[S1:E6]: Seeking: Arrangement Answers
Previously on the Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
Stefania seemed to get along with the other women better but may have made a back track after bringing up issues of Lauren being on substances to Ren & Yvonne. Yvonne, Ren, and Olivia got a once in a lifetime backstage experience at a concert. A small misunderstanding snowballed into a 4th wall break and fighting amongst the cast members at an explosive dinner.
Shots of Lauren in her kitchen putting together a perfect fruit platter are seen, her confessional acts as a voice over.
“We headed home early from Coachella and as soon as we got back I needed to hit the ground running on my big charity event in a few weeks. The first step is sorting through hundreds of different charities and picking out a few my gala will donate to alongside the main one.”
Fun music plays as Yvonne pulls up in her car and gets out and walks to Lauren’s front door and knocks.
Lauren: “COMING!” She scurries to the door with a note pad and event binder in hand.
“I asked Yvonne to come over and help me because she’s very experienced in the philanthropic field and in all honesty I wanted to see how she was doing after the whole Coachella mess.”
Lauren opens the door and hugs Yvonne.
Lauren: “Thank you so much for coming. I really appreciate your input for the fundraiser.”
Yvonne: “I’m happy to be here!”
Lauren leads Yvonne to her sitting area where she has set out the food spread. The camera zooms in on her event binder as she sets it down.
Lauren: “Did you enjoy Coachella? I was honestly relieved we left early. Not really my scene.”
The camera focuses in on Yvonne.
Yvonne: “I felt fine about it. You clocked out from the group, which was fine…but Stefania was acting really weird.”
“The truth is I haven’t talked to Stefania since the trip and I honestly don’t plan to unless she’s coming with an apology.”
Lauren: “I was so hungover all day at Coachella.” She laughs and sips from her tea cup. “I heard what happened in the morning, I can’t believe she stormed off to her own place. I don’t really know her that well but that was a wild trip.”
Yvonne: “It was, I hope she’s ready to apologize. She really disrespected the group and I feel personally victimized considering it all happened over nonsense.” She crosses her legs.
Lauren: “She seemed sweet when I first met her…when she was sober. Hopefully she will apologize and not drag this out. I really feel bad for Ren because her trip abruptly ended that way. I did find the Drake situation…interesting.” She opens her binder and flips to a fresh page in her notebook.
Yvonne: “Well I’m not here to speak on Ren. I’m here to fundraise. Let’s get into it.”
“I couldn't care less what Rent-A-Whore is doing. Back to charity.”
Lauren: “You’re right. Let’s look at who has committed so far.” She flips through her binder pages and the girls discuss charities.
The camera pans out from Lauren’s house and zooms to Olivia’s modeling agency; The Blake Agency. She is walking inside. The camera pans to dozens of models are inside chattering.
“I own one of the top modeling agencies on this side of the USA. My models have modeled in both New York and Paris Fashion Week for the past 8 years.”
The scene switches back to Olivia, the camera following her as she walks through her models towards her back office.
Olivia: “Hey dolls, how’s it going?”
Model #1: “Where’ve you been miss thing?”
Olivia: “I went to Coachella with some girlfriends!”
Model #2: “Okay Mrs. Blake, you better live your best single life!” She snaps and the girls erupt into laughter.
“After leaving the modeling industry after having my first child, I spent a lot of time at home raising my children. As they got older and my husband spent a lot of time away,” She rolls her eyes. “I opened the agency and off my name alone I had bookings immediately.
As soon as Olivia sits down, the phone on her desk rings. The camera zooms in on her hand picking up the phone. At the bottom of the screen it says; [On the phone: Brandon, Olivia’s Boyfriend].
Olivia: “Hello! Blake Agency!”
Brandon: “Hey baby.”
Olivia: “Brandon? What are you doing calling my work phone?” She motions for one of her models to close her office door.
Brandon: “I miss you babe.”
“My husband was a cheating sack of sh*t; And I left him and received a lot of money.” She laughs. “Moving to Beverly Beach was to get away from the women who didn’t see me as anything but his stupid wife who let him cheat for years…I stayed for the kids.” She nods her head. “But Brandon…he’s different. I enjoy his company.”
Olivia smiles and twirls the cord of her work phone.
Olivia: “I miss you too. Let’s do sushi tonight and then a movie?”
Brandon: “Okay, let’s meet at 6:30?”
Olivia: “Sounds perfect!”
“Brandon and I have been seeing each other for 7 months. He’s a couple of years older than my sons, but we just connected really well. Plus, have you seen him? He’s a nice glass of chocolate milk.” She giggles and smiles hard. The scene ends.
