[S2:E1] Welcome Back, Betches!

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
20 min readJan 20, 2021


(L-R): Eleanor Hargrove-Britton, Olivia Blake, Lauren Barnes, Ren Nichols-Rose, Valentina Kinsley

From the camera angle we see, cameramen and boom operators scurry around Lauren’s kitchen as they set up to shoot a scene. Richard sits at the kitchen table with glasses on, scrolling on his iPad. Lauren stands at the kitchen counter and slices apples for her childrens’ lunches. She turns around and a producer comes on set and starts miccing her up, we get raw audio.

Kyle [Producer]: “Alright. Just call the kids and then we’ll get some footage of Junior and Hailey coming down the stairs — Hey, can someone mic Richard!? — Anyways…talk to them for a bit, ask them about how school is going, etcetera and then we’ll also get you driving them to school.”

Lauren: “Sounds good.” She bites into an apple slice as Kyle finishes miccing her.

Multiple DINGS can be heard as Lauren, Richard, and Kyles’ phones all get a notification. Richard sets his iPad down and looks up at Lauren and Kyle. Lauren raises an eyebrow and reaches for her phone.

Richard: “Wait. Honey…just take the kids to school first before checking that.”

Kyle looks up from reading his phone.

Kyle: “Yeah…Lauren, take the kids. Come back here after and we’ll film a scene with you two.”

He glances at Richard. Lauren looks perplexed.

Lauren: “Is everything alright?”

Richard gets up and goes to hug Lauren.

Richard: “Yes, Lauren. Not a big deal. I’ll be here when you get back.”

She looks at him suspiciously before calling the kids and heading out the door.

Car camera footage of Lauren plays on the screen. She begins to pull into her driveway, alone. She takes deep breaths and taps her fingers nervously on the wheel as she parks.

Lauren: “F*ck it. I need to know what I’m walking into.”

She picks up her phone and unlocks it. She reads something on her phone for a few seconds and then puts her hands up to her face.

Lauren: “Oh my god.”

She lets out an angry huff and then grabs the steering wheel and lightly hits her head against it.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Today started like any normal day…but boy, was I in for a curveball with this Page Six article.”

A different camera now captures her storming up to her house. Kyle can be seen as he walks out in front of the camera to meet Lauren outside.

Kyle: “Lauren, we wanted to set up a scene. Did you already rea — “

Lauren doesn’t respond as she walks past him and into her house, the camera pivots and follows her closely behind. Lauren whips around before she gets to Richard’s closed office door. She puts a hand up to the camera’s lens.

Lauren: “Just wait out here. Please.”

She slips into his office and shuts the door. Her mic picks up the audio as the camera points towards the closed door.

Lauren: “What the f*ck is this, Richard?!”

Richard’s muffled voice is heard.

Richard: “Okay…yeah. Thank you, Al. I’ll talk to you soon, yeah…Lauren just got here.”

Shuffling papers can be heard.

Richard: “Honey, calm down, I just got off the phone with the lawyer. He’s already working on getting this cleared up. Don’t worry, babe, we will be fine in a couple days.”

We get footage as the cameraman turns from the door and starts walking through Lauren’s house. He goes out the front door and reposition to an angle that is outside of Richard’s big office window. Some branches are in the way but ultimately Lauren is seen standing in front of Richard’s desk.

Lauren: “Are you serious right now? This is humiliating! Is it true?! Everyone’s texting me asking about it. This is just so disgusting!” She throws her hands up. “I allow you to f*ck beautiful girls, years younger than me and you can’t stick to the small boundaries I’ve set for you?!”

She now leans across the desk and slaps Richard. He grabs her wrist but she jerks it away.

Richard: “Lauren, I didn’t sleep with any employees. I do not mix business with our marriage.” He stands up and walks to the other side of the desk, he tries to hug her but she pulls away. “You have to trust me.”

Lauren sighs and muffled sounds are heard as she allows him to hug her.

Richard: “Lauren I-, you still have your f*cking mic on-”

The screen goes black for a second and the camera goes to a confessional shot of Lauren. A producer’s voice can be heard off camera.

