[S1: E4]: Drinks With Drizzy

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
15 min readAug 20, 2020


Previously on The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…

After the events of Yvonne’s Sip & Paint party, the girls decide to distant themselves from Yvonne. Yvonne introduced a new friend, Stefania, who had strong opinions of the women’s drama. Ren invited all the girls to Coachella and Olivia pushed Yvonne to make things right before the trip.

Ren’s beautiful house is shown as she stands outside in her drive next to a large bus. One by one a clip of each lady arriving with their luggage is shown: Olivia, Lauren, Yvonne, and then Stefania who pulls up in a Tesla. The ladies all start greeting each other.

Stefania’s Confessional

“I’m a little nervous that the first time I meet all the ladies is on a long bus ride through the desert. So Lord, please let me find an oasis perferebly in champagne form.”

Ren and Lauren both introduce themselves to Stefania.

Stefania: “Ren, thank you so much for having me!”

Ren: “Of course, Yvonne spoke very highly of you.” She glances at Yvonne who is impatiently waiting to board the bus.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I’m not excited about or accustomed to a ‘party bus’ but I suppose it’ll do. I mean I’m in my 40s, get me a private helicopter.”

Lauren: “Let’s have a cocktail!”

Yvonne: “On the bus.” The ladies all climb into the bus and sit on the bus seats, there is a stripper pole in the middle. They all start pouring their own drinks.

Ren: “Stefania, tell us a bit about yourself.”

Stefania: “Well, I moved here 15 years ago with my ex husband. However we are now divorced and I have a small condo on the west side of town that is right next to my studio! I own a luxury clothing line. “

Ren: “Oh wow I love that I have another fellow fashion girl. Happy you could come with us.”

The bus ride quickly turns into awkward silence. The camera goes from Yvonne, who seems to be very quiet this morning, then to Lauren who is nervously sipping her drink.

Lauren’s Confessional

“This is sooooo awkward. I’m just trying to sip champagne and mind my own business but the tension is just insane.”

Olivia all of a sudden taps on her champagne flute, everyone looks at her.

Olivia: “So before we get there and while we are on this bus, I think Yvonne and Lauren should have a side conversation and clear the air so we can have fun.” All the ladies remain silent.

Lauren: “I think I’m fine sitting right here.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“What the f*ck? I’m trying to lay low here.”

Olivia: “Well Lauren I know what Yvonne said hurt you so I think it would be best to address the elephant in the room now as opposed to later.” Olivia looks at Yvonne. “Yvonne?”

Yvonne turns to look at Olivia, not even acknowledging Lauren.

Yvonne: “Well since I embarrassed her publicly, I guess I can talk publicly and freely.”

Ren: “I think that would be appropriate.”

Olivia’s Confessional

“Yvonne has the floor. Let’s hope she doesn’t put her foot in her mouth again.”

Yvonne clears her throat and turns toward Lauren this time.

Yvonne: “Lauren, I would like to apologize to you because I clearly made you feel uncomfortable and touched on an uncomfortable subject. I never want to make anyone cry and run out in a public display so I hope you can accept my apology.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I think it was the right thing to apologize to Lauren but I hope this is the real end and it won’t come up again.”

Lauren looks at Yvonne and then nods.

Lauren: “Alright. I accept your apology, Yvonne. I admit, I had a little to drink before. It was out of character for me. Let’s just put it past us.”

Lauren’s Confessional

“I genuinely didn’t think I would get any sort of apology from her. I’ll take it! We’ll see if we can actually get along on this trip.”

Stefania claps a bit and pats Yvonne on the back and turns to her other side to face Lauren.

Stefania: “Yvonne wouldn’t want you to end up in a disgraceful situation! I know she just wanted to laugh not at you but with you to lighten up an unfortunate situation you shared with them. If that's not what girlfriends are for! Laughing and celebrating our misfortunates and successes. Come on, let’s have a toast!”

Ren rolls her eyes a bit.

Ren: “Well Stefania she did call her a wh*re her first time meeting her, that's not very light now is it?”

Yvonne holds up her finger and looks at Ren confused.

Yvonne: “Hold up, when did I call her a whore? See Ren, you’re going backwards baby. I’m here apologizing and you bring negative energy to it.”

Dramatic music starts to play as the camera shot goes from Yvonne to Ren. Stefania is glaring at Ren.

Stefania: “I did not think she called her a whore! First of all, putting that negative connotation about STDs was brought up by you. Who said it’s embarrassing? The poor woman couldn’t have known she was going -” Before Stefania can finish, Ren holds up a hand and cuts her off.

