S2E10: Shade, Sidechicks, & Security. Oh My!

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
22 min readFeb 22, 2021


(L to R): Eleanor Hargrove Britton, Olivia Blake, Lauren Barnes, Ren Nichols-Rose, & Valentina Kinsley

Fun music plays as the sun sets and the lit up streets of downtown Beverly Beach are shown. Eventually the camera settles on Ren’s boutique, ‘REN’. Inside, a party seems to be going on. We see Ren making rounds, taking pictures, and chatting with those in attendance.

Ren’s Interview

“This evening I’m holding an event at my store REN to celebrate our new collection and revamp! It’s been such an incredible year for my brand and I just wanted to showcase all my hard work and thank everyone who's supported me in my journey.”

Ren is seen talking to members of the press about how her business has grown exponentially this year.


Ren’s Interview:
“I extended an invitation to everyone in the group, unfortunately a lot of the women couldn’t make it.”

Trap EDM starts playing as we get a shoe cam of somebody stepping out of the car. They shut the door and start walking towards Ren’s event. The camera slowly pans up to reveal a smiling Eleanor.

Eleanor’s Interview

“Tonight I am surprisingly attending Ren’s event. Although we don’t see eye to eye at the moment, I always try to support everyone’s businesses as I would want them to support mine. I’m not expecting to make up, but I’m here to show face.”


She gets inside, has her picture taken, then approaches Ren who is talking to Consuela.

Eleanor: “Hi Ren.”

Ren turns around, she looks a bit surprised.

Ren: “Oh my, hi.” She takes a sip from her champagne flute. “I have to be honest, I did not expect to see you here.”

Eleanor: “I can always support women’s businesses. With our case being thrown out, I felt it would only be right to pay you a visit.” She smiles.

Eleanor’s Interview

“The court decided to throw our case out because they felt like it was a mutually consented interaction…and I mean, it was just a little wine.” She shrugs and giggles.

Ren’s Interview

“Our case wasn’t thrown out, I decided to drop the charges against her. My heart wouldn’t allow me to send a kooky old woman to prison. But she better be careful, not everyone will be so forgiving.”

Ren: “Well I thank you for coming, it’s a nice step in the right direction.” She smiles softly then looks around.

Eleanor: “I don’t care to move too fast.” She laughs. “But I do agree this is a good step in the right direction. However, you weren’t at the auction the other night and a lot transpired.”

Ren: “Oh yeah, I had something come up with business and I couldn’t be there. I haven’t really talked to anybody in a while, what happened?”

Eleanor: “Well, a lot. Lauren, Valentina, and I were the only ones there. Of course, Lauren defended you but Valentina and Lauren got into an absolutely heated confrontation…”

A flashback of Lauren and Valentina fighting at the auction plays.

Ren shakes her head and takes another sip of her drink.

Ren: “Of course she attacks poor Lauren for no reason. It doesn’t really surprise me.”

Ren’s Interview:
“I hate that I wasn’t able to be there to protect Lauren. Valentina’s nasty attitude and mouth can be A LOT.”

Ren: “What was the confrontation even about?”

Eleanor: “It all started with Valentina questioning her about the way Richard came at her at the dealership party. I say it was a pretty fair confrontation and it also warranted conversation.” She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

Ren: “I think Richard was well within his rights to respectfully address her regarding the rumors she spread about him…”

Eleanor: “I mean the rumor is going all around town. Personally, I don’t think it was right for him to come at a woman like that but this isn’t our battle to fight. Anywho, something else interesting happened.”

Ren: “What else happened?” She raises an eyebrow.

Eleanor: “Actually.” She clears her throat and lowers her voice. “Your husband, Mr. Aaron, was there. He was actually one of the prized possessions being auctioned off, well it was a date with him. Not sure if you knew that? Anyways, Lauren was the one who bid the most.” She looks at Ren for her reaction.

Ren downs her glass of champagne, and then stares at Eleanor.

Ren: “I… I was aware he would be at the auction. Not in it. Interesting.” She bites her lip.

