S2E7: The Real Husbands of Beverly Beach
Shots of Beverly Beach play across the screen, indicating that the girls are back from their Key West trip. Olivia is filmed walking into a restaurant with her two sons: Raul, 22 and Luis, 20. A beautiful hostess seats them.
Raul: “He’s probably a simp, like the type to order chicken tenders at this kind of restaurant.” He laughs.
Olivia: “Stop it!” She playfully hits Raul on the shoulder. “Behave today.”
“The boys asked and I decided to give them what they wanted, as always. I talked with Brandon and we’ve decided it’s time now that he meets my bots. This could go really good or really bad. One thing's for sure — I will be having wine.”
Brandon walks into the restaurant, flowers in hand. The boys whip their heads around as he approaches their table smiling.
Luis: “There he is… with flowers.”
Raul: “Simp. I told ya!”
Olivia: “Seriously boys, cut it out!” As Brandon gets close, she smiles and stands up to give him a hug. “Brandon! Hey babe. This is my son Raul and my other son Luis.”
Brandon shakes both of their hands.
Brandon: “I am so glad to finally meet you both. Your mother has said nice things about you both.”
Raul: “Of course she has, she’s our mom!”
Everyone laughs.
Olivia’s Confessional:
“So far so good! Right?”
Everyone orders food and has small talk.
Luis: “So Brandon, tell us about you. Mom doesn’t speak of you.”
Brandon: “Well, your mother is a private person I’ve come to know.” He smiles and squeezes Olivia’s hand.
Raul: “Not too private. She’s on a television show.” He nods straight ahead at one of the cameras, breaking the fourth wall.
Olivia’s Confessional:
“The boys are playing hard ball but I prepped Brandon for this, they are tough as nails but inside they are real softies.”
Brandon: “So about me? I am an engineer down at Halliburton Oil & Gas. I have never been married, I don’t have any children, and I am originally from Oakland.”
Raul: “Interesting. Into any sports?”
Brandon: “Baseball and football mostly. Of course basketball as well.”
Luis: “Well if you aren’t a Lakers fan, you ain’t sh*t.”
Brandon smirks.
Brandon: “I’m a courtside LA Lakers ticket holder.”
Luis: “What?! When are we going?”
Brandon laughs.
Brandon: “We’ll have to arrange something.”
“It seems like this lunch went well. I think the boys have warmed up to the idea of Brandon. I know he is quite a bit younger than me, but perhaps that helped him relate to my sons more.” She shrugs.
The scene fads at the boys keep chatting.
Lauren walks into her kitchen with paper takeout bags in hand. As she unloads them, she calls for her daughter.
Lauren: “Brooke! Come down and help me set the table, babe.”
Brooke comes down and gives Lauren a hug and the two start talking about her day at school as they set the table and get their dinner ready.
“Now that I have been putting more hours in at the dealership, takeout has become a bigger part of our lives.” She laughs. “Brooke and Junior are getting older and more independent, so I don’t think they really care that I am gone more. Junior has his learners permit and will be driving himself soon. That’s just part of growing up!”
Lauren: “Junior! Come down, dinner is ready.”
Junior slowly comes down the stairs, with AirPods in and walks into the kitchen. He sits at the table.
Junior: “Where’s dad?”
Lauren: “He just texted me that he’s on the way from work. He will be here any minute, go fix yourself a plate honey.”
The kids and Lauren all make themselves a plate, Lauren makes an extra and sets it in Richard’s spot at the table.
Lauren: “So I heard about Brooke’s tryouts for drama club. How was soccer practice, Junior?”
Junior shrugs.
Junior: “Fine. Except some of the guys were talking about you and dad.” He looks down, sighs, and continues playing with the food on his plate.
Lauren: “Um, what are they saying about us?” She raises an eyebrow.
Junior continues to look down.
Junior: “I don’t know… they were talking about how dad’s ‘the man’ because my mom is hot and he other girlfriends too.” Finally, he looks up at his mother, his eyes glossy. “They also said dad’s girlfriend is pregnant.”
The camera pans to Brooke who looks confused.
Brooke: “Wait what? Daddy is having a baby with his girlfriend?”
