S2E3: Bitchy Behavior
Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The L.A trip ended in bad blood between Ren and Eleanor. Ren hit it off with two new friends; Valentina and Tasha. Valentina alluded that she knows that Richard Barnes supposedly got another woman pregnant. It was revealed that Eleanor is Valentina’s god mother, putting her in an awkward position when it comes to Ren.
Night shots of Downtown Beverly Beach are shown. People are seen walking down the main strip of restaurants and shops all dressed up. The camera shows Eleanor and her husband, Franklin, walking into a fancy restaurant holding hands. They are greeted and then seated.
Franklin: “Well, I hope this was a pleasant surprise for you!” He chuckles.
Eleanor: “Oh Frank, It was more than that. It’s everything. I’m happy we’ve been able to set some time aside for us. The kids are on vacation and we’re here all alone.” She reaches across the table and grips his hand.
Franklin: “True. How’s everything been with the company? I know your dad is still in the hospital…”
Eleanor: “Well Britton Incorporated is doing well. I haven’t talked to the doctors in awhile, but I’m assuming he’s fine.” She sips her wine.
“My father has been very ill for the past few months. With what? We don’t know. He’s been in and out of the hospital but I’ve been able to deal with it with the support from Franklin. Our marriage is almost perfect compared to these other ladies.”
Franklin: “That’s good.” He squeezes her hand.
Eleanor: “So where is your head at right now? Career wise.”
Franklin sighs.
Franklin: “I just don’t know if I want to continue in politics. It’s become a burden. I almost find myself in a ‘beef’ every week.”
Eleanor: “Now babe, what kind of nonsense is that? You knew when you became a political commentator what it required and what could happen, so don’t act like you didn’t.”
Franklin: “I don’t know. It’s been harder than I thought, I’m getting too old for this.”
Eleanor shakes her head.
Eleanor: “Well you need to think about what you want to do. Long and hard.” She drinks from her wine glass. “Anyways…you know, Valentina Kinsley had her engagement party the other night. I was bummed I couldn’t make it. “
Franklin: “I’m sure she understands. She knows you’re a busy woman!”
A flashback of Valentina expressing disappointment that Tasha and Eleanor didn’t show up to her Engagement Party is played.
Eleanor: “You’re right.”
She smiles and grabs Franklins hand. The scene ends as they clink glasses together.
Upbeat, fun music plays as multiple shots of a fancy outdoor event are shown. The camera flashes to a ‘NAACP Luncheon’ banner; ladies are seen walking in in bright colored dresses.
Eleanor enters the event and looks around for the other women.
“I am happy tonight to be one of the guests at this NAACP luncheon. I was invited by Valentina who is friends with Tasha. I have yet to meet Tasha but I’m excited to. As a white female, I have no issue whatsoever supporting blacked owned business!”
Eleanor sits down at a reserved table; across the room Valentina can be seen entering.
“I’m here at the NAACP event because I am a member, first off. Second, my aunt is on the National Board. Third, because it’s black excellence all up and through! So why WOULDN’T Princess Val be in the building.” She snaps.
Valentina sits with Eleanor and the two start chatting and catching up. Meanwhile, a large black SUV pulls up outfront. A handsome man with a very muscular build, that is not Aaron Rose, comes around the side and opens up the door to reveal Ren. Guillermo helps her out of the car as the pair walk into the event.
Guillermo [Ren’s Assistant]: “Oh wow, very chic.”
Ren: “Yes, this ambiance is fabulous, darling!” She links arms with Guillermo and they walk towards the reserved table. Valentina and Eleanor both stand up to greet Ren.
Valentina: “Ren! Hey girlfriend.”
Ren hugs Valentina, ignoring Eleanor.
“I have absolutely nothing to say to Eleanor. I don’t even want to be around her.”
“Do I want to be friends with Ren? Not at all. I was just trying to be cordial but I guess we’re not doing that.”
Ren: “Hi, my love! This is my assistant Guillermo.”
