S2E4: Keep it Glassy, Not Trashy

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
18 min readFeb 2, 2021


(L to R: Eleanor Hargrove-Britton, Olivia Blake, Lauren Barnes, Ren Nichols-Rose, Valentina Kinsley)

The episode begins just moments after Tasha & Ren got kicked out of Eleanor’s house. The camera follows Tasha & Ren as they walk down the driveway and towards Ren’s car.

Tasha: “I cannot believe that…”

The pair get into Ren’s car. The angle now switches to the car cam.

Ren: “F*ck that ugly, old, miserable drag queen. She’s insufferable.” She holds a middle finger up to Eleanor’s house.

Ren’s Confessional:
“Elen-wh*re is dead in my book.”

Tasha: “Eleanor really is disgusting.”

Ren: “I cannot stand that woman, she’s pathetic.”

Tasha: “Beyond pathetic.”

Ren: “She’s trying to get back at me because she got kicked out of my limo on the way to L.A. She’s special education.”

Tasha: “I’m honestly not too fond of your friend Lauren.”

Ren raises an eyebrow.

Ren: “How come?”

Tasha: “I just feel like as your friend she should have said more, but that’s just my opinion.” She shrugs.

Ren: “I agree. She’s always been an iffy friend. She never has my back, to be honest.”

Tasha: “Yeah, why do you need that kind of friend?”

Ren: “I don’t know. I’m going to have a one on one with her soon. Between you and I, her husband Richard may have gotten another woman pregnant. I’m trying to find a good time to tell her.”

Tasha: “Well, karma comes around.”

Ren drives off as the music calms down. The scene switches back to Eleanor, Olivia, and Lauren sitting on Eleanor’s deck.

Olivia: “What was up with that cheap looking woman, Tasha? I barely know her but I see she has an attitude when around Ren. She was practically eating my box at her event when I wrote a check for her charity. What a disgusting troll.”

Eleanor scoffs and rolls her eyes.

Eleanor: “She is a trashy trick. I guess she’s still trying to maneuver and find her way in this group.”

Olivia: “Well she definitely made an impression on me and it’s ugly. I need to refer her to my plastic surgeon…Lauren, are you friends with this woman?”

Olivia’s Confessional

“Lauren is in a peculiar position. She’s still friends with Ren but she is also my friend. Ren and I have no love for eachother anymore; and Ren has brought one of her employees around the group to come at me. I need to figure out how Lauren feels about this woman.”

Lauren sighs.

Lauren: “Girl, I don’t want to get in the middle of this. You know I’m friends with Ren but what the f*ck just happened?!”

Olivia: “I know you’re friends with Ren. You know after the Reunion, I will not be making up with Ren. She was so foul to me for no apparent reason. But I was talking about her personal assistant she brought along to lunch, Tasha?”

Lauren: “I just met her today, she seemed nice until all of this started.”

Olivia: “She was kind to me at her event that I attended and made a large donation at. It’s only when Ren was around that she switched up on me.”

Lauren: “That’s odd. Like you think she was doing Ren’s dirty work or you think she’s just crazy?” She laughs and takes a drink from her wine glass.

Eleanor: “Possibly, she just follows orders from her master.”

Olivia: “I do think she was doing Ren’s dirty work. She seemed sane at her own event. Ren must have told her that I am someone that can expose Ren, though I don’t want to have to do that. The cameras already have exposed her flirting with that man while we were in Hawaii for your birthday, Lauren.”

Lauren’s Confessional:
“And we can’t forget about Drake…”

We get a wide shot of Eleanor, Lauren, and Olivia sitting at the table, chatting, as the scene fades out.

A timelapse of the sun coming up over the ocean is shown. Happy music plays as the girls are shown going about their day to day lives. Lauren is sitting at the island in her kitchen typing something on her phone; A camera focuses on Olivia as she sifts through papers at her desk at The Blake Agency; Ren is working out at the gym. The scene goes back to Lauren as she finishes a text and hits send.