Ren’s Interview

“I absolutely trust my best friend Lauren. She probably bid the most so that she could keep Aaron away from the other whores.”

Eleanor: “Well yes, he was in it.”

Ren quickly regains a smile, glancing at the cameras.

Ren: “That’s really kind of him! He does many crazy things for charity. I’m sure Lauren was just being a friend. Richard, Lauren, Aaron, and I are all good friends.”

Eleanor’s Interview

“I wouldn’t want my husband being auctioned off for a date with another woman and/or man. The women and their interesting entanglements are definitely something to wonder about.”

Eleanor looks at Ren funny.

Eleanor: “If you say so…”

Ren’s Interview:
“Did Eleanor really come to support me or did she come to be messy?”

Ren: “Thank you for your concern. Seems very genuine.”

Eleanor: “You’re welcome! It was just weird and i wanted to run it past you. I’m going to go look around then head out, thank you so much for the invite.” She smiles.

Ren: “Great! I’m sure everything is fine, thank you so much for coming.”

Ren turns around and rolls her eyes. The scene ends with an outside shot of ‘REN’.

Light music plays as we hear people chatting and laughing. The scene opens with an aerial shot of an outdoor ice rink in the town square of Beverly Beach. The camera follows Lauren and Olivia as they laugh together and walk to a bench on the perimeter of the rink.

Olivia: “Are you ready to have some fun?” She sits and begins to put on her skates.

Lauren: “Oh, yes! I have been looking forward to this the past couple days. I can’t get the kids to come here with me!” She starts putting her hair up in a ponytail.

Olivia laughs.

Olivia: “I don’t blame them. It’s getting colder here, I thought we lived in California?!”

The girls get up and skate a few laps around the rink while chatting. There’s a montage of Olivia falling and Lauren laughing. They are now slowly skating around the rink.

Lauren: “Soooo, did you hear about my ‘date’ that I won with Aaron Rose at that auction a few days ago?” She giggles and looks at Olivia.

Olivia: “Oh no, I didn’t hear! What?! Tell me about it.”

The girls stop skating and lean against the outside barrier.

Olivia: “Why did you want to go on a date with that cheater?” She laughs.

Olivia’s Interview

“No shade, Ren but we all know your relationship has an open door policy.”

Lauren: “I honestly paid way too much for that dirtbag. Only because Valentina started bidding on him first! I couldn’t let her win because her and Ren are on such bad terms.” She sighs. “Who knows how that mess would have turned out.”

Olivia: “Why did she want to go on a date with Aaron? To cause drama?”

Lauren: “I have no clue…she came at me earlier in the night, I just cannot handle that girl. She then tried to act like I wanted to win.” She rolls her eyes. “I already spoke to Aaron about making it a double date with Richard and Ren.”

Olivia: “That’s a good idea and certainly much less awkward.”

Lauren: “I’m kind of secretly curious to see Ren and Aaron’s dynamic up close now. It’s been so long since I have seen them in person together, not in paparazzi photos.”

Olivia nods.

Olivia: “They are barely together. I wake up daily expecting for the press to report a divorce announcement.”

Lauren shrugs and lets out a deep breath.

Lauren: “I know. Everything I hear is so up and down, I can’t keep up. I just want to make sure Ren is happy. We’ll eventually know, time will tell. Shall we skate more?”

Upbeat music plays as Olivia and Lauren skate off together. The scene ends as Olivia is seen falling once again.

Olivia: “Fuck!”

Shots of the beautiful coastal highway and the ocean are shown. All of a sudden we hear a loud “BANG”, a gunshot. The scene transitions to shots of an outside gun range and multiple people shooting at targets. Eleanor is talking to an instructor at the range. Valentina pulls up in a tricked out Mercedes E Class and makes her way towards Eleanor.

Valentina: “ELEANORRRRRR!”

The two hug.

Eleanor: “Hey Valentina! Come here and let some rage out! I know you’re stressed planning that wedding.”