Eleanor sits back down at the table after not getting a greeting from Ren. Niecy now walks over and greets the women. She introduces herself to Eleanor and then stands by Ren and squeezes Guillermo’s arm as he flexes, she grins and looks at Ren.
Niecy: “You got a fine assistant!”
Ren: “Thank you, hunni.”
Guillermo: “Ah, you must be the fabulous Niecy. I’ve heard so much about you.”
The camera follows Valentina as she goes and sits down next to Eleanor.
Valentina: “Well, Lady Eleanor. Where were YOU at my engagement party.”
Eleanor bites her lip.
Eleanor: “Sorry dear! My father has been very ill lately and I had to be in the hospital with him that night. I’ll be sure to spend extra coin on your engagement gift,” She smiles and pats Valentina’s hand.
Valentina’s Confessional:
“Her father is still alive?” She widens her eyes dramatically. “That’s news to me. I guess I’ll buy that excuse for now.”
Valentina: “I’m so sorry. We would appreciate anything you could give.” She leans over and gives Eleanor a hug.
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“I really hope Micah treats Valentina well, she’s a good girl. She’s been living in her parent’s shadow for awhile and I know this marriage will do her justice.”
The shot jumps from Eleanor and Valentina back to Ren and Guillermo who are standing a few feet away from the table; Ren subtly points to Eleanor as she whispers with Guillermo.
Ren: “That’s the crazy one who called me a wh*re my first day meeting her.”
Guillermo: “Her?” He chuckles. “It must be the alzheimer's.”
Ren: “I think you’re right.” She sips champagne.
We go back to Eleanor and Valentina’s conversation.
Valentina: “So, I’m not sure what the issue is between you and Ren but I was put in a very awkward position when she told me the two of you didn’t get along. I’ve obviously known you essentially my whole life, and Ren and I are really getting along and building a friendship.”
Eleanor rolls her eyes.
Eleanor: “We don’t get along. She just got very upset. People like her are the type of people I’d rather not associate with. She’s young and still has a lot of maturing and growing to do.”
Valentina: “She said you called her a wh*re when you met her…” She raises her eyebrows.
Eleanor: “I didn’t though! Valentina, I said I heard she was a little…hoe-ish. But I mean if you look like a duck, quack like one, you’re a duck.”
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“Even though I can be a help to Ren out in life, I don’t want to. She’s not the type of ‘project’ that would even make it through the first phase.”
Electronic music plays as the camera catches Olivia walking into the event; the footage plays in slow motion as Olivia flips her hair.
“Look what the cat dragged in…from the trenches of hell. It’s Olivia!” She makes a disgusted face. “Haven’t seen that b*tch since the reunion.”
Olivia walks over and sits next to Eleanor. Eleanor squeals.
Eleanor: “Ahh! Olivia! SO glad to see you. I’ve been missing you lately, especially since you ditched me and left me hanging out dry on that L.A trip.” She playfully acts mad.
Olivia: “Girl, I’m so sorry. I was just thinking, I couldn’t really see myself being trapped with that one on a road trip.” She motions in Ren & Guillermo’s direction, they stand a table away, talking to a couple. “By the way, who’s this?” She smiles at Valentina.
Eleanor: “Oh! How rude of me, this is my god daughter, Valentina! Her mother and I are very close friends.”
Valentina: “Nice to meet you, Olivia. I saw you and Eleanor had a blast together this summer.”
Olivia: “Pleasure, Valentina! Yes, we did have a ball.”
Niecy approaches the table and does a giddy wave.
Niecy: “Hey girls! I dunno where Ren and Guillermo went so I’m sitting with y’all.” She laughs.
As Niecy takes a seat, the camera pans to Valentina who simply just rolls her eyes.
Producer: “How do you feel about Niecy after Ren’s cover reveal party?”
Valentina: “Uhh….I don’t feel anything towards Nasty Niecy. She’s incredibly trashy, she’s a non-factor.”
