[S1:E1] Beverly Betches

Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
19 min readAug 11, 2020


Ren’s confessional acts as a voice over as shots of her fabulous beach house flash across the screen.

Ren’s House

Ren’s Confessional: “My name is Ren Nichols-Rose. Wife of the Aaron Rose!” A grin grows across her face as her fierce confessional look is revealed.

“Being the wife of Aaron Rose is….” She stops and looks up, trying to find the right word. “a whirlwind.” Ren lets out a small snort.

“It’s always practices, social events, gamedays” Shots of Aaron at practice, Aaron & Ren at a fancy gala and Aaron playing in a football game appear on the screen. “That’s it. It really makes me step up to the plate to be the perfect supporting wife, which is hard. Especially when I don’t want to be just Aaron Rose’s wife. I have a life of my own and I’ve built a business and a brand for myself.”

A shot of Ren walking into her office and greeting the people in the front desk is shown.

“I’m attempting to build a swimwear empire!” She shrugs with an incredibly smug look. “ That's right, a f*cking empire!” Ren lets out a giggle.

A shot of Ren inspecting the production line of her swimwear in a warehouse is shown.

“It’s hard work. So sometimes it’s nice to get a little rest you know? I love going to the Beverly Beach Country Club! It’s magnificent. Today I’m meeting up with Lauren Barnes. When we first met we hit it off right away. Me and Lauren actually just found out we live in the same neighborhood and both go to the Country Club. She invited me to get cocktails with her and her friend Olivia after their golf round.”

The Beverly Beach Country Club

Shots of Beverly Beach Country Club are shown as Ren is focused on, walking into the Bar of the club.

“Lauren is well known in the Beverly Beach area. Good person to be friends with.” The corner of Ren’s lip curls up to the side of her mouth and she gives the camera a playful wink.

Lauren and Olivia chat at a table, sip their cocktails and notice Ren. They get up and greet Ren.

Lauren: “Hey girl!” Lauren smiles and gives Ren a kiss on both cheeks, Olivia follows suit.

Ren: “Hi beautifuls!” She shimmies down her checkered mini skirt and joins the other women at the table. “ What have you guys been up to?”

Lauren: “Well we were just talking about Olivia’s new boy toy!”

Olivia lets out a nervous chuckle as she fiddles with the drink menu.

Olivia: “Yes. I’ve recently started seeing someone younger.”

Ren flags down the waiter and glances at Olivia.

Ren: “My usual. Thanks.” The waiter scurries off and Ren turns her attention back on Olivia. “How young?” She raises an eyebrow.

Olivia: “He’s 30…” Olivia lets out a nervous laugh. “but he has a maturity to him plus he’s so attractive.”

Ren’s confessional plays over shots of the ladies candidly talking at the table and eventually focuses in on Olivia.

Ren’s Confessional:In BB, it’s not uncommon to see someone older with someone much younger and Olivia is rich! Which means she can do what she wants.” She giggles.

The camera zooms in on Lauren as she sips her Mojito.

Lauren:Well why don’t you bring him to the charity cocktail party me and Mr. Barnes are hosting this Friday? I would love for you guys to come if you are free.” Lauren turns to Ren. “ This of course means you and your husband too!”

Olivia: “Of course, love. Wouldn’t miss it.” Olivia gives Lauren a soft smile.

The camera follows the waiter as he brings Ren a vodka soda.

Ren: “I’m so in! Thanks for the invite. I’m not sure if Aaron can make it but I’ll definitely be there.”

Lauren: “Well one of the reasons I wanted you to come, aside from the fact that we are friends, is that this charity cocktail party is to benefit small businesses in Beverly Beach. We are showcasing new, up and coming locals…” Lauren grins widely “which brings me to you, Ren. Would you be interested in having some models in your swimwear at the party? I really want to give my party the Beverly Beach feel!”

The camera pans in on Ren as she takes a large sip of her drink.

Ren:Absolutely. I’ve been so busy with my new store opening and with Aaron it’s been a lot but a fashion show could be a breath of fresh air for me.”

The screen jumps to another confessional from Ren.

Ren’s Confessional:Lauren’s my neighbor and has really taken me under her wing the past year. Her contacts are pretty important so when she asks you to do something, you just do it.” Ren laughs and looks into the camera then shrugs. “What? It’s true.”

The scene goes back to the table of ladies.

Ren: “So who else is invited to this event?”

Olivia: “Good question! Hopefully none of those annoying women that declass the group that you sometimes bring around Lauren.” She gives Lauren the ultimate side eye.