Lauren’s Confessional

Producer: “After you and Richard made up in his office, you took off your mic and refused to film until you saw Ren later that day. What happened after that?

Lauren looks at the camera coldy, her face lacks any emotion.

Lauren: “Well…Richard and I had a long discussion about what happens moving forward. I made it extremely clear that I would not allow him to breech our agreement. I also decided I would take a larger role in the dealership. I think it’ll be good for us. I really do. Oh! We also discussed that the children need to be more of a priority for Richard.”

Producer: “Do you believe he is going to do all this?”

After taking a long pause to think, she finally answers.

Lauren: “You know…he was so accepting to all of the things that I wanted to put in place to make us more secure as a couple and as a family. So I am really going to say, yes. He will follow through with this.”

She is now smiling at the camera and the scene ends.

The Pink Place Café & Ren Arriving

Shots of a cute cafe are shown. The camera follows Ren as she walks in and sits down. The waiter comes over to her and she orders a coffee.

Ren: “Thanks!”

Ren’s Confessional

“So I haven’t seen Lauren in person since the Reunion and she’s invited me out for coffee…Ironically a scandalous story on Page Six was posted about Richard this morning.” She winces. “Yikes.”

The camera shows Lauren pulling up in her Range Rover, getting out, and walking into the restaurant.

Lauren’s Confessional

“Today started off bad with that article coming out. Somebody, supposedly a ‘credible’ source, told the press that Richard was having women in and out of his office for sex. It basically stemmed from what we think is a disgruntled employee making crazy accusations. I wanted to meet with Ren because she’s my friend and I trust her. She knows what it’s like to fall victim to false and ridiculous tabloid claims.

Ren stands up and hugs Lauren.

Lauren: “Hey lady. I am so sorry I was running late.”

Ren: “No worries, babe. I was honestly worried about you.”

Lauren: “My phone has been blowing up all day. It’s just crazy.” She orders a coffee from the waiter. She turns back to Ren. “I’m sure you’ve seen the article?” She bites her lip.

Ren slowly nods her head then reaches across the table to hold Lauren’s hand.

Ren: “Yes, I did….Lauren….I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

Lauren: “I think I am fine, personally. But I am worried about the kids. I texted them at school to see how their day was going and they just said they were fine. I am worried about what they will see if they haven’t already seen it all already.” She puts her hands over her face. “I know this sounds crazy but I can’t believe he would sleep with an employee. I know he has other girls…but at his business? What do you think? Ren, please be honest with me.”

Ren shakes her head and squeezes Lauren’s hand

Ren: “I don’t know whether the rumors are true or not…but my close sources at Page Six said that Yvonne may have paid someone to leak this story.” Lauren looks at Ren and her eyes widen. “She knew she looked terrible at the reunion and probably wanted to make someone else look worse.”

Lauren: “I don’t know what to believe. It would make sense for Yvonne to be involved in some sort of capacity but… I don’t know. I just need to talk to communicate with Richard and see what’s really going on. My marriage is my priority right now, not drama” She sips her coffee.

Ren: “Yes, communication is key.” She nods. “So uh, I texted you about going to L.A, I found a place for my new store. You should really come! It’ll be a good break!”

Lauren: “Honestly a little trip to L.A sounds good right about now. We can shop and get lunch while we’re in the city too. Are any of the other girls coming?”

Ren: “Well I invited Olivia and Yvonne. I can uninvite Yvonne for you though. I doubt she’d be heartbroken considering our past.” She chuckles. “But she has been supportive of my business recently, she came into my store the other day.”

Lauren shakes her head.

Lauren: “No, no…I can play nice. I did it all last year. Plus, we don’t even know for sure if Yvonne is even involved with this Page Six mess. I haven’t talked to her since the reunion but it should be fine, I’m not worried.” She rolls her eyes.

Ren: “Alright, well I’ll just keep you two separated.”

The girls laugh and continue talking as an outside shot of the café is shown and the scene ends.