Lauren: “Done!”

BING! All of the ladies individual scenes appear on one screen as their phones go off and they look down to read a text.

Lauren’s Text to the ladies.
Olivia’s Confessional

“I’m excited for Key West! Spending time with Lauren and Eleanor will be a blast. I hope Ren and her sidekick aren’t invited…I’m sure they are, but a girl can dream.” She sighs.

Eleanor’s Confessional

“This trip to Key West will be something for the books. I am hoping that everyone can be cordial, especially Ren and crazy Tasha, because I have no interest in continuing to argue with these illiterate peons.”

Ren’s Confessional

“I think this trip could be the perfect opportunity for me and Lauren to reconnect and for us to talk about something that has been bothering me about our friendship. I also want to give her a heads up that Richard might have a baby on the way. Since Lauren invited both Olivia and Eleanor…” She shudders. “I insisted that my girls Tasha, Valentina, and Niecy come too so they can get better acquainted with the group.

Ren grins as her confessional fades out and the shot changes to a deserted, destroyed dinner table. Food is spilled all over, broken glass litters the table, and a big red stain soaks into a section of a white table cloth. The screen goes to black as multiple people can be heard screaming “REN!”.

The scene switches to an outside shot of the Beverly Beach International Airport. A montage of cellphone clips is shown of the Lauren, Olivia, Eleanor, Valentina, Ren, and Ren’s maid Consuela walking through the airport, riding on the plane and landing in Key West. The camera captures the girls getting into two seperate vans outside of the airport; Lauren, Olivia, and Eleanor get into one while Valentina, Ren, and Consuela get into the other. The vans drive to a boat dock and the girls all grab luggage and walk down to the dock.

Ren walks up to the boat as Consuela scurries behind her, carting her three large bags of luggage.

Ren & Consuela

Ren’s Confessional:
“Here we go! I’m hoping this isn’t the vacation from hell.”

Ren holds out her hand towards Consuela when they reach the dock.

Ren: “Consuela, my phone please.”

Consuela: “Yes miss Ren.”

Consuela fumbles around in Ren’s purse and pulls out her phone, handing it to Ren. The other ladies, all carrying their own luggage, catch up to Ren on the dock. Olivia raises an eyebrow as she stares at Ren and Consuela.

Valentina: “Wait, are we not going to the hotel? Why is there a boat?”

Lauren: “Actually, Valentina, we are staying at the Sunset Key Cottages. The resort is on a private island a few miles out. It’s only accessible by boat! It’s worth the trip, I promise.” She smiles.

Valentina: “Oh cool! Thanks again for putting this together, Lauren. Like I said, I’m so glad I get the opportunity to go on a trip with you guys.”

Lauren: “Of course! Cheers to new friendships.” She holds up her water bottle to Valentina who in turn holds hers up and they clink. Both ladies giggle.

The captain of the boat greet the ladies and crew members (and Consuela) help put all the girls’ bags on the boat as they board. Shots of the beautiful boat are shown then the scene settles as the girls sit at a table in the boat’s cabin. Olivia is seen handing a cough drop to Eleanor.


Olivia: “Here, have another one.”

Eleanor nods and smiles at Olivia as she pops it in her mouth.

Eleanor’s Confessional:
“These ladies better be glad I lost my voice. I guess this’ll give Ren a break for now.”
She laughs.

Consuela gets up and walks off towards the bathroom. Valentina turns to Ren.

Valentina: “Wait, Ren. No offense but why is Consuela here? You can’t vacation on your own, friend?”

Ren: “Well, she’s my emotional support right now. Plus, I don’t trust hotel service.”

The camera zooms in on Olivia who rolls her eyes. Lauren stands to address the girls.

Lauren: “Ladies, we have three cottages. One can hold three girls, the other two hold two girls each. Do you guys want to pick who you’re staying with? Keep in mind that Niecy will be getting here tomorrow morning and Ren’s friend, Tasha, will be getting here tomorrow night.”