An aerial of Yvonne’s house is shown. The scene is now inside, Yvonne is standing next to a door and gently knocking on it. We can hear sniffling from the person with a microphone on inside of the room. She opens the door and the camera follows her in to reveal her daughter, Asha. The camera zooms in on Asha’s face which is puffy and red. Yvonne rushes to her side.
Yvonne: “What’s wrong, honey?” She strokes Asha’s back. Asha wipes away some tears.
Asha: “I had to break up with Justin.”
Yvonne: “Why? You’ve been together over a year, you’ve never mentioned any problems before.”
“Asha and I have a very open and honest relationship. No secrets, no judgment, no manipulation. It’s been that way since she was a little girl so this takes me by surprise.”
Sad music starts playing as the camera stays on Asha as she keeps nervously glancing from the camera to her mom and then back again.
Asha: “Well mom…he tried to rape me.”
Yvonne audibly gasps and her eyes widen.
Yvonne: “WHAT?”
Asha now starts sobbing.
Asha: “Please don’t tell Dad. I don’t want anything to happen to him.”
Yvonne is now embracing Asha and holding her close, we see tears streaming from her face.
Yvonne: “You need to tell me what went down.” She motions for the cameras to move out of the room. “No, no, no. You can’t capture this part. Give us some time.” She is now up and ushering the cameras out of the room. “I mean it!”
A shot of Yvonne’s house from the outside is shown. Audio can still be heard as Yvonne is taking off their mic packs. Yvonne is talking to the Producer, Asha can be heard crying in the background.
Yvonne: “I need to take this mic off!” She can be heard ripping her microphone pack off. “No more today.”
The scene ends.
Upbeat music plays as a room full of women in colorful dresses is seen. The camera pans to signs for the Beverly Hills Country Club Monthly Womens Brunch. The camera goes to Ren sitting at a table set for three, alone.
“I feel really weird about how Coachella ended. Stef left out of the blue when we were all really getting to know each other so I invited Stef and Olivia for a sit down about what happened.”
Stefania walks in wearing a bright pink pantsuit. The camera captures the pair hug each other.
Stefania: “Hey Ren, how are you babe?”
Olivia comes in right after Stefania wearing a sleek yet modest white dress.
Olivia: “Hey divas!” The three all mingle then sit down at the table.
The camera focuses on Stefania.
Stefania: “I just would like to say…Sorry I left like that this weekend. I just wanted to be excluded from the senseless narrative. I’m happy to see you ladies.” She smiles.
Ren: “I’m so happy to see you guys too! I feel awful about the way the weekend turned out…It started off so fun.” She sighs.
Stefania: “I know Ren, and I feel so bad for leaving like that! I just felt like I was in another dimension and just wasn’t going to try and make sense out of it! I just did my own thing. Did I miss anything?”
Olivia: “You didn’t miss anything.”
Waiters bring out plates of souffle for the ladies.
Ren: “Thats alot of calories.”
Stefania: “Right!” The two of them laugh.
Olivia: “So, Stefania. Did Yvonne text you about her dinner tomorrow night?”
Stefania rolls her eyes.
Stefania: “Yeah, I got her text. I would not go to that in a MILLION years. I’m done with Yvonne. I do not want to interact with her.”
“We all got a text from Yvonne inviting us to her house for a group dinner to reconcile and work out tensions. I’m good.”
Ren: “Please just come with! She also said bring your man, you dating anyone? You, me, Aaron, and your man can all go together.”
Stefania: “I don’t know…”
Olivia: “Just think about it.”
Stefania nods and the scene ends.
Classy music plays as multiple shots of Yvonne’s backyard, turned into a beautiful dining area with one long table in the middle, is shown. The camera focuses on the live musicians as a doorbell is heard.
The camera follows a butler as he opens the door to Olivia.
Butler: “Miss Blake, welcome.” He escorts her to Yvonne’s large deck in the back. The doorbell is heard again. The butler greets Lauren and Richard and escorts them to the deck where Olivia is.
Olivia: “Hey babe!”
Lauren: “Hey Olivia!” She hugs Olivia, Richard follows suit.
Richard: “Always a pleasure Olivia.”
Lauren looks around and then back to Olivia.
Lauren: “Where’s Yvonne?”
The camera follows Yvonne as she hurries down the stairs and out into the back deck.
Yvonne: “Hey girls! Sorry, was just getting my makeup done.” She giggles and hugs the girls.
“Today I’ve invited the ladies over, their men were invited as well, for a dinner party to talk through everything and get on accord.”
Olivia: “Wow! This is beautiful, Yvonne.”
Yvonne: “Thank you ba-”
Lauren walks up to Yvonne, Richard behind her, and taps Yvonne on the shoulder. Yvonne turns around and tense music starts playing as the shot goes from her face to Richard’s face.