Valentina: “Well, if one more thing goes wrong, knowing how to shoot may come in handy.” She laughs.

The instructor starts setting the girls up.

Valentina’s Interview

“Lady E is a snappy, rustic, Midwestern girl and I certainly am not! I’m a West Coast, smile and shine city girl who’s prepping for a wedding that is three weeks away. I’ll oblige her and try to shoot some of these guns for bonding.”

The girls hold pistols as the instructor tells them safety procedures and teaches them how to shoot. Eleanor goes first, she goes crazy and keeps shooting at her target. Half her shots hit.

Valentina: “Oh my goodness, you just became a crazed killer in the blink of an eye.” She looks over at Eleanor, wide eyed.

Valentina now steps up to shoot. Her first shot misses and she winces. She tries again and misses.

Valentina: “Did I hit the target?” She looks at the instructor.

Instructor: “No, not yet.”

On her third try, Valentina hits the bullseyes. She smiles.

Eleanor: “Wow! Nice shot, Val!”

Valentina: “I got it now? Right?”

Instructor: “Certified killer!”

Valentina takes a bow and Eleanor and the instructor laugh.

Eleanor: “Let’s go over to the sitting area and get some water.” The girls start walking. “So I have to tell you…”

Valentina: “What?! Lay it on me.”

Eleanor: “So the other day I went to Ren’s store thingy and we are actually decent. I felt the need to pay her a visit since the case was thrown out of court. I also told her about the auction.” She bites her lip. “She tried to make it seem like you were the cause of the confrontation that you and the Barnes’ had, but I had your back.”

The girls grab bottles of water and sit on a nearby bench.

Valentina: “Ren can continue being in and out of her marriage.” She rolls her eyes.

Eleanor: “I brought up Aaron being an auction item. She seemed a bit surprised. She tried to cover it up saying that her man ‘loves charity work’… like girl.”

Eleanor’s Interview

“Who’s husband is going to be at a auction being auctioned off for a date with somebody? I know mine ain’t.”

Valentina: “If Aaron loves charity work so much, why did she not know he was doing it?”

Eleanor: “Exactly! It’s all just a coverup for their failing, half fractured marriage I suppose.”

Valentina takes a long drink from her bottle and chuckles to herself.

Valentina: “Ren had the nerve to come to my party and make up a rumor that I cheated on my fiancè so she should be the LAST person accusing anyone of starting a mess.”

Eleanor: “Like I said, everything is a coverup.”

Valentina’s Interview

“Ren and I were not super close, let’s be clear. I wasn’t sharing deep dark secrets with her. She didn’t like that I wanted to be left out of the situation between her and Lady E that happened in Key West so she makes up an insubstantial rumor. I don’t talk about her so she should really keep her beef suckers closed when my name comes up.”

Valentina: “Well, I can’t be worried about frauds. I have a wedding coming up very soon. I’ll be a wife and Aaron will continue living his best double life.” She smirks.

Eleanor: “True tea! So, tell me, you’re going to Yvonne Langley’s New Years Eve party, right?”

Valentina: “Yes! Wear your finest. You know it’s gowns, beautiful gowns dahling.” The girls grin as Valentina gets up and does a twirl.

Eleanor: “Oh I will! I’ll be ready.”

Valentina: “I’m also bringing along a special friend so please, be on time.”

Valentina winks at Eleanor who raises an eyebrow. The scene ends as we get one final shot of the shooting range and hear one last gunshot.

There are shots of all the girls getting ready for Yvonne’s New Years Eve party. Eleanor sits in her bathroom getting glam. Olivia is seen telling her sons goodbye and leaving the house. Lauren and Richard walk out of their house, hand in hand, and get into a car.

The scene switches to Yvonne Langley’s huge mansion as people start arriving. We see the inside all decorated for New Years. The camera focuses on Olivia who walks in with a crowd of people, Eleanor files in seconds later. Yvonne stands in her foyer and greets people, Olivia and Eleanor approach her.