Olivia’s Confessional: “Lauren is so nice and befriends everyone. I prefer to keep my circle small. We can’t take in strays in this social circle.” She shrugs and the scene now goes back to the ladies.

Lauren: “Well Olivia, I know we aren’t a huge fan of her but…Cece Quinn.” Lauren rolls eyes as Olivia looks in disbelief from across the table. “I need to maintain a cordial relationship with her because her husband buys soooo many cars from Richard. He would be PISSED if I didn’t invite them.”

Lauren looks completely pissed off as her confessional appears on the screen.

Lauren’s Confessional:People like Cece are the reason anyone that has an older husband is labeled a gold digger. She just storms into the scene thinking she owns the town.”

Olivia’s confessional plays immediately after Lauren’s.

Olivia’s Confessional: “Cece is a terrible person and to be honest not a person I would like to associate myself with. If her husband left her, shed be back to the trailer park.”

The scene flashes back to the table as the ladies finish their drinks.

Lauren: “Well ladies, I need to get going. I don’t have the nanny tonight so I need to make dinner.”

Lauren, Olivia, and Ren say goodbye to each other and leave the Country Club, beautiful scenes of Beverly Beach are shown on the screen.

Lauren & Olivia walk into a trendy vegan restaurant called The Veg together.

Lauren’s Confessional: “Today Olivia is helping me taste test to find the perfect caterer for my small business cocktail party! God, it seems nowadays in Beverly Beach vegan, non GMO, organic, no fat, no sugar is the only safe way to go.” She chuckles.

The host at the front greets the ladies and ushers them to a private table in the corner with an assortment of food laid out, they thank him and sit down.

Olivia: “Oh my god, this looks magnificent!”

Lauren: “Right!”

Olivia carefully examines the dishes before she delicately sinks her fork into the vegetable lasagna and tastes it.

Olivia: “This one is yummy girl!”

Lauren takes a sample from a different plate and before she puts it in her mouth she stops and looks at Olivia.

Lauren at The Veg

Lauren: “So, is your boyfriend coming? I can’t wait to meet him.”

Olivia finishes chewing her food and takes a little sip of water.

Olivia:Actually, he’s going to be out of town and won’t be able to make it.” Looking disappointed, Olivia lets out a deep sigh. “but you will meet him soon! I promise.”

Olivia’s Confessional: “My boyfriend, Tyler, works for a high profile tech company in which he travels quite a bit for. Unfortunately, he will be in Toronto this weekend. I was really looking forward to him meeting the girls.”

Lauren: “Oh no! Well I’m sure we will still have a great time. You are going to appreciate that Cece is seated across the table from us at my party.” Lauren lets out a high pitched giggle. “I still can’t believe she has the nerve to RSVP after how she behaved at the last function.”

Lauren’s Confessional: “A few months ago, we had some of our best customers to our home for a BBQ and Cece…let’s say… overserved herself.”

Olivia’s eyes widen and Lauren raises her eyebrow. The camera moves to a wider angle of the two ladies sitting.

Olivia: “Her behavior was deplorable. Now tell me, your friend Ren, you know that was my third or fourth time around her the other day at the country club, but isn’t she friends with Cece?” Olivia sets her fork down and stares at Lauren, waiting for an answer.

Lauren: “ Well…I do know her husband had a sports app developed with Mr. Quinn so i’m not sure if they are necessarily close. Plus Ren seems busy with her fashion lines, I don’t think she has time for riff raff like her.”

Olivia looks at Lauren skeptically before taking a sip of her water.

Olivia:Okay, well I hope she isn’t the type to go back and tell Cece what we said. Surely they aren’t that close.”

Olivia’s Confessional: “If they are close, looks like Lauren and I will have to have a nice little chat with Ms. Ren and let her know the place which she belongs.”

Olivia forks up another sample of food as Lauren starts shaking her head profusely.

Lauren: “Oh no no no, Ren wouldn’t dare repeat what we say. It wouldn’t be in her best interest. Even if she does, who cares? It’s Cece.”

Olivia laughs.

Olivia: “Right. Cece can be easily checked…but if Ren does choose to run her mouth, I’ll have to have a chat with her as well. You know I don’t put up with disloyal and fake women.”

Lauren: “Ren’s fashion show may just have to be cancelled at the last minute.”

Olivia’s confessional plays as both ladies laugh and try a bite out of one of the vegan desserts.

Olivia’s Confessional: “The last time I put my trust in a fake woman I caught her on her knees. In my foyer. With my husband. Ever since then I’ve kept my guard up with women.”

