lorelei and Olivia walking through the courtyard. Lorelei sighs.

Lorelei: “Rooming me with Ren? Girl, really?” She lets out a chuckle.

Olivia: “Girl, I was hoping it would bring you two together!”

Lorelei: “I tried with her. I did. I’m not trying anymore. I’ll be cordial but we’ll never be friends and that’s fine. You’re not always going to be friends with everyone you meet.”

Elyse, Ren, and Lauren still sit on the bench chatting.

Lauren: “Olivia is good with Lorelei and she’s made that abundantly clear. Can we really be shocked that she invited Lorelei?”

Ren: “To be honest I’m kind of glad she’s here. She owes each of us an apology and explanation to this sick bullshit she’s doing. I want to see the best in her but it’s hard when she’s living a facade. Everything about the girl is fake, fake, fake.”

Elyse: “She doesn’t owe me an apology. She just needs to be transparent and fess up to her doings. She needs to comes to grips with what’s going on in her marriage. And that’s that!”

Lauren: “She definitely owes you an apology, Elyse! You said something happened and she is trying to go around saying you’re crazy and making it up? Not cool.”

Lauren’s Interview

“I may have added the crazy part, but who cares?”

Ren: “To pour a drink on me for calling her out when she knew what I was saying was true. That’s lowbrow. She just needs to admit this whole affair thing so we can move on. I would give her a chance if she stopped running from the truth. This is suppose to be a sisterhood.”

Ren’s Interview

“Do I hate Lore-wannabe? No! I do need her to be honest if she’s going to be around though. Everyone in this group has dirty laundry. She shouldn’t be sitting around pretending to be rich and that her life is perfect.

Elyse: “Well don’t hold your breath, Ren. Just let it go. I’m sure she’ll just stick to whatever story she’s telling herself to justify her behavior.”

Lorelei and Olivia begin walking back to the other girls.

Olivia: “Before we get back to them. I just want to check on you. How are you doing with all of this? The article…”

Lorelei: “I’ve been okay. I’ve just been dealing with a lot which I’m sure you could imagine.”

Olivia: “I can. My heart goes out to you. To have these women start these vicious false rumors about you and then go public with them. It's just so disgusting. What did your husband say about the lies?”

Lorelei shakes her head and looks at Olivia.

Lorelei: “I’ll tell you later girl, It’s alot.”

Olivia: “Mm. Well I have your back.” She gives Lorelei a side hug.

Olivia’s Interview

“Lorelei says she will tell me later…I take it things at home are worse than ever.”

The two of them make their way back to the group.

Olivia: “Okay guys. Let’s get back on the bus and go back to the hotel. We need to start getting ready for dinner!”

The scene ends as everyone heads out of the temple.

A beautiful aerial view of Shibuya Station appears. The sun sets as people file across the street. We get multiple shots of Tokyo’s mesmerizing neon signs. The girls are seen walking down an alleyway and into a sultry, dimly lit restaurant.

Lorelei: “This is a beautiful place, oh wow.”

The girls are all seated.

Lauren: “Can we please get five sake bombs? Thank you.” She grins at the waitress.

Lorelei: “Lauren, you look really pretty tonight.”

Ren: “You do look stunning.”

Lorelei’s Interview

“I haven’t really had any one on one time with Lauren that much. I know she’s more of Ren’s friend and I respect that. She should have her girl’s back.”

Lauren: “Wow! Thank you guys, so do you both. I think we’re all following the whole vampire theme tonight, yeah?”

The camera pans across the table to show all of the ladies coordinating black & red outfits.

Elyse: “We showed out! Now which one of you will be biting into my soft neck? Liv?” She laughs.

Olivia looks up from her phone which she has been on since they got to the restaurant.

Olivia: “Haha.”

Olivia’s Interview

“Elyse asked if I would be biting into her soft neck? Er — looks a bit ashy to me.”

Lorelei: “So, I’m glad we can all be cordial.” She nods.

Lauren smiles and glances at Ren and Elyse.

Lauren’s Interview:
“What are we supposed to do? Call you out everytime we see you?”

The waitress brings back a tray of sake for the ladies. Lorelei holds hers up.