Fun pop music plays as shots of Beverly Beach in the evening are shown. Seagulls can be heard and the busy main road of downtown Beverly Beach is all lit up. We see the stunning outside of Olivia’s multi million dollar mansion. The camera goes inside and shows the spacious living room and bedrooms then zooms to the basement where Olivia’s bowling alley is. She is chatting with her two sons; Raul & Luis.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Tonight I’m at home with my two sons having a mom and son date night! Ever since the divorce, we’ve had very few of these. My sons may be older, but they still love their mom.”

“After the nastiness of last year, I haven’t been hanging around the girls a lot. I’ve been focusing on my family and relationship with my new boyfriend, Brandon.”


Olivia and her sons pick out bowling balls and get ready to bowl. Upbeat music plays as they start to bowl.

Raul: “Ma, you’re just going to lose like always.”

Luis playfully hits his brother.

Luis: “Mom is the GOAT, what do you mean?”

Olivia: “Yeah, yeah…wait, what does GOAT mean?” She laughs.

Olivia’s Confessional

“The boys took the divorce hard. I’m not sure that they’ve both fully forgiven their father; but I’ve moved on and urged them to forgive him and repair their relationship with him. The boys were both in college when we divorced so it’s still a bit fresh.”

Olivia and her boys joke around and laugh as they finish up their game; Olivia coming in last and Raul in first. They sit in the lounge area of the basement to chat.

Olivia: “Great job, Raul.”

Luis rolls his eyes and Raul gloats.

Luis: “So Ma, what have you been up to?”

Olivia: “Well, the Blake Agency is booming right now. So many of our models are going onto model for high end brands. One of our newer models signed a deal with Victoria’s Secret yesterday!”

Raul: “Send her my way.”

Olivia glares at Raul, then rolls her eyes and chuckles.

Olivia: “You’re ridiculous.”

Both boys laugh and the camera focuses on Luis.

Luis: “Ma, you aren’t dating?”

Olivia: “Uh…um…is that your business sir?” She stutters.

Olivia’s Confessional:
“I am scared to introduce Brandon to the boys. He is only a couple years older than them and I am not sure how they’ll react to him.” She sighs. “They are very protective of me. I’m nervous.”

The shot goes back to Raul and Luis, Raul raises his eyebrow and Luis looks confused at his mother.

Raul: “Very much so our business.”

Olivia: ‘Well, I am seeing someone.” She nervously sighs.

Luis: “Oh nah, we gotta meet him.”

Olivia: “Maybe one day.” She starts getting up. “Anyways boys, I’m going to bed.” She gives each boy a hug.

Raul: “Nah! You can’t leave us hanging like that!”

Luis: “Time to raid your social media.” He laughs and pulls out his phone.

Olivia: “Goodnight demon spawns!”

The scenes ends as she laughs and walks up the stairs.

The camera zooms across town to focus on Ren’s beautiful beachside house. It switches to Ren and her maid, Consuela, who are seen packing up boxes of men’s clothes from a closet.

Ren’s Confessional

“Since last year, the show has really put a strain on Aaron and I’s relationship. All of the gossip and rumours really got to Aaron’s head. We haven’t had time to really focus on our marriage the way we’d like too. We both agreed Aaron would get his own place while we figured all of this out. We both still really love each other, we go out together, see each other all the time but us not being together 24/7 is just best for us. It’s just weird packing up his stuff so he can move out of our shared home.”

Ren and Consuela continue packing up Aaron’s clothes from his closet and loading them into multiple duffle bags.

Consuela: “Are you okay, madam?”

Ren stops packing up clothes and looks at Consuela.

Ren: “Yeah. I think I just need to be alone for a moment. Go grab my cigarettes.”

We get a close up of Ren’s face as she dabs away tears; Consuela scurries out of the room and returns seconds later with a pack of cigarettes.

Ren: “Thank you. Please, just don’t tell Aaron I started smoking again. I don’t care how much extra cash he slips you.”

Consuela: “Yes, Madam.”

Consuela exits the closet. Ren picks up one of Aaron’s shirts, holds its close to her body. She mumbles out loud to herself.

Ren: “I never thought we’d end up this way…”

She runs the shirt through her hands.

Ren: “I know we’ll make it.” She sniffles.

The camera follows her to the balcony as she lights a cigarette outside and leans over the railing; staring off. The scene ends.