The scene comes back to the two ladies sitting. Lauren finishes chewing as Olivia laughs.

Lauren:All joking aside, I do think Ren is a great addition to our group. She’s creating a nice little reputation around here. I know you’ll love her if you keep hanging out with her. She understands the pecking order in this town. She’s very…manageable.”

Olivia: “That’s good! Finally someone moved here and understands there is a hierarchy and they can’t just jump to the front of the line.” She smirks. “I’ll take your word for it and be more open to her.

Olivia’s Confessional: “If Lauren is going to bat for her, I will trust Lauren’s judgment. Lauren hasn’t led me down the wrong road yet.”

Olivia & Lauren continue chatting at the table as the scene ends.

Ren’s House

Shots of Ren’s Beach House are shown and then it goes to her stunning kitchen; She is in there putting the finishing touches of a charcuterie board. Her husband Aaron walks in, eyeing the food.

Aaron: “Wow babe, who’s all this for?”

Ren turns around, a bit startled, but then reaches out and slaps away Aaron’s hand that was quickly reaching for the food.

Ren: “Don’t touch that! I have Bianca Samuels coming over and I’m a little nervous because I’ve never really hung out with her one on one. We’ve seen each other at parties but I’m hoping this will be a good opportunity to know her better.”

The camera follows Bianca’s jet black Lamborghini as it pulls into Ren’s driveway; Bianca gets out and adjusts her oversized Gucci sunglasses. The doorbell rings and the camera zooms in on Ren biting her lip in the kitchen. Aaron grips her waist and pulls her in for a kiss.

Aaron: “You got this babe. I’ll be in the basement if you need anything.”

Ren nods.

Ren: “Love you!” She turns her head and yells through the foyer. “Consuela! That’s her get the door!”

Ren’s maid, Consuela, scurries to the front door and opens the door for Bianca. The camera captures Bianca’s face as it quickly morphs into a look of confusion.

Bianca: “Oh….Hi! I’m here to meet with Ren?”

Consuela smiles and nods. She grabs Bianca’s hand and ushers her to the kitchen where Ren is adjusting her skirt. Bianca sets her sunglasses on the large island and smiles.

Bianca: “Hey girl!”

Ren: “Bianca! Hello love. Wow, you looks gorgeous per usual.” She leans in and the two embrace in a hug.

Bianca: “Of course I had to pull out the designer for you girl! Can’t come here looking basic.”

Ren: “Oh my god, stop it. I just changed out of my pajamas.”

The girls continue to compliment each other as Ren pours each of them a glass of champagne and they move to the couch.

Bianca: “Refresh my memory. Your husband was an athlete right?”

Bianca Samuels

Ren sips her drink, looking slightly annoyed after Bianca asks her question.

Ren: “Yes! He used to play professional football.”

Ren’s Confessional: “Everyone knows my husband love, stop it.”

Bianca smiles and pours herself another glass of champagne, Ren raises her eyebrows.

Bianca: “So how the swimwear line coming along this season?”

Ren: “It’s actually coming along really well. Sales are going great and I just opened a store front so it’s been super hectic. You should stop by one day and try some pieces on.”

Bianca: “I would love to do that! Maybe give you a little shoutout on social media to boost your sales.”

Ren lets out a flat laugh and then runs her fingers through her jet black hair, she forces a smile as she looks back at Bianca.

Ren: “Yes, you do have the followers so send them my way!” Ren clears her throat. “So I’m actually going to be doing a fashion show at Lauren Barnes’ charity event this weekend. You should totally come. You’ve meet her right?”

Bianca shakes her head.

Bianca: “I’ve actually never met her! I’ve heard the name before.”

Ren: “You’ll like her. She’s amazing and definitely someone to know in this town. I will say it’s super upper echelon, so I probably wouldn’t arrive in a Lamborghini or bring too much attention to yourself. Lauren’s events are very classy and dainty.”

Bianca chuckles and sets down her drink, revealing she has already drank half of her second flute of champagne. The camera zooms in on Ren’s barely touched glass sitting on the coffee table.

Bianca: “If a Lambo intimidates you, you probably aren’t my type of crowd.”

Ren: “You can ride with me and we can take an Uber XL! It’s more lowkey and everyone else is probably going to do the same.”

Bianca sighs.

Bianca: “I mean sure I guess…” Bianca picks up her glass again as Ren looks at her judgmentally. “I think my friend Cece is going to it too. She’s fairly new to Beverly Beach and I feel like this event will help her socialize a bit. Her husband is in the tech business and she sounds bored and alone all the time. She shrugs. “Plus she might be your type of people, I think she drives like a Prius or something.” Bianca laughs at her own joke.