Lorelei: “Before we take these, I’d like to propose a toast.”

Elyse: “Oooh I love toasts!” She claps a little.

The girls put their attention on Lorelei who still holds her sake in the air.

Lorelei: “You all have continued to plead and beg for me to be authentic and real. I hear you, I hear you. Trust me, I do.” She shrugs and chuckles. “First off, Elyse, honey…You ruined my marriage. I guess I should be saying THANK YOU. I really should.” The girls at the table all look at eachother. “A lot was going on in that marriage that none of you would understand. Although — Elyse, I’m not sure why you’d be so cruel to me? You say you’re so real. You’re this ‘call it like you see it’ girl? I have a gift for you.” She pulls a picture out of her purse and holds it up to the table.

Lorelei: “You are incredibly inauthentic. IS THIS YOU? A real woman?” She bursts out laughing, clapping her hands.

Lauren’s Interview

“Uh…what the heck kind of toast was that?” She looks around. “Very, very strange. Very, very over dramatic. Do better, Lorelei.”

Lorelei: “You ruined my goddamn marriage, bitch!”

Olivia starts laughing.

Olivia: “Oop!”

Lorelei: “She is fake! Look at her! Her 17 different plastic surgeries! Who is she?!” She begins laughing again.

Ren: “Wait…so Lorelei…you’re telling me you haven’t had plastic surgery? Stop.” She bursts out laughing.

Elyse and Lauren glance at each other, clearly unamused. Elyse nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders and then takes her shot.

Elyse: “Yeah…that is me. Marvelous, isn’t it? What money can buy, I have it done.” She touches her cheeks, lips, and breasts. “Don’t be jealous baby.” She winks at Lorelei.

Lauren now looks to Lorelei, shaking her head.

Lauren: “She IS authentic. If you had gotten to know her, she would have shown you those pictures herself like she showed me long ago.” She turns to Elyse and laughs. “This chick is off her rocker.”

Lorelei puts her hand in Lauren’s face.

Lorelei: “Be quiet. You are so irrelevant.”

Lauren’s Interview

“Irrelevant? Girl, slow your roll. You just moved to town and your meal ticket to this town seems to be dumping your ass from what you just said. Run, Morgan. Run!”

Lauren recoils back and Ren stands up, pointing at Lorelei.

Ren: “Don’t put your goddamn hand in her face!”

Lorelei smirks as Lauren grabs Ren’s arm and tries to calm her down.

Lorelei: “Touch me! Touch me! I dare you, Ren. Get a lawsuit.”

Olivia: “Ren! Stop. Sit the hell down, we’re not doing this again. No physicality here.”

Ren: “You want me to beat your ass again…but I’m not stooping to your trifling level.” She throws her napkin in Lorelei’s face then sits down.

Lorelei laughs and throws it to the ground.

Lorelei: “Ren is such a ghetto bitch.”

Ren: “I’m ghetto but you’re fucking your step son? Fuck you.”

Lorelei: “No, girl. Fuck YOU!”

We see Japanese patrons in the restaurant, looking at the girl’s table horrified.

Olivia: “Ladies, let’s calm down. This is way too much. We’re in public.”

Lauren turns to Olivia.

Lauren: “She’s the one that started this mess. Why make this corny theatrical toast that literally nobody cares about…”

Elyse: “Let’s talk about how YOU ruined your own marriage, Lorelei.”

Lorelei: “No Elyse, you did. You’re putting out shit that is none of your business. You’re no one’s friend.”

Elyse: “Don’t manipulate this narrative and situation because you, yourself, made a detrimental mistake that fucked up what you and Morgan had.”

Lorelei: “I’m not manipulating anything!”

Elyse: “But you are! You did this to yourself, nobody else. You chose to cheat. You chose to not be honest with your girlfriends. Take accountability, Jesus Christ!”

Lorelei: “You really wanna know the real deal?”

Lauren: “Just tell us! Are you sleeping with your step son? Yes or no? Don’t make it complicated, just answer.”

Lorelei: “I slept with him.” She shrugs, sits back down, and downs another shot. “I was in an abusive relationship and I had a miscarriage. My stepson knew about it and that’s how it all started. THERE! Are you all happy now?! There it all is. It’s all there! I’m not hiding anything else.” She begins tearing up.