Valentina: “How about I cottage up with Ren and Tasha?” Ren smiles and squeezes Valentina’s arm. Eleanor looks down.

Eleanor’s Confessional:
“I’m glad Val took the nasty, illiterate, b*tches.”

Olivia: “That sounds good! None of us wanted to room with Ren and her assistant Tisha anyways.” She shrugs.

Valentina and Ren both look at her. Eleanor gives a raspy laugh and nods.

Valentina: “It’s Tasha, that’s my friend.” She clears her throat. “But yeah, that’s settled.”

Olivia: “Oh — What a great judge of character you seem to be.” She smiles at Valentina.

Olivia’s Confessional:
“Valentina wasn’t at Eleanor’s to witness Ren’s assistant act a fool. She looks dumb defending her.”

Valentina: “You’re weird…” She puts her sunglasses on.

Ren rolls her eyes.

Ren: “They are calling Tasha my assistant because she gathered them the other day. But this is Lauren’s trip so I’m not going to get into it.”

Eleanor’s Confessional:
“She gathered us? Did she really?”
She raises an eyebrow.

Olivia: “Weird? Don’t be a child. Lauren, why did you invite her?”

The camera zooms in on Valentina who just rolls her eyes; it turns towards Lauren who sighs.

Lauren: “Honestly, I didn’t invite Valentina, but if Ren needs her here why does it matter? Let’s all just have a fun trip and maybe we can all get to know Valentina better.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I didn’t extend an invitation to Valentina personally because one, I don’t have her number. Two, we have all just been getting to know her. Ren really wanted Tasha and Valentina to come so I wasn’t going to not let girls come, we’re not in middle school. I have nothing against her and I don’t mind that she’s here. She’s been nothing but nice to me.”

The boat pulls up to the resort’s dock, the girls start getting off as the crew helps them with their luggage.

Olivia’s Confessional:
“Ren is such a needy little b*tch and her assistant and pet muppet shoud miss me with their bullsh*t.”

Sunset Key Cottages — Key West, Florida

Fun, tropical music plays. Shots of the stunning resort are shown, the girls are led to their cottage’s and start unpacking. Ren and Valentina are shown joking around together and exploring their cottage as Consuela unpacks their luggage. Lauren is seen putting on makeup and getting ready for dinner. The scene then switches to Olivia who is FaceTiming Brandon in her room.

Olivia: “These girls are already being annoying. Ren has her new friend on my ass.”

Brandon: “You’re one of the kindest women I know, kill them with kindness.”

Olivia: “I’m trying, babe.”

The scene now transitions into separate shots of all of the women now getting glammed up and putting on expensive outfits. Lauren walks down to the lobby of the main building alone. She orders a drink at the bar.

Lauren’s Confessional:
“Well, at least theres no drama when everyone’s late.”

She sips her drink by herself, the camera then turns and focuses on Olivia who walks into the lobby.


Olivia: “Hey girl!” She hugs Lauren. “I’m sorry about earlier on the boat. I wasn’t trying to mess with those girls…”

Lauren: “Oh, Olivia. Don’t worry, you're fine. Let’s have a nice dinner tonight.”

Valentina and Eleanor are seen walking into the lobby together; they greet the other girls.

Olivia: “Oh hi — “ The camera stays on Valentina and Olivia who awkwardly greet each other.

Eleanor: “My voice is back! Well at least a little bit.”

Olivia: “Eleanor, do you have whiskey in your room? I heard that helps your vocal cords.”

Eleanor: “Uh Olivia, mind your business.” The girls all laugh.

Valentina: “Wait, where’s Ren? She left our cottage a bit ago with Consuela I assumed she was coming down here”

Lauren: “You would think her assistant being attached to her hip that she would be on time.”

Eleanor: “Oop, the shade Lauren.”

Lauren is seen looking a bit uncomfortable, like she just realized what she said out loud. She regains her put together persona.

Lauren: “I wasn’t tr-…nevermind. Our reservation is in 5 minutes, we should head over to the restaurant now. We can walk there, it’s in the next building over.”