Niecy: “Oh! Olivia Blake, do you remember me? We were both judges for the Miss Beverly Beach Pagent a few years ago.”
Olivia: “Oh yeah! Hey Lystra!”
Niecy: “I- “ She looks a bit taken aback. “It’s actually Niecy.”
Olivia’s Confessional:
“Awk-ward.” She cringes.
Olivia: “Oh my god, my bad. Forgive me, Niecy! You just look like this gorgeous model I know named Lystra.”
Eleanor: “It’s a simple mistake. I forget EVERYBODYS name. I swear to god, that's why I need Franklin with me. He has the memory of an elephant, that’s his only redeeming quality.” She laughs at her own joke.
Valentina: “Lystra?!” She laughs and looks at Niecy. “Is that your alias or something, Niecy? It should be.”
Niecy shoots a look at Valentina.
Niecy: “Olivia just had a brain scramble about my name. We all make mistakes, like that faded ring of yours. For a princess it looks very dusty.”
Intense music picks up, Valentina glares at Niecy. Eleanor looks shocked while Olivia looks entertained, with a grin.
Valentina: “You must have exceeded your drinks for tonight. It was a joke, not a read.”
Eleanor: “Woah. Why so harsh, Niecy?”
Niecy: “I thought the little ‘princess’ was trying to shade me.”
Valentina’s Confessional:
“I’m pretty sure Niecy is bipolar and that’s completely fine. Just stay on one side of your emotions when talking to me.
Valentina: “I go by Valentina, thank you.”
Niecy: “Well Valentina, I bet you found your ring in the pawn shop.” She takes a sip of her drink and chuckles.
Valentina and Eleanor both look each other, stunned, unsure of why Niecy is coming at Valentina. Olivia stifles a laugh,
Olivia: “Not a pawn shop.”
Valentina: “We’ve moved on from your menopausal mood swings. You shouldn’t even be at this table.”
Eleanor: “What is up with you, Niecy? Everything okay? You’re coming in very hard.”
Valentina: “She’s trying to turn into a full time cast member and it’s not working, babe. Get a husband and a hobby, less mental instability. What the hell is your problem with me?”
Valentina’s Confessional:
“Now, I’m shading her.”
The scene jumps to Ren and Guillermo who are standing away from the table; Ren looks over.
Ren: “I think they’re fighting over there…”
Ren’s Confessional:
“Like I’ve said, I love Niecy but she has the tendency to get in a bit of trouble from time to time. Yes, she is my friend but I’m not going to hop into every argument she has and I don’t expect her to do that for me.”
The camera follows Tasha as she walks over to the table of women.
Tasha: “Hello ladies. Sorry I couldn't talk to you as soon as you came in, I was busy greeting the donors.” She goes around the table and greets Valentina and Niecy, she introduces herself to Eleanor and Olivia. “Thank you all so much for coming, and thank you Valentina for helping extend the invite.”
Valentina: “Tasha, you’re welcome and you’re also welcome to disrupt the craziness going on.” She glances at Niecy. “Go catch another case, Niecy.”
Valentina’s Confessional:
“Word on the street is Niecy has had some past history with the law.” She shrugs.
Tasha: “Oop! Now what is going on…?”
Niecy: “Oh, I’m clear baby, I don’t have a mugshot or a record but we can get one going tonight?” She starts to raise her voice, other people at the luncheon start to look over at the table of ‘Wives.
Valentina: “Oh! Is that a threat? You have a disorder so maybe it’s time to check in with the psychiatrist.”
Tasha looks stunned, Eleanor is seen trying to calm Valentina down. Olivia looks disgusted.
Olivia: “This is all VERY low brow behavior. We’re at an event.”
“It was light hearted, fun shade at first. Now the girls are actually starting to fight…at a charity event?”
Niecy, still fired up points across the table at Valentina.
Niecy: “I don’t need to threaten you. You’re the one with the drug dealer fiancé. Your c*caine snorting, ass. Snort snort, b*tch!”
Eleanor slams her hand on the table.