Ren winces, unamused by the joke but still manages a weak laugh.

Ren: “Cece…mmm..I don’t know her personally but she kinda has a questionable reputation with some of my friends in the community. I’m not sure if that's the best idea.”

Bianca is typing madly on her phone, not paying attention to Ren. A few seconds later she looks up.

Bianca: “Oh…What? Really…? I just invited her via text!” Bianca holds up her phone and waves it a bit before showing Ren her text thread. “I’m sure she can handle her own. She’s a big girl. Besides, its all for charity right?”

Ren takes a big gulp of her champagne, polishing off her first glass.

Ren: “Well…I mean I guess it’s too late now after all.” Consuela rushes over and pours her another glass. Bianca raises an eyebrow. “Can’t wait to meet her.”

Bianca stands up and quickly pulls a sitting Ren in for a hug.

Bianca: “Cool! She’s quiet so maybe we can give her a few drinks to loosen her up.” Bianca winks and laughs then turns to walk towards the door. “See you soon!”

Ren’s voice can heard being said “What did I get myself into?” as aerial shots of her house are shown and the scene ends.

The shot follows a beautiful blacked out Range Rover pulling into a boujee shopping center parking lot. The camera then moves to the inside of the car to reveal Lauren as she puts her car in park. As she is unbuckling her seat belt she gets a ‘PING’ notification and picks up her phone.

The scene then switches to Olivia sitting at her desk in her modeling agency. She is typing furiously but suddenly stops when her phone suddenly makes a loud ‘PING’ as well.

Lauren’s Confessional: “So as I was going shopping to get a dress for my event, me and Olivia receive a group text from Ren.”

Olivia clears her throat as she holds her phone in her confessional, she starts to read the text.

Olivia’s Confessional: “I invited my associate Bianca to the event…

The screen then shows Lauren in her confessional with glasses on squinting down at her phone.

Lauren’s Confessional: “…she invited that girl Cece you guys were talking about. Be nice.

Olivia’s Confessional: “Xoxo Ren.Olivia looks up at the camera with an annoyed look. “I told Lauren.” She shrugs and takes a sip from a champagne flute.

Lauren’s Confessional: “Maybe Olivia was right about being careful around Ren. I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt…for now. Maybe she is just trying to be friendly to all the girls. But after that text she sent to me and Olivia, Ren is on my radar.”

A timelapse of the sun setting over Beverly Beach appears on the screen, the shot then follows a large black SUV driving through Ren’s neighborhood. A car cam shows Bianca Samuels and Cece Quinn sitting in the back seat, both ladies are touching up their makeup.

Bianca: “You ready to go into the lion's den?” Bianca finishes up her lipstick and looks over at Cece.

Cece: “From what you’ve told me, I’m not to worried. Intimidated by a car? Please.” She looks over and Bianca and snorts.

The car pulls into Ren’s driveway and the two girls get out. Dramatic electronic music plays as the two girls get out of the car and walk towards Ren’s door in slow motion. Both are wearing tight cocktail dresses and looking snatched. Bianca bangs on the door, Ren opens it second after.

Ren: “Welcome guys! Come in!” Ren turns around and leads the ladies down the hallway and into the kitchen. Consuela is already pouring three glasses of champagne.

Cece is looking all around the house and taking everything in.

Cece: “Oh my god, this house is beautiful. Also so nice to meet you.” Cece nervously laughs and extends a hand towards Ren. “I’m Cece Quinn.”

Ren eyes Cece up and down and nods slightly.

Ren’s Confessional: Wow. I’m surprised, Cece looks really great. Nothing like the trailer trash Lauren and Olivia described…”

Ren takes Cece’s hand and grins.

Ren: “Hi Cece, I’m Ren. Great to meet you.”

Cece: “Your home is perfection! How long have you been here?”

Bianca takes a sip from her champagne. Ren starts walking towards the living room and the two other ladies follow suit.

Ren: “I’ve been here almost two years. My husband Aaron and I wanted a place where we could comfortably start a family.”

Bianca: “You certainly picked the right place. I’m so glad me and the hubby decided to make the move recently as well.”

Cece: “I’m excited to be a newbie here as well. I’ve been here about a year, it’s tough to get in the social circles here.” She chuckles and drinks some of her champagne.

Ren and Bianca both nod in agreement.

Cece: “So have you guys had a chance to meet any of the other ladies yet?”