Upbeat music plays as the girls are shown walking to the restaurant, they are all seated and order drinks.

Valentina: “So guys, fill me in. I heard Ren’s side but what happened at Eleanor’s house? From what I heard you and Ren didn’t come to an understanding, Lady E?”

Eleanor: “It was a wreck. Your friend and her assistant made it disastrous.”

Lauren: “Yeah, it was bad. I was so confused.”

Valentina: “Wait, Consuela and Ren made is disastrous?”

Eleanor: “Ren and Tasha.”

Olivia: “When we say assistant we are talking about Tasha because her only place in this group is to d*ck ride Ren.” She shrugs.

Lauren’s Confessional:
“Oh my god, I literally thought Tasha was her assistant because that’s what the ladies said when I first met Tasha. Oops.”

Valentina scrunches up her nose and takes a sip of her drink.

Valentina: “That’s not nice. Tasha isn’t her assistant.”

Eleanor: “Well she follows behind Ren like a puppy. Should it be assistant or puppy? I honestly think puppy is more fitting. Tasha is dizzy and has no brain of her own.”

Olivia: “Bless her heart.”

Valentina: “I mean I’m not Tasha but she isn’t here to defend herself and I’d be remissful to not try and build a case for her. So let’s just order.”

Eleanor and Olivia glance at each other, then Olivia rolls her eyes. Valentina looks down at her menu.

Valentina’s Confessional

“These women make conversation so uncomfortable. All they do is talk about my friends and my friends are never anywhere to be found. It’s like you can’t be friends with Ren in this group. Very childish.”

The waiter walks back over to take the girl’s dinner orders.

Olivia: “I’ll take the fried chicken and garlic mash potatoes.”

Eleanor: “Do you have tomato soup?”

Lauren: “Guys, we are in Key West! Fresh seafood!”

Olivia: “I’m allergic, love.” She sticks her tongue out at Lauren.

Valentina: “I’ll have the grilled salmon and asparagus.”

Lauren: “I’ll have the mahi mahi and also a seafood tower for the table.”

The girls are all shown chatting and getting along as they sit at the table, waiting to eat. Hard electronic music plays as the camera gets Ren walking down the hall into the restaurant, the shot starts at her feet and pans up to her face, she enters the restaurant.


Ren: “Sorry I’m late, Lauren. It took Consuela forever to find me an outfit, we ended up going out and buying a new one.” She gives Valentina a kiss on the cheek as she sits next to her.

Valentina: “Hey sexy!”

Olivia’s Confessional

“Ren shows up to dinner at an oceanside restaurant in club attire? Let me guess, she has a rapper making a pit stop in her room tonight.”

Lauren: “No worries, Ren! Help yourself to some of the apps and the waiter can take your order.”

The main courses are delivered to the table and the girls begin eating.

Valentina: “So Olivia, what do you do?”

Olivia: “I own a fashion empire and modeling agency; The Blake Agency.”

Valentina: “Empire? Where are your things sold at?”

Ren is shown looking at Olivia and smiling subtly.

Ren’s Confessional:
“She uses the term empire very loosely.”

Olivia: “My clothing line is sold in Neiman Marcus.”

Eleanor snaps.

Eleanor: “High end, darling.”

Valentina: “Oh, I’ve never seen it. What’s it called?”

Valentina’s Confessional:
“Neiman Marcus? Okay, I suppose she’s still in negotiations.”

Lauren: “I own many of her pieces. They are very high end.” She nods towards Olivia.

Olivia: “Signature Blake. Probably above your budget. You’ll get there with age, babe.” She puts a spoonful of mashed potatoes in her mouth, looking unbothered.

Eleanor: “Oop!”

Ren: “She might buy it if she was on a budget…” She looks around, bored.

Valentina: “Hopefully when I age, it isn’t on the same terms that you have.” She makes a ‘yikes’ face and flips her hair.