Ren: “Let me be clear. I’m not trying to add fuel to the fire. Clearly I invited you and Yvonne to get to know you better and maybe hash out issues. That night was A LOT. To be frank, you weren’t there and you never know what someone is dealing with behind closed doors so we probably should watch what we say, that's all.” She shrugs and leans back in her seat, taking a large gulp from her cup.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“I don’t want to hear Ren’s opinion. Shut up, b*tch, it’s not your moment.”

Stefania nods.

Stefania: “I agree, I was not aware it was behind closed doors. I was under the impression Lauren brought it up in a group conversation.” She turns to Lauren who is sitting quietly. “My apologies.” Lauren gives a soft smile and thanks Stefania.

Ren’s Confessional

“I don’t know if Yvonne’s apology was genuine but it’s the fact Stefania had to add her two cents into the Lauren situation when she wasn’t even there. It had me side eyeing her a little bit. Stefania, shut up sweetie!”

There are shots of the bus travelling in fast motion, it is dusk and the ladies pull into a fabulous desert condo that they will be staying in. Ren stands up as the bus comes to a halt.

Ren: “Alright ladies, so here’s how it’ll work. There are only four bedrooms, two of you will have to share.” The ladies all nod, Yvonne immediately stands up and pulls Stefania with her.

Yvonne: “Stefania, come on. We have to get the biggest room.” Yvonne and Stefania exit the bus and scurry inside. Olivia, Ren, and Lauren all look at eachother and follow the other girls into the house.

Olivia: “Jesus… It’s like you wouldn’t know the two of them are grown women.”

The camera follows Yvonne and Stefania as they power walk around the house looking at the rooms, they find the biggest and Stefania gets on the bed and starts jumping.

Stefania: “I FOUND IT! We call dibs!” Yvonne enters the room and laughs at her.

Stefania’s Confessional

“I do not care how childish this is. What people are offended by in this group is childish enough. If I must be childish about one thing, let it be about me getting the bigger room in this house.”

Beautiful shots of the setting sun disappearing behind the house and then rising on the other side are shown. The sizzling of a pan is heard and we get multiple shots of Olivia cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Ren walks into the kitchen wearing a silk robe and rubbing her eyes.

Ren: “Good morning gorgeous. Is there coffee?” She looks around the kitchen. “Better yet, mimosas?” Ren laughs.

Olivia: “Yes ma’am! Both options. I’ve prepared turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, and bagels.”

Shots of Olivia’s beautiful breakfast arrangement appear on the screen over cheery music.

Olivia’s Confessional

“I woke up this morning to try and get breakfast cooked for the ladies. As the most neutral person, I’m hoping to unite this group of girlfriends and create sisterhood. Hopefully Yvonne will calm down and embrace this, I think the other girls will be into it.”

Ren: “This looks delicious, you really outdid yourself.” She admires the food and then goes and takes a seat at the table. “I haven’t seen you since the bus, how did you sleep?”

Olivia: “I had a great sleep, you?”

Ren: “I slept so well, it is so quiet and peaceful out here. The only thing missing was Aaron. I miss my hunni bunny soooo much!”

Lauren and Stefania walk in and greet the girls.

Ren: “Yvonne isn’t with you?”

Stefania shakes her head as she sits next to Ren.

Stefania: “No. She’s still asleep in our room. I think she had a long day yesterday.” Ren passes Stefania a plate full of food. “Thanks, hun!”

Ren: “Mmm…Well we should start without her. If anybody wants to go to some concerts with me today, we have to be ready and out the door in about an hour and a half.”

The scene comes to the end as the girls are seen bantering. Stefania seems to be getting along well with the other girls, Olivia’s confessional acts as a voice over.

Olivia’s Confessional

“Now, I hope Yvonne didn’t die of old age up in her room. It’s been a great morning so far, I cooked breakfast and she didn’t even show up.”

Scenes of Ren laying out by the pool, Stefania & Yvonne taking the golf cart for the ride around the neighborhood, and Olivia & Lauren getting their nails done in the house are shown. The sun is then shown sinking into the sky.

The desert house’s dining room is swarming with caterers, setting up a wonderful dinner for the girls. Upbeat music plays as Lauren is seen slinking down the steps in a neon yellow cocktail dress, she goes over to the bartender stand and orders a margarita.

The camera follows Olivia from behind, who is wearing a fabulous and sleek silver midi dress. She walks in and sits at the table across from Lauren.

Olivia: “Looking cute, diva! Have you seen Yvonne lately? I hope her old age hasn’t caught up with her.” She snorts.

Lauren: “I haven’t seen her all day.” She takes a sip from her drink. “Haven’t really noticed though.”

As if on cue, Yvonne walks into the room with her hair in a high pony and a tight black cocktail dress on. Tension building music is heard in the background.