Eleanor’s ‘Good Morning Beverly Beach’ Interview with Alec

Shots of the ‘Good Morning Beverly Beach’ studio are shown. The camera follows Olivia as she quietly enters the studio with a cup of coffee in hand as an interview is being filmed. The camera switches to new housewife, Eleanor, who is being interviewed.

Alec [‘GMBB’ Host]: “Lastly, Eleanor, do you mind telling us a bit about your company?”

Eleanor: “My company, Britton Incorporation, owned and founded by me, is a technology based company that specializes in the development and manufacturing of technology products or providing technology as a service, I don’t work in a warehouse.” She laughs, “I run the office and business and my co-founder takes the wheel when I’m not available.”

Alec: “That sounds very interesting! It was a pleasure to have you today, Eleanor. Thanks for tuning in and that’s all we have this morning on Good Morning Beverly Beach!”

Cameraman: “CUT!”

Eleanor thanks Alec and then walks off the set towards Olivia. Olivia is gently clapping and smiles as Eleanor approaches.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Today, I am meeting with with my friend, Eleanor. I met her a few months ago, during the summer, at a charity event and we’ve been practically inseparable ever since. I adore her and she’s great fun! We’ve both been so busy lately and I needed to see her so she invited me to come meet her after her interview.”

Olivia: “Oh honey, it was fabulous! You are everything.”

Eleanor: “Aw thanks Olivia! I try to keep up and do what is needed.”

Eleanor’s Confessional

“I’m Eleanor Hargrove-Britton, a well known figure in Beverly Beach. My family is a prestige family here and they own one of the top construction businesses, Hargrove Construction. I am not apart of Hargrove Construction but I am the CEO of Britton Inc., my technology based company. I’m a businesswoman by day and a party girl by night.”

Eleanor picks up a bagel from the food table and takes a bite.

Eleanor: “What’s been up with you? I have to say, really getting back into work is tough! We partied almost every weekend during the summer.” She frowns at Olivia.

Olivia: “Girl, I’ve just been spending a lot of time with Brandon and I’ve got alot on my mind in that regard…

Eleanor: “Oh, what’s been up with Brandon? He was fun and HOT! I thought he was just a hookup.”

Olivia: “Brandon has been great, we’ve gotten so much closer. We are officially dating now! I know there are critics for the age difference but he definitely makes me happy.”

Eleanor’s Confessional

“Brandon is almost the age of my children.” She laughs. “I have three kids and a husband. Olivia has two kids an an ex husband. Trust me, having three kids is hard. Why does she want another child?” She laughs to herself once again. “All jokes of course!”

Eleanor: “Well, age is only a number. If he’s making you happy and giving you the good D….then you’ve got everything you need! Congratulations.”

Olivia laughs.

Olivia: “Now that is amazing! So my…friend, we’ll use that term loosely, invited me and some girls on a little day trip to L.A to see the place where she’s opening her second store at. I would love for you to meet some of the other women.”

Eleanor: “Sounds tempting…but you told me some of the horror stories that go on in your friend group, I’m not sure if I’m ready to be thrown into the lion’s den.” She chuckles.

Olivia: “You know Yvonne Langley, she’ll be there I think.”

Eleanor: “Oh! Fabulous. I love Yvonne, haven’t seen that old heifer in ages. I guess you’ve talked me into this little day in L.A, I’ll be there. We can party like this summer and I could possibly meet some other prestige women.” She smiles.

Olivia rolls her eyes.

Olivia: “Prestigious is a reach with this group. The host of this trip is actually Ren Rose. You’ve heard about her. She’s the one in the group who declaseses it with her marital issues. After what my ex husband did to me, I can’t respect a woman who cheats. That makes her a h*e in my book. But I can’t complain about a free trip.”

Olivia’s Confessional:
“Ever since the Reunion, I’ve felt some type of way about Ren. The threat was NOT cute.”
She glares at the camera.

A flashback to the season 1 reunion plays: Olivia and Ren get in a heated disagreement which ends with Ren saying “I know the rumors why your ex-husband cheated, you don’t want the world to know.” Olivia looks at Ren, disgusted.

Eleanor laughs and finishes her bagel.