Olivia, Yvonne, & Eleanor
Olivia’s Interview

“I love my girlfriend, Yvonne. She throws the best parties and is quite the social queen of Beverly Beach. Much more classy than most of the women in this group.” She snorts.

Olivia: “Yvonne, how are you babe?”

Eleanor: “Your house looks magnificent as always!”

Yvonne: “Hello, my loves! Glad you could make it. I hope you didn't invite the riff raff.” She chuckles.

Yvonne’s Interview
“I must admit, I’m so glad to be away from this social group. If they cause any trouble at my event, I’ll sue the hell out of them. Mark my words.”

Light music plays as Lauren and Richard come on. Richard makes a bee line straight to the bar while Lauren walks over to the ladies.


Lauren: “Hi there! Yvonne, thank you for having us. It’s beautiful in here.”

Yvonne looks Lauren up and down, unamused.

Yvonne: “Oh, hello Lauren. I see you’re still traveling alone. I hope your bills are getting paid.” She smiles.“Anyways, you girls play nice. You are too old. I’m going to go greet the rest.” She wanders off.

Lauren’s Interview

“It wouldn’t be a Yvonne party without some shade.” She rolls her eyes.

Dramatic music starts playing as we get a slow-mo shot of Valentina, Micah, and Cece Quinn walking into the party together. The camera cuts to the other girls. Lauren and Olivia’s mouths are wide open, Eleanor looks surprised.

Micah, Valentina, & Cece

Lauren: “Do you see this?” She grips Olivia’s hand. “What. The. Fuck. Is she doing…Richard’s here! Oh my god.”

Olivia: “I cannot believe this. Valentina came with that trifling trick.”

Olivia’s Interview

“EVERYBODY knows in Beverly Beach that Cece Quinn is one of Richard Barnes little girlfriends. All the girls know Richard hooks up with her but out of respect for Lauren, none of us bring it up on camera. Valentina has crossed a major line. Plus, she already tried to be part of this group, it didn’t go over well.”

A flashback of Olivia and Ren coming after Cece at Lauren’s party in season 1 episode 1 is played.

The camera cuts back to Valentina, Cece, and Micah who are chatting at the bar.

Cece: “I see Lauren. I dare her to say something…in fact, I would bet you a million dollars that spineless bitch doesn’t.” She laughs with Valentina.

Valentina: “You know she has to ask permission to express herself.” She begins mocking Lauren. “Oh Richard, may I laugh? Oh Richard, may I cry? Weak.”

Eleanor walks over and joins Valentina’s group.

Eleanor: “Hello Val and Micah! Oh hi, is this Cece? She’s beautiful.”

Eleanor hugs all three of them and introduces herself to Cece.

Micah: “Eleanor, Valentina…play nice tonight, okay?”

Eleanor: “I’m behaving tonight, even when the skunks try to spray me.”

The girls laugh and Micah excuses himself to go talk to friends.

Cece: “Eleanor, you’re stunning!”

Eleanor: “Thank you, babe.”

Valentina: “Lady E really is! She’s the mother hen of our group but she gets down.”

The three women continue to chat and laugh, the camera pans to Lauren and Olivia who have their back turned to them. Valentina looks over.

Valentina: “Well, I think we should go say hi to the other ladies. I do believe in manners.”

Eleanor glances at Cece and lets out a nervous laugh before the three of them approach Lauren and Olivia.

Valentina: “Hello ladies, Olivia and Lauren how are you?”

Cece: “Olivia…” She glances at Lauren. “Lauren. It’s been a while.”

Olivia and Laurn turn around. The camera catches Olivia rolling her eyes.

Olivia: “Valentina and MeMe is it?

Valentina: “It’s Cece. You know her.”

Olivia: “Oh right, Cece! My apologies. I remember you. You get around. Actually last time I saw you, you were gone with the wind…”

Olivia’s Interview:
“Hold the fabulous.”

Cece shrugs and sips her drink. The camera goes to Lauren now who looks unimpressed and agitated.