Lauren: “Yvonne, I want you to meet someone.”
The screen fades black.
The scene picks right back up where it left off. Richard extends a hand towards Yvonne and has a pleasant smile, the music softens and goes back to a happy and upbeat tune.
Richard: “Richard Barnes. Thank you for inviting me tonight.”
The camera shows Lauren smiling at their interaction, it cuts back to Richard as he hands Yvonne flowers.
“I’m finally coming face to face with the serial cheater.”
Yvonne: “Oh…these are lovely.” Lauren and Richard once again give Yvonne and smile and go over to talk to Olivia. Yvonne signals the butler over and hands him the flowers.
Yvonne: “Dispose of these.”
Lauren: “Has anyone heard from Ren or Stefania?”
Yvonne walks over to join the group.
Yvonne: “I have not. Like I told you before, Stefania has been acting ridiculous.”
Olivia: “Ren texted me and said she was coming. Also…” She turns to Yvonne. “Stefania said she wouldn’t go with the narrative of the group so she’s not coming. I’m not sure what she was alluding to?”
“Perhaps it was a bit messy to bring up what Stefania mentioned to Ren and I but I was honestly just confused as to what she was referring to?”
Yvonne: “She’s delusional. She’s my friend but she acts like someone without a brain to think with.”
Olivia: “Yikes.”
The camera pans to Ren who is being escorted by the butler in, alone.
“Why didn’t Ren bring Aaron tonight?” She raises an eyebrow.
Ren greets all the ladies and they all mix and mingle. The camera zooms in on her wedding ring as she hugs Yvonne.
Lauren: “Richard is going to hate me! I’ve brought him to a dinner party with only women!” She laughs and Richard laughs along.
Ren: “I don’t think he minds one bit.” She playfully hits Richard and the group all laughs.
Yvonne: “Shall we sit? Dinner is about to be served!” The group all sits in their seats.
Ren: “So…no Stefania I’m assuming?”
Lauren shakes her head.
Lauren: “No. We were discussing her bizarre behavior during Coachella earlier.”
Ren nods and takes a sip from her champagne glass.
Ren: “Yeah, it seemed like she wanted to do her own thing. I think she was kind of put off by my friends and that maybe you, Yvonne, were bringing down the mood? I wasn’t really sure what she was trying to get at.”
The camera focuses on Lauren and Richard who are listening intently.
Lauren: “What did she even mean by the narrative thing? Was she angry the show wasn’t showcasing the Instagram model popup tents she was sponsoring that were set up on the outerbanks of that music festival?” Ren laughs, the camera shows Olivia smiling.
Yvonne: “Well I’m sorry that when we’ve been out in the sun all day, had a few drinks, and we have guests that are already drunk…I don’t want to get sh*tfaced drunk beyond dreams and dance like a skimp.”
Olivia nods in agreement.
Olivia: “Basically Yvonne just told her that we came home for dinner and she was upset we still weren’t at Coachella. I thought she was drunk, but for her to still be talking about it? I guess she was just upset.” She shrugs. “She said she came on the trip not to be at your cheap rental and wanted to be at the event.” She cuts up her steak.
“She didn’t say cheap rental but it was a fun touch.”
Yvonne: “Yeah, she basically said that where we were staying was low down and trashy and that she actually had a better place to go that she owned or something…”
The shot switches to Ren, who has a surprised look on her face.
Ren: “My desert villa trashy and cheap? Oh please.”
“I really like Stefania so I hope she wasn’t talking sh*t. I’ve been nothing but nice to her.”
Olivia: “I remember her screeching about owning property in the area. She probably just went to some man’s home.”
Lauren laughs at the joke, Richard is seen chucking next to her.
Lauren: “She probably went back to the house we partied at the night before.”
“I need to see Stefania’s house if Ren’s rental was trashy in her eyes.”
All the ladies laugh at the joke, except Yvonne. The camera zooms in on her as she quietly sits in her chair. She raises up her hands.
Yvonne: “Alright, alright. I don’t want to spend this whole time talking about her. She’s the weakest link.” She sips from her wine glass.
Ren: “Wait. Isn’t she your good friend?”
Yvonne: “And she’s been a horrible friend since that day at Coachella. I have a very low tolerance for b*llshit.”
Ren nods.
Ren: “Honestly I don’t want to spend the entire time talking about her either. We definitely have some things to discuss next time we see her.”
Yvonne finishes her last bite of her steak and glass of wine.
Yvonne: “I do have a question I want to ask you, Ren...”
Ren: “What’s your question?” Yvonne turns towards her.