Eleanor: “Niecy, BRING IT DOWN! You’re acting like a complete buffon!”
Tasha: “Guys, you need to stop.” She looks around nervously. “This is for a different time and a much different place.”
Valentina flips her hair and turns her back towards Niecy.
Valentina: “Those claims are so ridiculous, I’m not even going to entertain them. I’m not going to pay Niece-Nasty any sort of mind.”
Ren now walks over and joins the table with Guillermo by her side, she sits next to Niecy.
Ren: “Niecy, baby, you’re at a NAACP event. Please behave. We could hear you all the way over there.”
Niecy, ignoring Ren, goes back to going in on Valentina.
Niecy: “Maybe you should slip me your drugs and I’ll calm down. How else would you pay for that house?”
Valentina: “Oh, so now she’s googling my house.”
Eleanor: “It seems like you’re already on some…”
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“Niecy is very dumb.” She shakes her head. “I would think the women in this group would have least made it through K-12, but clearly not.”
Valentina: “Where is security for her? This is ridiculous. Girl bye, you don’t even know me to accuse me of that.”
Tasha gets up quickly, asking for security.
Niecy: “Eleanor, go tighten your face some more. You could use another face lift.”
“These girls are acting like complete fools at my event. It’s so embarrassing and so immature.”
Tasha walks back over with two large security guards.
Tasha: “Niecy, security is going to walk you to your car. Thank you for coming.”
Niecy gets up, glaring at the table.
Niecy: “This is systematic bullying.”
Ren: “No, this is embarrassing.” She widens her eyes and sips her drink.
The security guards walk with Niecy towards the exit. Tasha shakes her head and sits down; clearly annoyed.
Ren: “Are you okay? That was kind of ALOT.”
Tasha: “Girl, yes. I’m just glad security was here.”
Guerillmo: “She was crazy.”
Valentina leans over and touches Tasha’s shoulder.
Valentina: “That was too much.” She glances at the exit, making ure Niecy is gone. “Tasha, can I talk to you privately?”
Ren raises an eyebrow. Tasha agrees and the pair gets up and walk to a quiet area outside, the cameras follow as they begin their one on one conversation.
Valentina: “So…um…I have an issue.”
Tasha raises her eyebrow.
Tasha: “Okay?”
Valentina: “I feel slighted by you. You didn’t come to my engagement party with not so much as a call or text and I didn’t hear from you again until this morning to make sure I came to this.”
Tasha: “I’m sorry. I had a family emergency with my grandmother. I should have texted you.”
Valentina: “Oh, I’m sorry.” She looks embarrassed.
Valentina’s Confessional:
“I feel like an asshole that I’m worried about an engagement party and both women had crisis.”
Tasha: “It was not intentional.”
Valentina: “All is forgiven.” The pair hug.
The scene switches back to the table of ladies and Guillermo. Guillermo gets up, champagne in hand he looks are Ren.
Guillermo: “I’m going to the restroom.”
As he walks past Olivia’s chair, he tips the glass over and spills it down the back of her. He stands behind her.
Guillermo: “I’m so sorry, oh my god. My fingers slipped.”
Flashback footage of him tipping it over, obviously intentional, just seconds before is played.
Olivia gets up in shock.
Olivia: “Oh, dammit.” She starts blotting off her back but then gets up and heads straight to the bathroom, not saying a word to the table.
Ren’s Confessional:
“Her outfit looked like a napkin anyway.” She shrugs.
Eleanor looks at Guillermo with disgust.
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“Why is this tall, meaty man even here? He’s been gossiping with his girl like a little b*tch. Put on a skirt and join us then.”
Ren grabs her purse and gets up to stand next to Guillermo.
Ren: “Maybe you had too many? Are you okay? Let’s go.” Guillermo nods.
The pair starts walking, they are joined by Valentina as they walk out.
Valentina: “I saw that. I know that drink spill was on purpose.” She laughs.
Ren: “He’s had so much to drink! He does the darndest things.”