Valentina’s Confessional:
“Maybe she’s built like the structure of an empire, tall and wide, but that doesn’t constitute a successful business.”

Olivia shakes her head and chuckles, Eleanor clears her throat.

Eleanor: “So Lauren and Ren, how are you guys? I noticed Lauren threw some shade earlier that I caught. Are you two drifting apart?” She raises an eyebrow.

Eleanor’s Confessional

“I’ve known Valentina almost her entire life…I also know she needs to close her mouth before she gets too far ahead of herself. I’m giving you this free pass, Val.”

Ren: “What shade did you hear earlier? I didn’t know you could hear.” She turns towards Eleanor.

Lauren gives Eleanor a sharp look.

Lauren: “No…we are fine.” She turns towards Ren. “I made a joke about you being late to dinner, that’s all.”

Valentina: “Wait, Lauren, you did also same something about Ren and Tasha and how Tasha acts like her assistant or something?” She wipes her mouth with a napkin. “Don’t get quiet now, girl.”

Lauren: “We don’t need to re-hash everything all the time. You know things can be said in fun, right? We are suppose to be friends having a fun trip.” She rolls her eyes.

Ren goes back to eating quietly, avoiding Lauren’s gaze.

Ren’s Confessional:
“Typical Lauren.”
She folds her arms.

Valentina: “Yes, things can be said in fun but they can also be said directly.”

Olivia: “Maybe you should be appreciative that you’re on this trip, Valentina. Lauren let you come yet she has no idea who you are.” Lauren lets out a laugh.

Valentina: “Here we go again, extensions. Keep munching on your potatoes and stop fishing for something over here.”

Olivia: “Yes indeed, weave. I’ll keep fishing.”

Olivia’s Confessional:
“I’ve had enough of the little munchkin. She needs to go back to whatever hole she crawled from.”

The camera zooms focuses on Ren who leans over and whispers to Lauren.

Ren: “I’m not mad at you. Just be careful and don’t believe a word a homophobe like Eleanor has to say anyways. She’s a liar and a drunk.”

Lauren raises her eyebrow.

Eleanor: “Any word from Tasha? Is she still coming? She’s usually everywhere with Ren so I’m shocked.”

Valentina: “Yes, she’s coming late tomorrow. We were texting earlier. Also… is that shade, Lady, E?”

Eleanor: “Did you catch it?”

Ren’s Confessional:
“Here’s my name in these h*es mouths…yet again.”

Olivia: “To be honest, Tasha has no place in this group after Eleanor’s. She is very aggressive.” She sips from her wine glass.

Valentina: “So are you. Well you’re passive aggressive with shady b*tch moments.”

Valentina smiles at the table. Lauren’s eyes widen and she covers her face.

Lauren’s Confessional:
“Can these girls give it a REST?”

Olivia: “I’m the nicest woman at this table, honey. You’ve just been on my case since I met you so you’re not getting that side of me.”

Valentina: “I’m not sure who’s been telling you that lie to get a free sundress or get under yours, but it’s just not true. We have no issues, I just don’t like you — Done!” She throws her hands up.

Olivia: “It’s indeed true. I wouldn’t have any issues with you or Ren’s assistant had both of you not come at me sideways in defense with Ren. I have my own issues with Ren and they do not concern either of you. Butt out!”

Ren: “Now I’m confused. What are your issues with me, Olivia? I was nothing but a good friends to you until I saw the tapes of you calling me a wh*re and talking sh*t behind my back!”

Olivia: “What I’m not going to do is have a gang up from both of you.” She motions towards Valentina and Ren. “Ren, we can talk about this but not when your pet muppet is around.”

Lauren: “Look, Ren. We all have seen each other’s personal opinions of each other and it is hurtful, but I don’t see why you guys can’t get past this. You and Olivia are more alike than anything.”

Ren shakes her head.

Ren: “Also, let me just clear up one more thing. Valentina and Tasha are not my puppets. They both have minds of their own. They aren’t stupid c*nts like Eleanor.”

Lauren gasps.