Yvonne: “I see you girls are being shady behind my back, feel free to say it to my face.” Looking unbothered, she shrugs and takes a seat right next to Lauren. Lauren and Olivia glance at each other.

Olivia: “I was just wondering if you had died. We haven’t seen you all day. I made breakfast this morning and I guess your sleeping pills kept you asleep, hun.”

Yvonne looks up and Olivia, giving her a death glare.

Yvonne: “You’ve got some serious issues, Olivia. That’s all I have to say.” She unfolds her napkin and sets it on her lap.

Olivia laughs and rolls her eyes.

Olivia: “I guess. You upset, honey? I was concerned for your health.”

Yvonne: “You weren’t concerned. You’re being a backstabbing bitch.”

Olivia rolls her eyes, looking baffled.

Olivia: “Backstabbing? You’re dramatic. You need to take a Xanax instead of your sleeping pills tonight.” She flips her hair and smiles a bit.

Lauren now turns to Yvonne.

Lauren: “Wow. Backstabbing bitch? Just because we were talking about not seeing you all day?” Yvonne rolls her eyes to this.

Yvonne: “Don’t gaslight me, Lauren. You both were throwing shade, don’t backpedal now.”

Olivia: “You know she’s dramatic, Lauren. She will calm down after her glass of wine.”

Yvonne: “Olivia, you were throwing shade at me about my age as if we aren’t on the same bracket.”

Lauren raises her hand and flags down the waiter, a young man rushes over.

Lauren: “Get this woman a glass of whatever red you have.” She points her thumb towards Yvonne in the seat next to her.

Dramatic music starts playing as Lauren and Olivia giggle.

Yvonne: “I don’t need you to order anything for me, Lauren. It’s funny how you went from being so sensitive to having balls, proud of you.”

Lauren: “Yes, it’s a wonder what a good night of sleep and not PMSing can do for me.” She smirks.

Stefania now walks in wearing a designer t-shirt dress, platform boots, and a high pony.

Stefania: “Hey guys! I apologize for being so late. I got a massage called to my room and I fell asleep right after” She goes around the table and gives everyone a kiss, she settles down in the seat on the other side of Yvonne.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Thank. God.”

Olivia, Lauren, and Yvonne remain quiet and avoid talking to each other.

Stefania’s Confessional

“I can feel the tension already and I already know I might need another massage in the morning.”

Ren’s heels clink as she walks in wearing a beautiful kimono dress. She greets the other ladies.

Ren: “Hi guys, oh Yvonne you finally decided to join us.”

Lauren: “Hey Ren! We’re all here, ready to eat?”

Ren: “Yes I’m starving, I need a drink.”

Shots of the beautiful food are shown as the ladies commence their dinner. They all compliment the food.

Stefania: “Let’s make sure we eat the food before we get to the arguing, I need fuel for this weekend.” She snaps her fingers and all the girls laugh. Ren nudges Stefania and whispers.

Ren: “Right? I already sense a little weirdness in the air.”

Stefania: “So do I.” She stands up and holds up her drink. “Let’s have a toast for Ren who invited us here this weekend.”

Olivia: “Yasssss Ren!”

Stefania sits and turns to Ren.

Stefania: “I will say, I was skeptic because Coachella sounds like very five years ago to me but I’m really enjoying it to far.” Ren laughs.

Ren: “Good! Yeah, It’s really all about what you make it to be!”

Stefania: “Cheers to that! To a weekend of fun, drinks, and shade with the girls!” Stefania, Ren, Yvonne, Olivia, and Lauren all clink their glasses together. Time passes as the girls are seen eating and drinking more. Ren stands up and bangs on her glass with her knife, nearly breaking it.

Ren: “So ladies. My good friend over at Moschino invited us to their after party. The bus will be here soon.” She wobbles but catches herself. “And yes, excuse me, I’m a little tipsy and got a little stoned earlier by the pool so bare with me.” The ladies all scurry upstairs and put the finishing touches on their looks before filing out the door and into the party bus.

The girls are up and dancing, bottles are being poured and everybody is laughing. The camera focuses on a quiet Yvonne who looks completely uninterested sitting in her seat.

Ren: “Ok ladies, lets play a game!”

Lauren: “Truth or dare, obviously.”

Ren: “Alright, truth or dare it is. Lauren, you’re first.”

Lauren turns to Olivia.

Lauren: “Ok. Truth or dare, honey?” She sips from her champagne.

Olivia: “Dare!”

Lauren pours a big glass of champagne and hands it to Olivia.

Lauren: “I dare you to chug this.”

Stefania: “DO IT!”

Ren: “She won’t have any trouble with this one.” She laughs.