Guillermo: “Yes I’m sooooo intoxicated.” His voice drips with sarcasm. “That b*tch deserved it.”
Ren playfully hits him and grins.
Ren: “That’s enough.”
Valentina looks at Ren as they exit the luncheon and head towards the valet.
Valentina: “So what's the deal with Olivia? Why don’t you like her? I noticed you two didn’t really interact.”
Ren: “Well, she’s lowkey the messiest person in the group but loves to act like she’s friends with everyone. I would watch my back around her.”
Valentina: “Really. She seemed pleasant but I need to feel her out to see if we can be friends, for SURE.”
The valet pulls Ren’s car around, he opens the door and she starts to get in. Before leaving she looks at Valentina.
Ren: “All I will say is proceed with caution.”
She closes her door and drives off; the camera turns to Valentina as she bites her lip and the scene ends.
Shots of Richard Barnes’s dealership flash across the screen. The camera switches to a shot of Lauren walking through the front door, she greets the receptionist. She strolls to the back and enters Richard’s office. She greets Richard and gives him a hug and peck on the cheek.
Richard: “Hey honey! I’m glad you were able to make it in today. We have to get this shoot scheduled so we can get this anniversary party set. It’s only a few weeks away! I know we were in vacation mode but it’s really time to hit the ground running.”
“I don’t think either of us really realized the implications of that article coming out. Sure, it was just one silly article in a tabloid but that one silly article turns into people talking and rumors circulating and this whole thing was really getting kind of…big! We left the kids with my parents and Richard took me on an almost two week vacation to the Turks and Caicos so we could really focus on our personal relationship and become united again, without all of the outside noise. It was amazing for us.”
Lauren: “I know. I can’t believe you’ve been in business 30 years! What an accomplishment, honey. So here’s what I have planned.”
She sits down across from him and lays out her binders. Lauren talks about the possible decor options, catering, and hiring models from the Blake Agency to pose with guests next to cars.
Lauren’s Confessional:
“Richard’s family’s dealership has been around for 30 years, this year. We are having a big party at the dealership, we’re inviting the who’s who of Beverly Beach. If you have a foreign in BB, you probably got it from Richard.” She laughs. “Richard and I decided it would be really good for me to keep me distracted and take charge in planning the entire event. It
Lauren: “So what are your thoughts?”
Richard: “That sounds perfect. We need a big event to get our negative press out of people’s minds.” He frowns a bit. “But this will be perfect, it will be the party of the year! Don’t forget to invite your girlfriends and their partners, they are all welcome.”
Lauren nods.
Lauren: “I’m actually seeing the girls soon for the first time in well….weeks. The last time I saw any of them was on that god awful trip to L.A. I hear they’ve been hanging out with some new people. Eleanor Hargrove is having a little lunch at her house tomorrow so I can meet everyone.”
Richard: “Sounds good! I think you hanging out with the girls more will also help ease your mind about everything going on.”
Lauren: “Definitely.” It gets quiet and she looks down before glancing back up at Richard. “Um, so…kind of off topic but have you heard anything back from Al regarding the allegations in Page Six?”
Richard sighs.
Richard: “Well…not yet. He is still on it. I promise, babe. This will all get sorted out.” He reaches across his desk to hold Lauren’s hand. “If we find out who this supposive ‘former employee’, we have a defamation suit on our hands.”
Lauren: “Ren did mention she has a friend at Page Six who she considers a reliable source. According to the source, Yvonne Langley is the leak.” Lauren purses her lips.
Richard, clearly distracted, pulls his hand away and starts typing on his phone. He then puts it back down.
Richard: “Mhm…I mean we don’t have any evidence either way yet so be careful to bring this back on Yvonne. She doesn’t hang out with you guys anymore, she’s irrelevant to us. Just give Al a few days to sort this out. He never steers me wrong. We both need to trust him.”
The camera zooms in on Lauren who looks very frustrated.
Lauren: “What do you mean sorted out? Did you sleep with someone and you’re trying to pay them off?” She raises her eyebrow.