Yvonne: “Where do you and I stand? I feel we just don’t see eye to eye really when I don’t have an actual issue with you.”
The camera shows a shot of Lauren and Richard eating and watching the ladies’ conversation. The camera focuses on Ren as she nods then turns to face Yvonne.
Ren: “I have that same question. On one hand I think you’re hilarious and can be really fun — I don’t mind our small banter here and there but there are some times where I feel you come at me guns blazing. There were a few times on the trip that you put me on the spot with me ex…Yvonne, you know I’m happily married.”
[Last Weekend — Moschino Party]
Footage of Yvonne and Ren talking on the crowded dance floor is shown.
Yvonne: “So Ren, you didn’t tell us you used to have an affair with Drake.”
Ren’s shocked face is shown. A far away clip of Drake is shown right after.
[Last Weekend — Coachella Day 1]
Footage of the girls talking in the kitchen before they head out to Coachella is shown.
Yvonne: “Hey Ren, where did you jet off to last night?”
“I’m pretty sure I saw Ren leave in a limo around 2 a.m. Not sure when she got back but yesterday she was all over an ex and today she’s rejuvenated. I’m not mad at it girl!” She waves her finger.
The scene goes back to the table, Yvonne laughs a bit as she breaks the top of her creme brulee.
Yvonne: “I had no idea you were married.”
“Do you all have film of her telling me she’s married?”
Ren rolls her eyes looking frustrated.
“Everyone in BB knows that I’m married. Stop it.”
Ren: “Yes, I’m married.”
Yvonne: “Well congratulations, happy anniversary!” Yvonne gives a small clap. Ren glares at her. Olivia looks bored and Lauren just covers her face. “Speaking of marriage, let’s go ahead and get the elephant in the room out of the way…” She turns to Lauren and Richard. “Since you’re here, Richard…Do you and Lauren have some sort of arrangement?”
Olivia: “Arrangement?”
Yvonne: “Yes, like an open marriage. What’s the deal?” She raises an eyebrow and puts a spoonful of creme brulee in her mouth.
The camera shows Ren shaking her head at Yvonne.
Richard sighs and looks over at Lauren, who looks like a deer in headlights.
Richard: “Well since Lauren decided to make this everyone’s business…” The camera pans to Lauren who is sitting quietly in her chair looking down. “Yes, we do have an arrangement that has been working for us for nearly 20 years. We have a happy marriage and it’s a shame that’s the first thing you got to know about me.”
The camera shows him squeeze Lauren’s hand who smiles softly.
“Yvonne seems to have two completely different people inhabiting her body. The one that likes to stir drama and say the craziest things that come to her mind. The other side, that is more like a sliver…It is very caring and philanthropic. As far as I’m concerned, I dislike her extremly and don’t see anything changing that.”
Yvonne: “I think so too. You seem like a nice man besides the fact that you treat your wife like some house trollop.”
The music gets very intense. Olivia audibly gasps and says ‘Jesus’. Ren chokes on the glass of champagne she’s drinking.
“This is a shit show. I wish Stefania would have showed up so we could read her instead of each other.”
Richard gingerly laughs.
Richard: “Hey. I can take it. I got a sense of humor.”
“Hahahaha. I wasn’t joking.” She has on a serious face.
Lauren looks upset at the table.
Lauren: “Ok well I’ve had enough of my marriage being judged by a divorce woman.” She slams her fork on the table. The camera switches to Yvonne who is snickering in her seat.
Ren: “Yvonne, are you dating anyone? You seem really invested in other people’s dating lives.”
Yvonne: “I’m only about a year and some change out from divorce. I won’t be dating anybody until my daughter is in college, comfortable and safe.”
“What a convenient reason to use when we all know NOBODY would date this loud mouth.”
Ren snorts and leans into Lauren and whispers.
Ren: “Is that her excuse? Haha.”
Yvonne: “I’m sorry Ren, what was that?”
Lauren laughs and the scene ends as Ren shrugs and the camera zooms out from the dinner.
Producer: Stefania, we suggest you reach out to Yvonne and have a sit down talk since you two have not spoken since Coachella.
@LipStainsSM [Stefania]: Meh no. She can’t stick to the script there's no point.
Production: Hey girl, did you still want to film?
@LipStainsSM: Nope, not based on what I just read. [Yvonne’s Dinner Scene] It’s not even entertaining. I’m done filming.
Production: Alright, thank you Stefania.
The screen turns to black as the episode ends.
Next Time On The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…
The housewives react to the news of Stefania no longer filming with the group. Richard’s infidelity starts to break down Lauren at home. Ren’s boutique opening shows the ladies how big the cracks truly are in the Roses’ marriage.