Lauren: “Valentina, Cece, Eleanor. How are you guys?”

Cece: “Great! I saw my boyfr- er…your husband here!”

Tension building music plays. Lauren grips her drink and glares at Cece.

Eleanor: “Oh wow.”

Lauren: “You always have been one to exaggerate, Cece. Keep my husbands name out of your mouth. You’re disgusting.”

Cece: “Keep your husband’s dick out of my mouth and we have a deal.” She smirks.

The music gets louder. Valentina chokes on her drink, Olivia audibly gasps. Lauren holds her hand up.

Lauren: “You’re so low brow.”

Lauren’s Interview

“Valentina just can’t stay out of my business. She tracks down this girl to bring to this party for the sole purpose of getting under my skin. What does she do with her day besides stalk me?”

Olivia steps forward, getting closer to Cece.

Olivia: “Okay Cece, you need to shut the hell up. Where is Yvonne?” She starts looking round. “Cece needs to go!”

Eleanor: “Let’s not get rowdy ladies…”

Cece: “Listen, I’m not here to start shit with you, Lauren. We both know you’re fine with your little arrangement with Richard so why are you so angry that I’m here?! I’m simply here with my friend Valentina to have a good time. That’s it.”

Olivia: “Valentina brought you around to be messy.” She shakes her head.

Valentina scoffs.

Valentina: “Olivia, you can’t check anyone on being messy. That’s all you’ve done this year!”

Lauren: “You don’t belong here, Cece. You are trash. I am here as a standing member of this community, you are here because your broke friend weaseled her way into this group. Learn your place and go back to the motel where you belong.”

Olivia: “Lauren I think you mean HOE-tel.”

Eleanor: “So much hostility tonight…”

Cece: “I’m not doing this tonight. I’m not being attacked by you again.” She points at Lauren and Olivia. “Val, come and find me in a bit, I’m going to get a drink.” She storms off.

Lauren: “Attacked?! You get what you give. She gave grade D blowjobs and now she’s a side chick. Bye.”

Olivia turns towards Valentina.

Olivia: “Valentina, you are SO out of line. Cece was a side bitch.”

Valentina: “She was married to Richard before Lauren! And you’re out of line, Olivia. Just like your teeth.”

Olivia: “Just like your hairline, muppet.”

Valentina: “My hairline is intact, I have edges.” She points.

Lauren: “Hold up! Cece was NEVER married to Richard! She only had a fling with him and she can’t let it go.” She throws her hands up. “This chick really does just make shit up like what is happening?!” She motions towards Valentina.

Valentina: “I didn’t make shit up, Lauren. It’s in the blogs. It’s in the sheets, and it’s in the G-strings! Scratch and sniff, bitch!”

Olivia: “Stop lying, we all know Cece and Richard were never married. You’re ridiculous! You look like you just left Jim Henson’s stage.”

Valentina: “You look like Bert and Ernie’s love child, hang it up oldie. Aren’t you pushing 50 and loveless? Next.”

Eleanor watches the conflict intensely.

Eleanor’s Interview

“To be honest, I am enjoying this tonight. And it doesn’t involve me!”

Olivia: “Girl, says Ms. Piggy and Kermit’s love child. I have a consistent relationship while you’re little fiancè is probably fucking Cece on the side.”

Valentina: “Olivia, you have NOTHING going for you!”

Eleanor grabs Valentina’s arm gently.

Eleanor: “Val, let’s just walk away from this foolishness. We are better than this.”

Olivia: “I am a business owner, honey. You are just a chihuahua who needs to go back to the pound. You’re done in this group.”

Valentina: “I need to go somewhere else, I can’t be around these bimbos.”

Lauren watches as Valentina and Eleanor walk away. Olivia starts barking like a chihuahua at the girls. Bystanders look at her, concerned.

Trap music plays as Ren and Aaron walk in, arms linked together and smiling. They kiss as Aaron disappears into the crowd and Ren makes her way to Lauren and Olivia, she looks concerned.