Richard: “Lauren, I am not going to be grilled by you everyday about this. Trust me or don’t. Either way, I am doing what is best for you and the children. I love you and the kids. I would do anything for you guys.” His phone starts ringing, he glances at it. “I gotta take this. Want to go to the cafè and order for me? I’ll be right behind you.”
Lauren quietly gathers her things as Richard takes the call.
Lauren: “Sure.” He blows a kiss at her as she leaves, she just looks at him and walks out.
“This entire situation is so annoying. It is alot of stress that I just don't have time to handle right now. So for the moment, I’m just kind of ignoring it as much as I can.” She shrugs. “Planning this party is definitely a welcomed distraction.”
Shots of Eleanor’s beautiful mansion are shown; Eleanor is in her kitchen directing caterers who are bringing in towers of finger sandwiches and platters of hor d’oeuvres.
“Today I’ve invited some the ladies over to get together. This is kind of like me extending an olive branch. The L.A trip was really rough so I hope by inviting Lauren and Ren over they can kind of see a different side of me. Olivia mentioned that Lauren hasn’t been around the group in a while, so I thought that is the perfect excuse to have a little lunch to mix and mingle.”
The doorbell rings, Eleanor hurries to the door and opens it to reveal Lauren.
Eleanor: “Hello dear! Come in!”
Lauren: “Hey there!” She walks in. “Wow! It smells great in here. Am I the first one here?”
Lauren’s Confessional:
Lauren folds her hands, acting like she’s praying.
“Please, please, please go smoother than the last time I saw everyone.”
Ren’s Range Rover is seen pulling up to Eleanor’s house, Tasha in the passenger seat.
Ren: “Here we go…”
Ren’s Confessional:
“The other day, I got a random invite to Eleanor’s for lunch. I wasn’t going to go buttttt I’m starving, so I decided to. I also need my girl Tasha to meet Lauren.”
The two girls park and approach the front door. Eleanor immediately opens the grand entrance.
Eleanor: “Hi girls! Lauren is in the kitchen! Follow me.”
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“I decided to invite Ren to be nice, but maybe I shouldn’t have considering she’s looking like the nearest stripper from the Beverly Beach Lights Out. Wow.” She widens her eyes.
Ren: “What a lovely home you have here, very vintage.”
Tasha: “Yes! I love the decor.”
Eleanor, Tasha, and Ren enter the kitchen. Lauren’s face lights up with joy.
Lauren: “Ahh! Ren! Hey!” She goes over and gives Ren a hug. She then puts her hand out towards Tasha. “Hi, I’m Lauren.” Tasha smiles and introduces herself.
Ren: “Hi Lauren, how’ve you been? You must tell me all about your little vacay.”
Lauren: “Oh my god…It was great!”
Lauren tells the girls about her trip to the Turks and Caicos. The camera zooms in on Eleanor who observes from the other side of her island.
Eleanor’s Confessional:
“I really don’t appreciate the fact Lauren is constantly behaving like she is one of Ren’s vagina hair strands. Does she really have to act this way ALL the time?”
Eleanor: “Well ladies, the food is ready to be eaten. Have at it! Olivia just texted me that she will be here soon.”
The ladies all grab plates of food and go to sit on Eleanor’s back deck.
Eleanor: “So, what’s been up with you all?”
Lauren: “Well, now that we’re back I’m helping Richard plan the dealership anniversary party, which you are all invited to by the way, it’s a good way to keep busy and I’m really enjoying it.”
The girls all nod.
Ren: “Ahh, well it’s good to see you’re alive and well. I’ve been missing you at these events.”
“It’s a bit awkward right sitting next to Lauren when she has no idea about the secret that’s been going around town about her.”
A flashback of Valentina alluding to Ren that Richard got another girl pregnant plays.
“But I don’t think now is the best time to tell her.”
A knock on the front door is heard, Eleanor runs off and comes back with Olivia.
Eleanor: “We have Olivia!”