Lauren is at a lose for words, her mouth is open as she looks at her children.
Lauren: “I..I.. No.”
“I know they say children know everything, but I had no idea their friends were discussing this amongst themselves. This is completly mortifying. And hearing the words ‘dads girlfriend’ coming out of my daughters mouth was…” She stops to wipe tears away, she shakes. “really hard.” She covers her face.
Lauren: “Well, uh, honey. That just is not true.” She reaches across the table and squeezes Brooke’s hand then Junior’s. “Your dad can’t have kids anymore. I’m sorry you have to hear that nonsense at your practice. Do you want me to talk to Coach Rogers?” She softly smiles at Junior.
Junior: “No! I want dad to stop having girlfriends the age of my friend’s older sisters. Don’t really see how that is much to ask.”
Lauren who grimaces.
Lauren: “Junior, your dad and I love you so much. He is not intentionally hurting you. I hope you know that.” She looks over to see how Brooke is doing. “I think we should all, as a family, have a session with Dr. Deb again. Wasn’t she a nice lady?”
Lauren’s Confessional:
“Dr. Deb is Richard and I’s therapist we have been seeing since last year. She is amazing and completely understanding of our relationship. We had a family session with the kids after the season aired last year to kind of explain the dynamic between us, in an appropriate way, so they would not be surprised if their friends or friend’s parents made comments.”
Brooke: “Yeah, she was nice — We could do that.”
Junior: “Nice? Sure. She’s a nice, crazy, freak.
Lauren: “Junior! That’s rude.”
The door to the kitchen opens and Richard walks in.
Richard: “Hey guys! Sorry I am late, traffic was nuts.” He makes his way around the table; He gives Lauren and Brooke a kiss on the head then ruffles Junior’s hair. He sits at the table.
Junior: “Hey dad, it’s fine. Mom was just talking about sending us to that nut-job therapist you guys go to.”
Richard: “Oh? Dr. Deb?” He laughs. “She marches to the beat of her own drum.” He holds up his fork and points it to Junior. “But gives great advice.”
Lauren: “So Rich, ready for your big dealership party tomorrow night? I can’t believe it’s finally happening.”
Richard: “Yup! They’ve already started setting up the stage and seating area. You said you were going early tomorrow to make sure everything was in place, right?”
Lauren: “Yes, I’m going a few hours early. I’m excited for you to meet my friend’s husbands.”
The family continues to chat about their days.
Richard: “So, Junior. I’m very proud of you for getting your driving permit and I know you’ve been driving a lot with mom. I think it’s time for your own car.”
Richard pulls out a set of car keys from his pocket and tosses them to Junior; Junior’s face immediately lights up.
Junior: “WHAT?! I get my own car?”
The entire family makes there way out to the driveway where a brand new 2021 Mercedes C-Class is parked. Junior celebrates and hugs his parents. Lauren and Richard stand together and smile as they watch Junior and Brooke explore the new car.
“I am glad we got to surprise Junior with the car. He had a rough day so he probably needed it. It’s horrible that the rumor has reached the kids, I feel like a bad mom for avoiding it, but I don’t know how to address this. I really hope our marriage choices don’t interfere with out children’s lives. Richard is a great dad and I do not want the kids to think poorly of him because of the rumors.”
Shots of the sun setting and rising on the beach are played. The camera follows Lauren as she walks into the Dealership and starts directing the staff on last minute touches to make the venue look nice. The shot switches to Ren getting glammed in her house, Aaron walks in and greets her. Eleanor and her husband Franklin are shown saying goodbye to their kids as they walk out of the door. Valentina and her fiance Micah are seen riding in a car, all glammed up. The camera follows Olivia and her boyfriend Brandon as they walk into the Dealership for the party.
“Tonight is my first public appearance with Brandon. The girls have not met him yet, so I’m excited to show off my hot young zaddy.” She starts laughing. “Is that what the kids say now?”
Brandon & Olivia walk in and look around the almost empty dealership.
Olivia: “We must be the first ones here…Lauren should be around her somewhere…”
Eleanor and Franklin walk in seconds later, they spot Olivia and Brandon and approach them.