Valentina: “Oh wow.”

Eleanor: “Okay, Ren. You’re the most delusional b*tch here. Go back upstairs and find something to do with your life. Broke h*e.”

Olivia stands up, clearly agitated.

Olivia: “I’m done with this. Like I said I won’t do a gang up. Lauren, I’ll talk to you in the morning. Ren, we will talk eventually. I just can’t do the chirping chihuahua tonight.” She puts a hand up towards Valentina and walks away, mumbling. “Tacky b*tch.”

Ren turns towards Eleanor after Olivia walks off.

Ren: “Your reputation is ruined, you’re a homophobe and a liar.”

Eleanor: “What?!” She looks shocked.

Lauren shakes her head and gets up.

Lauren: “I’m going to excuse myself as well. Ren, you me and Olivia can sit down without this noise.” She motions at Valentina and walks off. Valentina rolls her eyes.

A wide shot of the table is shown; only Eleanor, Ren, and Valentina remain.

Eleanor: “Ren, you said a homophobe?!”

Ren: “You called my gay assistant a sissy and a b*tch.”

A flashback from the previous episode shows Eleanor saying that Ren’s assistant, Guillermo, acted bitchy at the NAACP event because he spilled water on Olivia.

Intense music starts playing as Eleanor can be seen getting visibly more upset and worked up as she realizes that she is being labeled a homophobe.

Eleanor: “Keep calling me that and you’ll have a case on your hands. It’s not my fault I don’t stalk you like Tasha and keep up with your interesting life. How would I know he was gay even? It had NOTHING to do with his sexuality.” She looks around, Ren is tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and shrugs. “I DID NOT KNOW WHO THAT MAN WAS! I DO NOT KEEP UP WITH YOU!”

Valentina continues eating, she keeps looking from Ren to Eleanor with her eyes wide.

Valentina’s Confessional:
“I will not let these girls stop me from finishing my meal…but damn.”

Eleanor: “You are so full of yourself and a f*ck ass b*tch! Screw you, Ren” She tosses her napkin into her food, she looks disgusted.

Ren: “You had his name in your mouth! You wanted to suck his c*ck until you realized her was gay! That’s when your slurs began!”

Eleanor: “Try again.” She laughs.

Ren: “I’m done with you, old lady.”

Eleanor: “Be done!”

Valentina: “Ren! Lady E! Thus is beneath both of you.”

Eleanor stands up, Ren looks very upset now to.

Ren: “Valentina, I’m so over this.”

All of a sudden a loud shattering can be heard as Eleanor throws her glass of wine at Ren and it shatters. It hits Ren’s plate and red wine and glass fly up onto Ren. Valentina shrieks. Ren lets out a surprised scream.

Eleanor: “Screw you, you dumb ass.” Production starts to intervene but she storms out of the restaurant.

Eleanor’s Confessional:
“I hope I dismantled the trash once and for all. F*ck Ren Rose.”

Valentina: “OH WOW!”

Ren sits in shock.

Valentina: “Here Ren.” She starts wiping Ren off and hands her some napkins. “I can’t believe that just happened! I am so sorry.”

Ren: “That stupid f*cking c*nt!” All of a sudden she springs up.

Valentina: “Ren, CALM DOWN!” She gets up as well, she frantically looks at the cameras. “Can we get…someone?”

Ren pushes a one of the cameras that is recording her.

Ren: “Get the f*cking cameras out of my face because I am going to kill that b*tch.”

She takes off her heels and starts sprinting towards the restaurant doors. Other people eating dinner stare in disbelief. A commotion is heard as the fourth wall is broken. Producers and security try to get the situation under control. Valentina still stands by the table in disbelief. Security holds onto Ren and prevents her from running out.

Ren: “I’m seriously done with this bullsh*t.” She rips her mic pack off and throws it onto the restaurant floor. “I’m done, I’M DONE!” She pushes another camera. “I’m calling my lawyers and husband! CONSUELA!”

The episode ends as the screen just turns to black.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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