Olivia: “Hello ladies and Ren!” She smiles at everyone. Lauren gets up and gives her a hug and kiss on both cheeks.
Lauren: “Hey Olivia! Long time, no see, come sit!”
Ren: “Olivia…” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.
Ren’s Confessional:
“Ugh. Who invited this b*tch?”
Oliva hugs Lauren back.
Olivia: “My love!” She takes a seat at the table. “Tasha, it’s good to see you again after the luncheon. Such a lovely event.” She smiles. “Ren…hoping your marriage is doing better.”
Eleanor lets out a giggle, Ren shoots her a look.
“You know, I tried being cordial with Ren but after her assistant ‘accidently’ poured his drink on me, I knew we were playing dirty. So game on, bitch.”
Ren: “It’s going very well, love. Thank you!”
Olivia: “Wow, amazing to hear. I’m so thankful Aaron could forgive you for all the hoeing you’ve done.”
Ren: “And I’m thankful your weave is doing better? Guillermo is clumsy.” She takes a sip of her drink. Lauren looks at the ladies, confused.
Eleanor: “Yes, Guillermo is very clumsy… bitchy as well.”
Intense music starts playing as Ren snaps her head towards Eleanor and glares at her.
“Whew, this is heating up but I got my girl Ren.”
Tasha: “Eleanor, that’s not nice.”
Eleanor: “Well that’s certainly what he was acting like, a bitch. Tasha, just because you have a mouth doesn’t mean you should use it. Everything that comes out is senseless and very idiotic. You’re the dizziest and dumbest hefer at this table.”
Lauren gasps; Ren looks at Eleanor with disgust; Olivia stifles a laugh; and Tasha glares at Eleanor.
“How does this happen every time I am around this Eleanor woman.”
Tasha, now, looks visibly upset. Ren tries to calm her.
Ren: “Just ignore her…she literally doesn’t know shit.”
Tasha: “Bitch, you don’t know me. You’re an old hag, isn’t it time for you to go to a nursing home?”
Eleanor: “Your tired reads didn’t land, try again.”
Tasha: “That botched nose job didn’t land.”
Eleanor: “Just hope you look this beautiful when you reach my age. You already dress like you’re in my age bracket…”
Lauren: “Oh my god. Why do we need to do this?”
Tasha: “Oh honey, I’ll look better!”
Olivia: “Tasha, relax.”
Tasha: “Don’t tell me to relax. Infact, don’t address me at all.”
Eleanor: “Tasha, you are the lowest of the low. Who are you?”
Ren: “Eleanor, do you have to cause drama at every outing? You look ridiculous yet again.”
Eleanor throws a hand up towards Ren.
Eleanor: “You are literally irrelevant to this group. Go away.”
Tasha: “Let me excuse myself because I have a husband to tend to.” She gets up from the table.
Olivia: “Go find some composure and gain it, ma’am.”
Ren: “Shut up, Olivia.”
Eleanor: “Ren and Tasha, you both may leave. I can do without trashy b*tches in my home.”
“I’m seriously lost right now.” She blinks at the camera. “It’s so insane that there is so much animosity between Ren & Tasha and Olivia & Eleanor. All because of what?”
Ren starts to get up as well.
Ren: “Tasha, lets go. I’m over this clown and her antics though.” She gestures towards Eleanor.
Eleanor: “Let me call the exterminator right now. I’m sure you’ll leave some friends behind. Please leave now. The two dizziest bitches here, no wonder dumb and dumber get along.”
Tasha and Ren start heading towards the door.
Olivia: “Bye ladies!” She waves at them with a smug smile.
Tasha turns back around.
Tasha: “Olivia, like I said…don’t address me while you’re over here wearing Baby Phat. It’s so out of style…”
As Tasha and Ren walk out, Eleanor yells after them.
Eleanor: “Ren, YOU’RE the clown. And so is your boyfriend.”
The episode ends as Eleanor, Olivia, and Lauren still sit at the table.
Lauren: “God help us.”