The entire table is in shock. Olivia’s mouth is wide open, Ren looks down, and Elyse is chewing on her lip trying to process it. The silence is broken when Lauren starts sarcastically clapping.

Lauren: “Great explanation, Lorelei.” She rolls her eyes.

Lauren’s Interview

“GIVE ME A BREAK! Morgan is in his 70’s. You’re telling me he abuses you and that’s why you’re fooling around with his son? Girl, please.”

Lorelei shakes her head, tears are now streaming down her face.

Lorelei’s Interview

“These women didn’t need to know my fucking life. They’ve been horrible to me since the start. I didn’t want to tell them any of this.” She takes a shaky sigh, clearly about to cry. “Morgan is…abusive to me.”

Elyse: “Oh stop it. That’s not an excuse. You called me a liar and I am many things but a liar I am not.”

Olivia still looks stunned, Ren gently touches Elyse’s arm.

Ren: “Let’s just let it go for tonight…” She glances at Lorelei.

Ren’s Interview

“This is insane. I’m kind of speechless right now. Whether or not I believe her, I have never seen this side of Lorelei before. I see the pain in her eyes…you can hear her voice tremble. She looks like a scared little child. This is the most authentic she’s ever been. She is clearly going through something. Something big. I’m done being mean to her.”

Elyse: “No, Ren! Morgan’s abusive so you blame your infidelity on that and all the lies you’ve told. Lorelei, please. You’re deflecting.”

Lorelei: “Really Elyse? I just told you my fucking husband is abusive towards me and you’re saying that?” She begins crying. “YOU WONDER WHY I DIDN’T TELL YOU ANYTHING! This is suppose to be a sisterhood but I never felt apart of it. I felt judged from day one and I never felt like I could open up to any of you.”

Lorelei’s Interview

“I never told anyone about Morgan and I’s relationship behind closed doors because I didn’t know what else to do. He never hit me or was verbally abusive until about two years ago. That’s when Xavier happened.” She looks down. “I lied to them all, I did. I can’t change it. I lied.”

She then puts her head in her hands. Ren gets up and walks to Lorelei, she crouches down to give her a hug. Having been silent, Olivia just stares at Lorelei.

Olivia: “Lorelei, I was there for you since day one so don’t say any of us. I went to bat for you with all these ladies — You lied straight to my face.”

Olivia’s Interview

“Wow…I’m just…wow. I defended Lorelei this entire time and it turned out to be true? I didn’t get a heads up or anything? She lied straight to my face to keep her narrative going. Wow.” She dabs tears from her eyes. “I thought Lorelei was a genuine friend, but she made me look like an idiot. Everyone was right about her I just feel so incredibly betrayed.”

Lorelei reaches across the table to hold Olivia’s hand, she sniffles.

Lorelei: “No, I know you have girl. I’m sorry. I’ve just…held this in so long. Ugh. I’m just so tired of lying.”

Olivia pulls her hand away. She sighs and gets up.

Olivia: “This is just a lot for tonight, I have to film the Finale tomorrow. I’m…I’m just going to head back to the hotel. I’ll see you all at some point tomorrow.”

As Olivia walks out of the restaurant, her microphone picks up on her sniffling.

Lorelei: “Olivia! Don’t — Ugh…Fuck my life.” She puts her face back into her hands.

Lauren watches Olivia walk out and nods.

Lauren’s Interview

“Olivia is such a loyal friend and Lorelei really took advantage of that. It’s annoying because she is one of my best friends. We obviously had different opinions on the topic but Lorelei did her dirty.”

Lorelei: “I’m sorry for lying to you all. I am.” She turns to Ren and gives her a soft smile, she pats her hand. “Thank you, Ren. I just need to go.” She gets up and walks out.

Ren gets up and sits back in her seat. Lauren, Elyse, and Ren now remain.

Elyse: “Wow.”

Elyse’s Interview

“Am I supposed to feel sorry for this woman? I told the truth. She tried to make me out to be a liar. Well that’s not going to fly with me. All along I was speaking truths. She wants to make excuse after excuse up for her not being honest with us because she was what? She was afraid. Miss me with that, Lorelei.”