“This is the first time these women will be seeing Franklin, besides Valentina of course, so I hope Ren keeps her distance because I don’t want to have to act out of character in front of my darling!”
Eleanor: “Hello Olivia! This is Franklin.”
Olivia: “Hi Frankie! Olivia.” She gives Franklin a hug.
Brandon: “I’m Brandon, nice to meet you all.” He smiles and gives Eleanor a hug and Franklin a handshake.
Franklin: “Nice meeting you as well, dear.”
Eleanor: “He’s much more composed than I am.” She laughs.
“Franklin is old enough to be Brandon’s daddy…er, grandpa.”
“Never expected to see Olivia with someone Ren’s age. Whatever floats your boat.” She smiles.
Lauren & Richard approach to couples, walking out of the Dealership’s backroom. They all greet each other and introduce their spouses to Lauren & Richard.
Eleanor: “Nice to meet you, Richard.”
Franklin: “I already know this great fella.” He laughs and shakes Richard’s hand.
Richard: “Oh yeah! Franklin has been a great customer and golf buddy for years now.”
Ren & Aaron walk in holding hands.
“For awhile, Aaron refused to attend any on camera events with me because he felt like the spotlight was destroying our marriage. We’re in a much better place now and him being here with me is a huge step for us.” She smiles.
Aaron: “You’re the most beautiful woman here, baby.”
Ren: “Thank you, daddy.” She winks.
The shot goes back to the group of couples, Olivia has her eyes glued on Ren & Aaron. She leans over and whispers to Brandon.
Olivia: “They fuck other people.”
Brandon raises and eyebrow, over hearing it Lauren turns to Olivia.
Lauren: “Olivia!” She laughs a bit.
Ren & Aaron walk over to Eleanor & Franklin, Olivia & Brandon, and Lauren & Richard.
Ren: “Hey girlies!” She gives Olivia and Lauren a hug.
Franklin: “I’m getting a bit tired, I’m going to go sit.”
Eleanor: “Good idea.”
A wide shot of the table is shown; Ren, Aaron, Lauren, Richard, Olivia, Brandon, Eleanor, and Franklin all sit and chat. Valentina and Micah walk up to the table and join the couples, they sit on the end next to Eleanor and Franklin. The camera focuses on Valentina and Eleanor.
Valentina: “Lady Eeeeee!”
Eleanor: “Oh my! Hey dear! Lauren really pulled it off for Richard, huh?!”
Shots of the Dealership Anniversary party are shown, the place is packed. There are classy decorations. There are waiters walking around with trays of food while everyone is dressed to the nines.
Valentina: “I’m sure she does ALOT of Richard’s work…”
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“Considering what Valentina has mentioned to me about Richard, it’s going to be interesting to see how Lauren and Richard interact with each other tonight.”
The camera pans to Lauren, who is sitting a few seats away but is listening in. Richard leans over and whispers to Lauren.
Richard: “Is that Valentina? The one you were telling me about?”
Lauren: “Yeah, but just let it go, babe.” She pats Richard’s leg under the table.
Richard: “Why? She is at out event talking about us. That’s disrespectful.”
Lauren looks around to make sure nobody can hear them.
Lauren: “Ok, just have a drink and relax first. Please. Catch up with Aaron or something.”
Richard nods and turns to Aaron, who is sitting right next to him. The two begin to talk.
Aaron: “I heard you were expecting man, congrats!”
The whole table goes silent as everyone looks at Aaron. Olivia’s mouth drops. Everyone looks completely shocked. Richard looks around the table, he chuckles.
Richard: “Yeah, expecting some great returns on the dealership this year…”
The table still looks in shock. Ren now has her hands covering her face. Dramatic music starts playing.
Richard: “Since this is going to be the conversation of the night, lets get into it.” He turns and makes eye contact with Valentina. “Valentina, correct? You’ve been telling a malicious and ridiculous rumor that I got another woman pregnant recently. Let’s start with where you got this information. I have never met you before, yet you are here at my event talking about me and my wife and spreading rumors about me.” He is clearly upset.