Ren: “Yeah! I’m friends with Lauren, she lives right down the road so we can legit get to her party in a minute. I also met Olivia through charity events and her and Lauren are really good friends. I actually had lunch with them the other day.”

Cece and Bianca give each other a look. Cece clears her throat.

Cece: “Oh… nice.”

Ren raises and eyebrow as Bianca bites her lip.

Ren acts as a voice over as we see the ladies finish up their pregame and walk out to the car to drive over to Lauren’s.

Ren’s Confessional: “I do really think that Olivia and Lauren are excellent contacts to have in BB but they have been a little bit harsh on Cece. They are very prim and proper which works well for me, but Cece and Bianca are a bit more on the ghetto fabulous side- if you will. I’m hoping I can bridge the gap between these two different groups tonight.”

Upbeat pop music plays as different angles of Lauren’s fabulous outside cocktail party are shown. Floods of people begin coming in. The camera follows Lauren as she quickly makes her way through the crowd, making sure to greet and thank everyone for coming. Olivia is at the bar ordering a drink when Lauren comes up behind her and playfully pinches her.

Lauren’s Party

Lauren: “Hey babe! Great turn out, yeah?”

Olivia turns around a bit surprised but then smiles.

Olivia: “Hi Lauren! This is quite lovely, I knew it would be. “

Lauren is about to say something before her eye catches Ren walking in with Bianca and Cece.

Lauren: “Looks like Ren showed up with her friends.” Lauren rolls her eyes and goes back to mingling with her guests.

About an hour goes by, the drinks are flowing and people are starting to get hungry. Lauren gathers everyone out the massive outdoor table. Her and Olivia sit on one side and Ren comes to sit across from them, Cece and Bianca in pursuit.

Ren: “Hey girls. I want to introduce you to my friends Bianca & Cece.” She walks back to her side of the table after giving Lauren & Olivia hugs.

Olivia: “We know Cece.” She fakes a smile.

Cece seemingly ignores Olivia’s comment.

Cece: “Hey there. So great to be here. Lauren, O M G! You look fabulous. Where did you get those shoes? I hope you can dance in those, I love to dance! Should we get some shots? Or is that frowned upon?”

Lauren’s Confessional: “Jesus christ, chill out and take some ADHD meds.”

Lauren looks a bit shocked at first but then manages to find her voice.

Lauren: “Oh uh… thanks…yes? No! Like Yes I can dance in them.” She snorts. “Uh… where did I get them? They’re Louboutins babe.”

Olivia’s Confessional: “Cece is so unbelievably tacky. I’m glad I am sitting at the opposite end of the table from her.”

Bianca: “Louboutins? Cute! Mine are Givenchy.” Bianca holds out her foot from under the table to show off her shoes.

Lauren’s Confessional: She rolls her eyes.

Lauren: “So Ren, are you all set for your show?”

Ren: She hurries to gulp down the water she was sipping, nodding her head. “Yes! I have so many amazing pieces to showcase, I was doing model fittings all day yesterday and it’s looking fantastic. The girls are inside right now getting prepped. They are walking after dinner!”

Bianca: “Oh sh*t!”, She is looking down at her phone. “Guy’s I’m really sorry I have to get running. My hubby is in the hospital. They said nothing serious but I really just gotta be there for him.”

The ladies all give their support and hug Bianca goodbye as she leaves the party.

Shots of the numerous waiters bringing out the first course, on the bottom of the screen there is a time stamp that says [8:30 P.M]. The camera does a quick montage of all the girls slamming down drinks and bartenders pouring and making drinks. There is now a time stamp of [9:03 P.M] at the bottom of the screen as the camera focuses in on the Housewives. Light conversation is heard between the Housewives and the camera zooms in in Olivia as she throws back the rest of her wine.

Olivia: “Cece!”

Cece breaks away from her conversation with Bianca and Ren and looks across the table at Olivia, Lauren sits next to Olivia and raises her eyebrow.

Olivia: “So… did you know i'm actually good friends with your husband’s ex wife!” Dramatic music starts playing as Olivia smirks a bit, Ren bites her lip and Lauren snaps her head to look over at Olivia.

Ren chugs the rest of her mojito. She raises a single finger.

Ren: “Bartender, SHOTS!”

Lauren’s Confessional: “Not at my event, agh!!!” She buries her head in her hands.

The Housewives all look at Cece for her response, she chokes a little on her drink clearly blindsided. The dramatic music intensifies as the camera goes from a smiling Olivia to Cece with her eyebrows raised.




Real Housewives of Beverly Beach
Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

Written by Real Housewives of Beverly Beach

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