Eleanor: “She’s a h*e, th*t, sl*t, c*nt…all the names in the book of derogatory terms. How could you be so insensitive and careless? Wow, I definitely need to prepare for these women now.”

Olivia widens her eyes.

Olivia: “Everyone else is fine though. It’s really just Ren.”

Eleanor: “Sounds like Ren need to RENovate her vaginial walls since she’s going around Beverly Beach frolicking around with everybody’s man. But I’ll make my judgement when I see her.”

Eleanor’s Confessional:
“I meant as in, everybody else’s man, except mine.”

Olivia chuckles.

Olivia: “Not the vaginl walls! Girl, let’s go get a drink. I’m parched.”

An aerial shot of the studio is seen as Olivia and Eleanor walk out.

Ren’s House
Ren Rose, Ren’s Foyer, & Lauren Barnes

We get an outside shot of Ren’s home. It then switches to a view of the foyer, Consuela stands with a tray of champagne glasses. The doorbell rings as Ren walks through the foyer and opens her door to reveal Lauren.

Lauren: “Hey girl!”

Ren: “Lauren!” She kisses her on both cheeks and ushers her in.

Lauren: “I’m so excited for today!”

Ren grins and walks with Lauren, they stop at Consuela and Ren grabs two glasses.

Ren: “Here, you’re going to need it for these b*tches.” She hands a glass to Lauren. “I’m so glad you could make it”

Lauren: “Of course, expanding to L.A is huge! I couldn’t miss it.”

Hype music plays as the scene switches to outside. New housewife Eleanor is seen walking to Ren’s door. By her side is season 1 housewife, Yvonne.

Eleanor’s Confessional

“Olivia initially invited me to this little shindig. She decided at the last minute not to come, so it definitely makes meeting Ren for the first time a bit…awkward. I’m ready to form my own opinion though. Fortunately, Olivia informed me a mutual friend, Yvonne, would be coming as well so we decided to go together! I’ve known Yvonne for years, she’s a hoot and is privy to these ladies.”

Yvonne Langley [Guest] & Eleanor Hargrove

Eleanor: “Nice house.”

Yvonne looks up at it as they approach to door, she looks unimpressed.

Yvonne [Eleanor’s Friend]: “Yeah. Rented, but yeah.” She smiles and knocks on the door, Ren opens it.

Ren: “Yvonne, glad you could make it.” She smiles.

Ren’s Confessional

“Yvonne and I are definitely moving past our issues from last year. We aren’t besties or anything, but we are in a good enough place for her wanting to come out and support me. I appreciate that. I think her deciding to step back from the group after last year was a good choice.”

Ren now turns and looks at Eleanor, squinting.

Ren: “Hi?! And you are?”

Eleanor: “I’m Eleanor Britton-Hargrove! Friends with Olivia and Yvonne. And you are?” She extends a hand.

Ren looks at her but then puts on a smile and shakes her hand.

Ren: “I’m Ren, welcome to my home! Come in.” She leads Eleanor and Yvonne in.

The girls are handed champagne glasses and head over to Lauren. Yvonne and Eleanor both greet her.

Eleanor: “Thanks for the invite by the way, Ren. It's a shame Olivia couldn’t make it but she told me a bit about you. I heard you were a bit of a h*e.” She giggles.

Yvonne snorts out some of her champagne and Lauren’s mouth is wide open.

Lauren’s Confessional:
“Wow. This Eleanor chick is coming out the gate hot! She’s been here for about 30 seconds now.”

Yvonne: “Eleanor!”

Ren blankley stares at Eleanor.

Ren: “Okay, I was trying to be nice…but who even invited you? This is my house.”

Eleanor: “Like I said…Olivia did!”

Ren looks down at her phone then back up at Eleanor, she raises her eyebrow.

Ren: “So Olivia invited someone and she isn’t coming…?”

Eleanor: “She said she was feeling ill. I thought I’d might as well come out and make some new friends and catch up with Yvonne.” She shrugs

Yvonne: “I’ve known Eleanor for years, Ren. She’s my friend too. She’s harmless.” She playfully grabs Eleanor’s arm.

Ren rolls her eyes and then looks past them, out the door.