Before her can answer, Micah looks annoyed and puts his hand up towards Richard.
Micah: “Woah! Don’t come at my woman aggressively. If you have an issue, address it directly to me.”
Valentina stays silent and just smiles at Richard. Olivia leans in and whispers to Brandon.
Olivia: “This isn’t going to end good…”
Aaron now looks over at Micah.
Aaron: “Chill out, man. Not too much on my guy.” He squeezes Richard’s shoulder.
Richard still has his attention focused on Micah.
Richard: “Since your wife decided to start rumors about me, I decided to go to her. Or was it you spreading lies about me? Then I guess you can tell me where you’re getting this?”
Lauren grabs Richard’s arm.
Lauren: “Calm down.”
Brandon: “Fellas, y’all gone do this here with ladies?”
Olivia nods and holds onto Brandon’s arm.
“Brandon is so fine trying to calm this situation down. I’m moist.”
Micah: “I don’t wanna do anything but I don’t respect no man coming for my fiancè sideways.” He now glares at Aaron. “As for you, man. I don’t know you but this doesn’t involve you.” Ren watches nervously.
Lauren: “Why would he ask you about something she is going around saying to my friend?” She throws her hands up. “He is just asking her about something SHE started.” Lauren points to Valentina.
Valentina: “I prefer men to talk to men. Your husband is bucking up his hairy chest at me, unacceptable.”
Lauren: “Or maybe you just can’t handle a simple conversation. Weak.” She laughs, Valentina looks agitated.
The camera pans to Eleanor who is giggling and playing footsies with Franklin. Olivia is side eyeing them.
Eleanor: “You’re funny!”
“I don’t care what these women are talking about right now. Maybe I’ll butt in soon, but right now I don’t care.”
The camera does a wide shot of the table to show the fighting couples again. Ren is seen chugging a glass of champagne before she speaks.
Ren: “Valentina, you started a rumor about Richard. This is his event. He can ask you about what you said.”
Valentina scoffs.
Valentina: “Ren, drive by and sit back. Have another glass.” She looks at Lauren. “You’d know what weak is. Wasn’t there an article about how this place is a cover for some after dark sex dungeon? What kind of woman stays around to be cheated on?”
Olivia gasps.
Brandon: “Y’all are acting up…” He shakes his head.
Richard: “Valentina, you did not have to show up here if you hate me so much. I have never heard of you or your husband. So as far as I’m concerned, you can go social climb at another table and leave me to have fun with my wife and friends.”
Micah: “We can’t social climb through you. You’re a 55 year old man with one dealership.” Valentina laughs.
Valentina: “You’re always having fun with your wife’s friends and that's the damn problem. Harlot.”
As Valentina, Micah, Lauren, and Richard continue fighting the camera pans back to Eleanor, Franklin, and Olivia. Eleanor and Franklin are giggling together, Olivia turns to them.
Olivia: “Shhh! I’m trying to hear the drama.”
Eleanor: “You hush Olivia, damn!”
Olivia: “Eleanor, you’re doing too much with that geriatric grandpa.”
Eleanor: “Seriously Olivia?! You’re being such a f*cking c*nt right now. Go continue to play with your kid’s classmate. Weird ass.”
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“Such a weirdo to go and date someone 40 years your junior.”
Olivia: “Eleanor, bitch. I will get your diaper wearing ass together. Don’t do it. Tonight isn’t the night.” She holds a finger up.
The cameras zoom in on Ren and Aaron who are sitting in the middle of both fights, Ren looks dumbfounded. Aaron leans in and whispers.
Aaron: “I really don’t see how you hang around these bitches.”
Ren: “Me neither.”
Eleanor: “F*ck you! Is your little kid not dicking you down enough because he’s too busy on the game?”
Franklin: “Babe, calm down…”
Eleanor: “She’s acting out of character for no reason at all.”
Olivia: “You’re funny. He does enjoy playing video games with my sons. Unfortunately for you, you have never been loved by a man and have also never had custody of your children to know what it’s like to be genuinely happy when ya man bonds with ya kids.” She flips her hair and smiles. The camera zooms in on Franklin who just shakes his head.