Olivia takes the glass, chugs it, then takes a swig from the tequila bottle.

Olivia: “YASSS!” The girls all cheer for her.

Ren: “Ok, ok, let’s switch games. Never have I ever. I’ll start. Hmm… Never have I ever…” She looks up as she thinks. “Oh! Never have I ever had a threesome with my husband. Drink if you have.”

Yvonne raises an eyebrow, looking uncomfortable.

Ren’s Confessional

“I can’t really get a good read on Yvonne. One moment she’s super ratchet and the next moment she’s sitting on the bus acting like she’s Queen Elizabeth. Loosen up, grandma.”

Stefania: “Yvonne, is it for you to tell or us to find out?” She laughs.

Stefania’s Confessional

“When Ren asked the threesome question, I see Yvonne make a face and raise her eyebrow. I’m not sure what she meant by that and even if I did I wouldn’t tell. I’m a ride or die, but I’ll take some heat off her right now.”

Stefania: “I have never had a threesome with my husband but he has had many without me.” She sips her drink. “We’re divorced.” The girls laugh.

Electronic music plays as a montage of the girls getting off the bus and getting press pictures in front of the Moschino After Party are shown. The girls are escorted to a private table on the edge of the dance floor.

Yvonne’s Confessional

“As I look into the crowd, I see many mid twenties, a few pre-twenties, and some people in their thirties. I’m in my forties so this really isn’t for me but I’m going to enjoy myself because it’s free.” She smirks and holds up a glass. “Cheers!”

Lauren’s Confessional

“Since my husband is 12 years older than me. I am usually part of the young crowd at our events. Here I am definitely in the older crowd.”

The girls socialize and dance as drinks are brought to their table. A huge man walks over to Ren and whispers in her ear, she nods and stands up.

Ren: “Ladies! I’ll be right back”

She is escorted to a private area overlooking the dance floor where cameras aren’t allowed up. The camera zooms in on her, barely visible, she is talking to a man. His title card appears: [Drake — Canadian Rapper — Ren’s Ex Boyfriend]

Ren’s Confessional

“I left my Beverly Beach girls for a moment just because it’s important for me to network with my industry friends. I’m a young, gorgeous woman with dreams of a global brand. This isn’t a Beverly Beach fundraiser now, is it?”

The scene goes back to the other four ladies at the table.

Lauren: “Well, I guess we’re on our own. Drinks anyone?” Stefania and Olivia follow Lauren to the bar. Yvonne stays behind and moments later Ren comes back to the table.

Ren: “Hey! Where is everyone?”

Yvonne: “Bar.” She sips her drink and then looks at Ren. “So Ren, you didn’t tell us you used to have an affair with Drake.”

Ren: “You must have been googling me.” She laughs and takes a seat at the table. “We actually dated a few years ago and we are still good friends.”

Yvonne chuckles.

Yvonne: “I didn’t Google you honey, you ran away the minute he looked at you.”

Yvonne’s Confessional

“Don’t mentally masturbate as the thought of someone being interested in your life enough to Google you.”

Ren tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and shakes her head.

Ren: “Oh please, you’re exaggerating. Are you having fun tonight?”

Yvonne: “I’m having a great time, the drinks are amazing.”

Ren: “Im so gladdddd you’re having fun.” Her voice is beyond sarcastic.

Ren’s Confessional

“Drake and I had a relationship many years ago and it’s still a touchy subject so I don’t understand why she would Google me to throw it in my face.”

Yvonne nods.

Yvonne: “I’m glad you’re reconnecting. Just don’t leak too much on the ground.” She winks and walks off to join a dancing Stefania on the dance floor.

Lauren stumbles up to Ren, a drunk Olivia in tow.

Lauren: “Heyyyy so Drake, huh?” She laughs. “The funniest thing just happened — Olivia thought she saw her young boyfriend in here so we’ve been following him around for half an hour! Turns out he just looks exactly like her boyfriend.” Lauren and Olivia start laughing hard.

Ren laughs at the girls.

Ren: “Yeah, can’t say too much.” She mouths ‘I’m miced’ to the girls. She then nervously laughs. “We should probably get going. Everyone’s getting very lit. Where’s Stef and weavy wonder?” The girls all reconvene, Ren helps a very intoxicated Lauren onto the bus while Stef helps Olivia. The episode ends as Lauren’s drunk mumbles are heard.

Next Time On The Real Housewives of Beverly Beach…

The ladies have a fun day at Coachella. Ren and Stefania bond. Stefania raises concerns about Lauren. The trip quickly goes south when it turns into CoacHELLa when a nasty fight breaks the fourth wall and ruins a friendship, leaving one housewife questioning if she will continue with the show or not.



Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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