Aaron & Ren

Ren: “I got your text, is everything okay? I got here as fast as possible…” She places a hand on Lauren’s back.

Olivia rolls her eyes and hugs Lauren and Ren.

Olivia: “Ladies, I really have to go. I have an early call tomorrow morning and I’ve been here for two hours and frankly, I don’t want to be in the same room as Valentina. Ren’s got it from here.”

Olivia’s Endcard

The girls say their goodbyes and Ren turns towards Lauren.

Ren: “Can you please tell me what the hell is happening?!”

Lauren lets out a big sigh.

Lauren: “Valentina is a complete psycho. First, she tries to win a date with Aaron and now, tonight she digs up Cece and brings her here.”

Ren looks shocked.

Ren: “Hold on, WHAT?!”

Ren’s Interview

“I knew about the date with Aaron but Valentina bringing Cece here? What the fuck. This is a new low, even for Valentina.”

Theatrical music plays as Ren turns around and starts fast walking towards Valentina and Eleanor. Lauren follows, trying to stop her. As they approach, Valentina has her back turned and is talking to Eleanor.

Valentina: “…And all of their lives are messed up, they can keep their hot breath and trash opinions inside. They mean nothing!”

Ren: “I need to talk to Valentina.”

Eleanor: “Wait, what is happening?” She raises and eyebrow, Valentina turns around.

Valentina chuckles a bit and brushes Ren off.

Valentina: “You cannot speak to me, Ren. We don’t talk. Keep it that way.”

Ren: “No, bitch. We never addressed this. Why are you bidding on my husband the other night and why are you bringing someone we all don’t want around…here!”

Valentina yawns and shrugs.

Lauren: “Valentina, you can’t bring a grenade to this party and then expect to just toss is and walk out.”

Valentina: “Someone needs a moment and it’s not coming from me…Lauren, you’re itching and it’s making you annoying. Take a test.”

Lauren looks outraged and like she’s about to say something but holds her tongue. She just glares at Valentina.

Lauren’s Confessional:
“Valentina, I am positive you’re a major cunt!”

Ren: “You’re lucky I don’t drag you by your weave out of this party.”

Ren points at Valentina’s face, getting close. Eleanor jumps in between the girls.

Eleanor: “Ren! Wait, wait, wait. First off, don’t be mad at Valentina! Be mad at Aaron. Why was YOUR husband being auctioned off for a date at an auction without out knowing. You know what that tells me? It tells me there’s something wrong. Your facade of a marriage is BROKEN!”

Ren: “As usual, you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Stay out of this one, Eleanor.”

Eleanor: “I do! You were basically clueless about where your husband was that night! Something is off babe.”

Eleanor’s Interview

“Your communication in your marriage is fucking off. It’s not rocket science and it’s sad she doesn’t want to acknowledge the problems her and Aaron have.”

Ren: “YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MY MARRIAGE!” She balls her fist up and raises it in the air, pointed towards Eleanor. “SHUT UP!”

The girls all gasp, Lauren quickly holds Ren’s arm back.

Lauren: “Ren, don’t! It’s not worth it!”

Eleanor: “Are you going to punch me?!”

Valentina: “Oh my! Ren, you’re going to hit her? Wow!”

Onlookers notice the commotion. Aaron runs over and wraps his arms around Ren, he starts to carry her away from the girls.

Eleanor: “You’re fucking broken and so is your marriage! SECURITY!”

The camera pans to Valentina who stands and sips her drink.

Valentina’s Interview

“These girls don’t get under my skin. My fiancè and I both make six figure salaries and have purchased a million dollar home. Lauren stays at home and gets an allowance based on how much of a blind eye she turns to Richard’s antics. And Ren? She’s trash.”

Valentina looks at Eleanor.

Valentina: “These women and their marriages…see, this one doesn’t even want to hear the truth.” She gestures at Lauren who is still standing with them. “She prefers lies and deceit so I’m not wasting my breath anymore.”