Olivia’s Confessional:
“Eleanor, our resident drunk, attempted to sting the wrong girl in the group tonight.”
Brandon attempts to calm Olivia down.
Brandon: “Stop arguing with the old lady. All the young girls are fighting and you look dumb by getting into with the drunken grandma.”
The camera focuses back on the fight going on between Lauren & Richard and Valentina & Micah.
Lauren: “Get the f*ck out of our business. Bye!” She points towards the door.
Valentina: “Can’t handle the truth?”
Lauren: “You can’t answer a simple question about why or where you are getting these rumors from. You keep attacking me for no reason so you can leave.”
Valentina stands up, Micah follows suit.
Valentina: “I will have a conversation with you, woman to woman, but I won’t speak to the elderly man.”
A shot of Richard is shown as Valentina and Micah walk out.
Lauren: “God…”
Lauren and Richard look over to the other side of the table after they notice fighting still going on. They turn their attention to the Olivia, Brandon, Eleanor, and Franklin fight.
Lauren: “Wait, what?”
Eleanor: “Clearly you have NO clue what you’re talking about. We have full custody of our children. Just hope you can keep a marriage that lasts long so you don’t have to resort to a 10 year old next time.” She rolls her eyes. “I’d hate for you to be outed as a pedofile.”
“I hope that little handsome child escapes the hostage of Olivia. He’s been held captive for far too long and I’m sure he’s desperate and miserable in the home of Ms. Blake.”
Olivia: “You are so drunk and entering into slanderous territory, Eleanor. Tread lightly, bitch because you don’t have any money for me to take in a lawsuit.”
Brandon: “That’s enough, Olivia. Let’s go.”
Ren all of a sudden turns to Eleanor.
Ren: “Shut your f*cking reckless mouth you stupid ass c*nt! How dare you call her a pedofile, you homophobic swine.”
This time, Brandon gasps. Olivia’s eyes widen.
Eleanor: “Uhhhh…who is this fishy wh*re talking to?! Anybody?!”
Aaron jumps up from his seat, he points straight at Eleanor.
Aaron: “Yo! Old lady. You better watch how you handle my woman.”
Olivia: “Alright, thats enough.” Olivia and Brandon get up. Before she leaves, she leans down and whispers into Eleanor’s ear. “I hope Frank doesn’t have a heart attack tonight when you’re riding his limp penis.”
The camera pans to the rest of the dealership party, everybody is silently watching the table in horror.
Eleanor: “BYE!” She flips Olivia off as her and Brandon walk out.
Franklin: “Get this illiterate man out of here.” He motions at Aaron who is still standing. “Let’s leave babe.”
“Now that I see Eleanor and Franklin together, her feistiness totally makes sense. He loves it.”
Eleanor and Franklin gather their things and start to get up. Before they leave, Eleanor faces the table and locks eyes with Ren.
Eleanor: “Ren, find someone else to play with like that man’s musty balls…” She nods at Aaron. “and leave me the hell alone. I took it easy on you all night but you just woke up a sleeping beast. Beware you punk bitch. You can’t handle this.” The couple walks off.
Ren: “F*ck you, bitch! I’ll see you in court. You’re trash.”
The camera shows Ren, Aaron, Lauren and Richard as the only ones left at the table. Richard excuses himself to go talk to guests. Aaron stands up and starts taking off his mic pack. Ren and Lauren both look at him.
Aaron: “Yeah, don’t ever bring me to this sh*t again.” He throws his mic pack on the table and storms out.
Ren: “Really, Aaron?” She looks stressed and tears up a bit.
Lauren leans over and hugs Ren.
Lauren: “I’m so sorry, girl. Tonight went bad quick. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Ren: “Yes. Call me tomorrow, I’m livid. Aaron can go stay with that old hag. I don’t care anymore. I’ll see you later.” She laughs dryly and heads towards the door.
When she moves out of frame, former housewife Yvonne Langley and Horace sit at the table right behind where all the couple sat. Both of them are laughing and have an amused look on their face.
Yvonne: “I’m so glad I’m not part of this sh*t anymore.”
The screen fades and the episode ends.