Ren: “Whatever. Keep your friend in check, Yvonne. The limo is here so let’s head out.”

The four women head out the door, Eleanor and Yvonne link arms and giggle as they walk to the limo. Lauren and Ren walk a distance behind to talk to one another.

Ren: “I can’t believe that woman called me a wh*re? In my own home? I’m saying something in that limo.”

Lauren: “Oh my god, I know. I’m still in shock. She talks to people she just met that way?

Ren: “Of course it’s a friend of Olivia and Yvonne. I thought Yvonne and I were making progress but if she’s going to sit by and defend someone who was so blatantly wrong…”

Lauren: “We just need to get through this day. Yvonne did come to support you. We’ll have some strong drinks on the way to L.A and it’ll be smooth sailing from there.”

The limo

The girls get in the limo, Yvonne and Eleanor sit on one side while Ren and Lauren sit on the other. After the ladies pour their drinks, an awkward silence takes over. Ren still looks pissed off, she takes a deep breath in.

Ren: “Okay. I’m just going to say this now. This is suppose to be my day, you guys came here to support me. Please just behave.” She looks at Eleanor and Yvonne.

Yvonne: “Oh baby, I always behave.”

Eleanor: “I am behaving. I’m a straight shooter and I just say what I feel and think.”

Lauren: “Eleanor, you have to acknowledge the way you came in really threw Ren, and frankly me, off guard. You literally called Ren a wh*re before shaking her hand for the first time.”

Eleanor: “Sorry, but I never called her a wh*re. I said I heard that she was a h*e. I can see how that came off hard but I was just saying what I’ve been hearing from people.”

Ren: “Well somethings you don’t need to repeat, especially if they aren’t true.”

Yvonne: “Well — “

Lauren holds her hands up.

Lauren: “You know what, let’s just reset and have a fun time with Ren. Like she said, her day!”

Ren looks out the window, sipping her drink unengaged.

Ren’s Confessional:
“I’m dropping it. I’m going through enough with Aaron, I need to pick and choose my battles and random beef with this old lady is not something I choose to invest my time and energy in. But this is exactly why I don’t like being around these girls. Mean and judgmental.”

Eleanor: “No problem. I’ll be sure to purchase a few pieces from REN.

As the incredibly awkward limo ride continues, a timelapse of the girls in the limo for the next 45 minutes play. They mostly stay on their phones, occasionally talking. It goes back to normal speed as the limo comes to a stop.

Ren: “Guys, we’re stopping for lunch here in Malibu before we get into L.A. I got us reservations at Nobu.”

Lauren: “Thank god, I am starving!”

Lauren’s Confessional:
“Maybe eating will make everyone less grumpy.”

Nobu Malibu

Clubby pop music plays as we get glamour shots of the ladies walking in and sitting at the table. The girls comb through their menus.

Ren: “So, as you know I’m opening my first REN location in L.A. I’m so excited and I wanted your guys’ opinions on this potential space I have picked out here.”

Eleanor: “Congratulations!”

Yvonne: “Ren, you did work really hard for this. Nice, job.”

Ren: “It’s interesting to see how a woman I met today and a former enemy show up to support me but a woman I’ve known for years doesn’t show up.”

Lauren quietly chews her salad and looks down as Ren takes her shot at Olivia. The conversation begins to die down as the girls finish talking about Ren’s store.

Yvonne: “Lauren, that article that came out the other day…How are you doing?”

Lauren: “Oh, I’m fine.” She forces a smile. “I just, I just don’t really feel like talking about it right now.” She dabs the corner of her mouth with a napkin.

Ren: “I just couldn’t imagine someone spouting such nasty rumors to harm not only a marriage but a family.” She glances at Yvonne.

Eleanor: “That reminds me, Ren. I wanted to ask you about that TMZ interview you did yesterday. I watched it, you said Yvonne paid someone to do that article about Lauren’s husband? I just can’t believe you’d throw Yvonne under the bus like that.”

Dramatic music plays; Eleanor looks at Ren for an answer, she looks back at Eleanor annoyed. Yvonne purses her lips and Lauren can be seen shaking her head. The episode begins to fade out.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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