Ren: “I may talk to her tonight, if she doesn’t leave Tokyo. I think she needs help and guidance. She’s clearly broken.”

Elyse: “Well, I’m sure she’s off to call her stepson now.” She picks something out of her teeth with a sharp steak knife. “I cannot believe her. I told you from the beginning. Me? A liar?! I think not. She needs to go home.”

Lauren: “We all knew. It was painfully obvious. She finally said it out loud…She had to admit it to herself.”

Ren: “If it is true, I want to help her…but she has lied a lot. I don’t know what to believe.”

Lauren’s Interview

“This dinner was a complete and utter embarrassment. We are in a foreign country and Lorelei decided to create a scene? I don’t know if I should feel bad for her or feel disgusted towards her for taking advantage of Olivia AND THEN proceeding to dampen her big trip.”

The scene ends as the girls begin getting up from the table.

Now in a robe, Lorelei walks into her hotel room’s bathroom and dabs her face with a washcloth. She puts her hair in a bun and sits on her bed.

Lorelei’s Interview

“I’m completely numb at this point. I’ve held onto this secret for over two years now and it’s honestly…it’s the whole reason we moved to Beverly Beach. We moved because rumors were starting to swirl in L.A. and so this was a new city where nobody knew us, just our reputation.” She sighs.

Ren walks into the suite after getting back from dinner.

Ren: “Lorelei? Are you here?” She kicks off her heels and puts her hair into a ponytail.

Ren’s Interview

“That dinner was extremely shocking. It went from me wanting to attack Lorelei to feeling awful at the thought that she was being abused by her husband. I know that would make me do some crazy shit too.”

She approaches Lorelei’s closed bedroom door and knocks gently.

Ren: “Hey, it’s me, Ren…do you mind if we talk?”

A few seconds later, Lorelei opens to door and nods, sniffling.

Lorelei: “Yeah, we can.”

Ren grabs her hand.

Ren: “C’mon, let’s sit out here.”

She pulls her out of her room and into the living room area of the suite. They sit on the couch.

Ren: “Listen — I’m really sorry about the way things went at dinner. I know what it’s like to feel like everyone is against you, especially at such a vulnerable time…are you okay?

Lorelei tilts her head back and dabs her eyes.

Lorelei: “No. I’m not. Like…I really wanted to be friends with all of you women and like, I know…I was hiding a big ass lie and that rightfully so made you all suspicious of me.” She shrugs. “I just truthfully didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t have it coming out like this…but it did. My husband — he was a good guy at first. I mean, he still is. I — “ She sighs. “I don’t know. He started getting aggressive once I started my business and then it just kept getting worse and worse.”

Ren: “Oh honey.” She hugs Lorelei and wipes her tears. “Lorelei, you need to get out of this toxic situation. Had we known sooner…we all would have protected you. I hate that it’s gotten to this point. Do you know what you’re going to do?”

Lorelei: “No clue. Morgan left me. I mean when the tabloids hit we got into a bad fight and it got physical. He left, then came back and told me we were done. I want to leave him. I do! I just…I really don’t know what to do. I’ve never been in a situation like this. I know some people might think I’m a gold digger or whatever but I always took care of myself until I met him. He promised me the world and he’s kept his word. He took care of me, but at a cost.”

Ren shakes her head.

Ren: “It’s not worth it, if you want help moving out and divorcing him, I can help you. I don’t want to see any woman in this situation.”

Lorelei nods and smiles sadly.

Lorelei: “Thank you. That’s really nice of you, Ren.”

Lorelei’s Interview

“I’m really kind of surprised Ren is being so nice to me. We’ve had this extremely combative relationship for the last few months and I’m just not used to seeing her being soft and kind to me. I’m also upset that it’s Ren consoling me and Olivia is nowhere to be found.”

Ren: “Of course. My father was super abusive and I don’t tell many people this but…he hit me, my mom, and my sisters for my whole life. Until I ran away when I was sixteen.” She pulls out a flask and takes a sip then hands it to Lorelei. “I don’t tolerate any bullshit from men. I’m here for you.”

Lorelei gasps at Ren’s story. The two hug and the episode ends.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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