Lauren: “You’re so pathetic, Valentina. YOU aren’t worth is. Whatever my husband and I decide to do in out personal life is out business. Fuck off.”

It cuts to shakey cameras following Ren and Aaron, they try to keep up as Aaron guides her to a nearby table. Ren keeps looking back.

Ren: “I’m going to slap the fuck out of that old cunt! I want to fight Valentina so bad…”

Aaron: “It’s okay, babe. You need to chill.”

Aaron cups Ren’s face and strokes her hair attempting to calm her down. Tears of rage gently stream down Ren’s face and Aaron wipes them off.

Ren: “You need to tell them the truth about us so they can leave our marriage alone. Now’s the time.”

Aaron sighs, he looks up at Ren and nods.

Aaron: “Okay. You’re right, it’s time.”

Valentina and Lauren are still bickering while Eleanor watches. The girls stop when Aaron and Ren approach; Aaron holds onto Ren’s waist as she has her arms folded and looks down at the ground.

Eleanor: “Are you going to try and hit me again?” She glares at Ren.

Ren ignores her as Lauren comes to her side.

Ren: “I need to address something with you all…” She looks up towards Valentina and Eleanor.

The girls look back at her, Valentina plays with a piece of her hair and Eleanor raises an eyebrow.

Valentina’s Interview:
“I don’t care what Ren has to say. Bye helium.”

Ren: “Look you guys, Aaron and I are polyamorous.”

Aaron: “And we’re happy with it.” He stares at Valentina and Eleanor.

Ren: “Yes, very happy with it. That’s all I’m going to stay.”

Aaron: “I’m sick of yous coming for our situation.”

Eleanor: “If maybe you were honest the first time, maybe we wouldn’t have…”

Valentina: “Oh wow, so there’s two of you who are conveniently in a polyamorous situation.” She rolls her eyes.

Ren: “Also….just to get ahead of this…” She glances up at Aaron. “Aaron’s girlfriend is pregnant with a beautiful baby boy. We are adding to the family.”

Lauren squeezes Ren’s arm and smiles, she also congratulates Aaron. Sentimental music starts playing.

Lauren’s Interview

“Ren told me about her and Aaron a long time ago. She obviously knows about Richard and I, so clearly I don’t judge. The baby is huge news though, to have gossip confirmed is crazy. I’m just glad she finally told the group so they can understand her.”

Valentina yawns.

Valentina: “Chile, I can’t take this. Where is the exit sign?”

Eleanor: “I need a drink.”

Valentina and Eleanor walk off towards the balcony for a break, they shake their heads and look at eachother.

Valentina: “Wow. Just…wow.”

Valentina’s Interview

“So Ren is polyamorous and was lying to the group this whole time. She was just trying to fight me over a charity auction…she needs counseling. Badly.”

Eleanor: “That is just insanity.”

The girls make it to the balcony and stand and chat with one another. They reminisce over the past year and their friendship. Their end cards popup.

Valentina’s Endcard
Eleanor’s Endcard

It cuts back to Lauren, Ren, and Aaron who are still talking. Aaron is hugging Ren from behind and is now smiling.

Ren’s Interview

“I hope these women are happy now that they finally know my business. I know Lauren is. The rest of them can take it and shove it up their asses if they aren’t.”

Lauren: “This is so freeing for you guys, it really is.” She softly smiles at the couple. “I can’t begin to explain how I felt after I explained my arrangement on camera. Just be prepared for insecure people to not understand you.”

Lauren’s Endcard

Ren: “We don’t have to hide who we are anymore.”

Aaron: “I’m so happy, baby. Now you won’t be under all that constant stress.”

Aaron leans down and kisses Ren on the forehead.

Ren: “This has been one hell of a year but I’m glad I got to spend it with two of my favorite people. Cheers to being free and cheers to friendship.”

Ren’s Endcard

Aaron gives her a squeeze then she raises and clinks her champagne flute with Lauren. After, they hug and the season ends with the entire party counting down and entering the new year.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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